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Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#2970 new idea

Allow only topic authors and users who can moderate to add/remove tags from a topic

Reported by: robkk's profile Robkk Owned by:
Milestone: Under Consideration Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 2.2
Component: Component - Topic Tags Keywords: 2nd-opinion dev-feedback


I believe regular participants shouldn't be able to just remove any topics existing tags, or that new users replying should be able to add any additional tags to a topic. Doesn't make sense to me.

I am not sure if this was a bug that was never identified before or normal behavior. I just feel it should be changed to what the title describes.

Yay or Nay Guys?

Change History (4)

#1 in reply to: ↑ description @netweb
9 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Under Consideration
  • Version changed from 2.5.9 to 2.2

Here's the current mapping for the user role Participant:

Replying to Robkk:

I believe regular participants shouldn't be able to just remove any topics existing tags

Participants shouldn't be able to remove, edit, or delete topic tags, if they can then this is a bug

Replying to Robkk:

or that new users replying should be able to add any additional tags to a topic. Doesn't make sense to me.

Participants can add topic tags though

Spammers frequently add spammy topic tags to replies though when spamming a reply the topic tags added by that reply should also be removed.

#2 @johnjamesjacoby
9 years ago

So... I bet this is by design, because of old bbPress. Consider how anyone can add the mod-look tag, etc...

The bug is currently that the caps don't accurately reflect the behavior of wp_set_object_terms().

#3 @johnjamesjacoby
9 years ago

Which is also to say, the current functionality to allow all users the ability to modify tags is intentional.

I do think that cascading these caps downwards, and restricting things like this to the capabilities of forum or topic "moderators" is a great idea, though!

#4 @johnjamesjacoby
5 years ago

Still think this is a good idea. I haven't thought about it in a while, but we should work this out for a future release.

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