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Changeset 5561

11/10/2014 11:21:48 PM (10 years ago)

Deprecate tabindex functions and their usages. Props joedolson. Fixes #2714.

20 edited


  • trunk/src/bbpress.php

    r5469 r5561  
    277277        $this->extend         = new stdClass(); // Plugins add data here
    278278        $this->errors         = new WP_Error(); // Feedback
     280        /** Deprecated ********************************************************/
    279282        $this->tab_index      = apply_filters( 'bbp_default_tab_index', 100 );
    280283    }
  • trunk/src/includes/admin/metaboxes.php

    r5510 r5561  
    356356            // Output-related
    357357            'select_id'          => 'parent_id',
    358             'tab'                => bbp_get_tab_index(),
    359358            'options_only'       => false,
    360359            'show_none'          => __( '— No parent —', 'bbpress' ),
    438437            // Output-related
    439438            'select_id'          => 'parent_id',
    440             'tab'                => bbp_get_tab_index(),
    441439            'options_only'       => false,
    442440            'show_none'          => __( '— No parent —', 'bbpress' ),
    508506                // Output-related
    509507                'select_id'          => 'bbp_forum_id',
    510                 'tab'                => bbp_get_tab_index(),
    511508                'options_only'       => false,
    512509                'show_none'          => __( '— No parent —', 'bbpress' ),
  • trunk/src/includes/common/template.php

    r5559 r5561  
    13211321 *
    13221322 * @since bbPress (r2810)
    1323  *
     1323 * @deprecated since version 2.6
     1324 * @link Trac Ticket
    13241325 * @param int $auto_increment Optional. Default true. Set to false to prevent
    13251326 *                             increment
    13371338     *
    13381339     * @since bbPress (r2810)
    1339      *
     1340     * @deprecated bbPress (r5560)
     1341     * @link Trac Ticket
    13401342     * @uses apply_filters Allows return value to be filtered
    13411343     * @param int $auto_increment Optional. Default true. Set to false to
    13891391     *             {@link BBP_Walker_Dropdown}
    13901392     *  - select_id: ID of the select box. Defaults to 'bbp_forum_id'
    1391      *  - tab: Tabindex value. False or integer
     1393     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex value. False or integer
    13921394     *  - options_only: Show only <options>? No <select>?
    13931395     *  - show_none: Boolean or String __( '(No Forum)', 'bbpress' )
    14291431            // Output-related
    14301432            'select_id'          => 'bbp_forum_id',
    1431             'tab'                => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     1433            'tab'                => false,
    14321434            'options_only'       => false,
    14331435            'show_none'          => false,
    17741776            'media_buttons'     => false,
    17751777            'textarea_rows'     => '12',
    1776             'tabindex'          => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     1778            'tabindex'          => false,
    17771779            'tabfocus_elements' => 'bbp_topic_title,bbp_topic_tags',
    17781780            'editor_class'      => 'bbp-the-content',
    18361838         * escaping the editable output, mucking up existing content.
    18371839         */
    1838         else : ?>
    1840             <textarea id="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['editor_class'] ); ?>" name="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" cols="60" rows="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['textarea_rows'] ); ?>" tabindex="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['tabindex'] ); ?>"><?php echo $post_content; ?></textarea>
     1840        else :
     1842            // Setup the tab index attribute
     1843            $tab = !empty( $r['tab'] ) ? ' tabindex="' . intval( $r['tab'] ) . '"' : ''; ?>
     1845            <textarea id="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['editor_class'] ); ?>" name="bbp_<?php echo esc_attr( $r['context'] ); ?>_content" cols="60" rows="<?php echo esc_attr( $r['textarea_rows'] ); ?>" <?php echo $tab; ?>><?php echo $post_content; ?></textarea>
    18421847        <?php endif;
  • trunk/src/includes/common/widgets.php

    r5498 r5561  
    9191                    <div class="bbp-username">
    9292                        <label for="user_login"><?php _e( 'Username', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    93                         <input type="text" name="log" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_login', 'text' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_login" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     93                        <input type="text" name="log" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_login', 'text' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_login" />
    9494                    </div>
    9696                    <div class="bbp-password">
    9797                        <label for="user_pass"><?php _e( 'Password', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    98                         <input type="password" name="pwd" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_pass', 'password' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_pass" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     98                        <input type="password" name="pwd" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_pass', 'password' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_pass" />
    9999                    </div>
    101101                    <div class="bbp-remember-me">
    102                         <input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="forever" <?php checked( bbp_get_sanitize_val( 'rememberme', 'checkbox' ), true, true ); ?> id="rememberme" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     102                        <input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="forever" <?php checked( bbp_get_sanitize_val( 'rememberme', 'checkbox' ), true, true ); ?> id="rememberme" />
    103103                        <label for="rememberme"><?php _e( 'Remember Me', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    104104                    </div>
    108108                        <?php do_action( 'login_form' ); ?>
    110                         <button type="submit" name="user-submit" id="user-submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Log In', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     110                        <button type="submit" name="user-submit" id="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Log In', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    112112                        <?php bbp_user_login_fields(); ?>
  • trunk/src/includes/forums/template.php

    r5559 r5561  
    24202420 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    24212421 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_forum_type
    2422  *  - tab: Tabindex
     2422 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    24232423 *  - forum_id: Forum id
    24242424 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    24352435     * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    24362436     *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_forum_type
    2437      *  - tab: Tabindex
     2437     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    24382438     *  - forum_id: Forum id
    24392439     *  - selected: Override the selected option
    24562456        $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    24572457            'select_id'    => 'bbp_forum_type',
    2458             'tab'          => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     2458            'tab'          => false,
    24592459            'forum_id'     => $forum_id,
    24602460            'selected'     => false
    25122512 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    25132513 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_forum_status
    2514  *  - tab: Tabindex
     2514 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    25152515 *  - forum_id: Forum id
    25162516 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    25272527     * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    25282528     *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_forum_status
    2529      *  - tab: Tabindex
     2529     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    25302530     *  - forum_id: Forum id
    25312531     *  - selected: Override the selected option
    25482548        $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    25492549            'select_id'    => 'bbp_forum_status',
    2550             'tab'          => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     2550            'tab'          => false,
    25512551            'forum_id'     => $forum_id,
    25522552            'selected'     => false
    26042604 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    26052605 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_forum_visibility
    2606  *  - tab: Tabindex
     2606 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    26072607 *  - forum_id: Forum id
    26082608 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    26192619     * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    26202620     *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_forum_visibility
    2621      *  - tab: Tabindex
     2621     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    26222622     *  - forum_id: Forum id
    26232623     *  - selected: Override the selected option
  • trunk/src/includes/replies/template.php

    r5559 r5561  
    27652765 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    27662766 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_reply_status
    2767  *  - tab: Tabindex
     2767 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    27682768 *  - reply_id: Reply id
    27692769 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    27832783     * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    27842784     *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_reply_status
    2785      *  - tab: Tabindex
     2785     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    27862786     *  - reply_id: Reply id
    27872787     *  - selected: Override the selected option
    27922792        $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    27932793            'select_id' => 'bbp_reply_status',
    2794             'tab'       => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     2794            'tab'       => false,
    27952795            'reply_id'  => 0,
    27962796            'selected'  => false
  • trunk/src/includes/topics/template.php

    r5559 r5561  
    32143214 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    32153215 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_stick_topic
    3216  *  - tab: Tabindex
     3216 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    32173217 *  - topic_id: Topic id
    32183218 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    32293229 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    32303230 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_stick_topic
    3231  *  - tab: Tabindex
     3231 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    32323232 *  - topic_id: Topic id
    32333233 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    32433243     * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    32443244     *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_stick_topic
    3245      *  - tab: Tabindex
     3245     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    32463246     *  - topic_id: Topic id
    32473247     *  - selected: Override the selected option
    32573257        $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    32583258            'select_id'    => 'bbp_stick_topic',
    3259             'tab'          => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     3259            'tab'          => false,
    32603260            'topic_id'     => 0,
    32613261            'selected'     => false
    33193319 * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    33203320 *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_topic_status
    3321  *  - tab: Tabindex
     3321 *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    33223322 *  - topic_id: Topic id
    33233323 *  - selected: Override the selected option
    33373337     * @param $args This function supports these arguments:
    33383338     *  - select_id: Select id. Defaults to bbp_topic_status
    3339      *  - tab: Tabindex
     3339     *  - tab: Deprecated. Tabindex
    33403340     *  - topic_id: Topic id
    33413341     *  - selected: Override the selected option
    33463346        $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    33473347            'select_id' => 'bbp_topic_status',
    3348             'tab'       => bbp_get_tab_index(),
     3348            'tab'       => false,
    33493349            'topic_id'  => 0,
    33503350            'selected'  => false
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-anonymous.php

    r5120 r5561  
    2121        <p>
    2222            <label for="bbp_anonymous_author"><?php _e( 'Name (required):', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    23             <input type="text" id="bbp_anonymous_author"  value="<?php bbp_author_display_name(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_anonymous_name" />
     23            <input type="text" id="bbp_anonymous_author"  value="<?php bbp_author_display_name(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_anonymous_name" />
    2424        </p>
    2626        <p>
    2727            <label for="bbp_anonymous_email"><?php _e( 'Mail (will not be published) (required):', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    28             <input type="text" id="bbp_anonymous_email"   value="<?php bbp_author_email(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_anonymous_email" />
     28            <input type="text" id="bbp_anonymous_email"   value="<?php bbp_author_email(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_anonymous_email" />
    2929        </p>
    3131        <p>
    3232            <label for="bbp_anonymous_website"><?php _e( 'Website:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    33             <input type="text" id="bbp_anonymous_website" value="<?php bbp_author_url(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_anonymous_website" />
     33            <input type="text" id="bbp_anonymous_website" value="<?php bbp_author_url(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_anonymous_website" />
    3434        </p>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-forum.php

    r5319 r5561  
    6666                    <p>
    6767                        <label for="bbp_forum_title"><?php printf( __( 'Forum Name (Maximum Length: %d):', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_title_max_length() ); ?></label><br />
    68                         <input type="text" id="bbp_forum_title" value="<?php bbp_form_forum_title(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_forum_title" maxlength="<?php bbp_title_max_length(); ?>" />
     68                        <input type="text" id="bbp_forum_title" value="<?php bbp_form_forum_title(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_forum_title" maxlength="<?php bbp_title_max_length(); ?>" />
    6969                    </p>
    136136                        <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before_forum_form_submit_button' ); ?>
    138                         <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_forum_submit" name="bbp_forum_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     138                        <button type="submit" id="bbp_forum_submit" name="bbp_forum_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    140140                        <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_after_forum_form_submit_button' ); ?>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-reply-move.php

    r5115 r5561  
    3939                            <div>
    40                                 <input name="bbp_reply_move_option" id="bbp_reply_move_option_reply" type="radio" checked="checked" value="topic" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     40                                <input name="bbp_reply_move_option" id="bbp_reply_move_option_reply" type="radio" checked="checked" value="topic" />
    4141                                <label for="bbp_reply_move_option_reply"><?php printf( __( 'New topic in <strong>%s</strong> titled:', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_forum_title( bbp_get_reply_forum_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ) ) ); ?></label>
    42                                 <input type="text" id="bbp_reply_move_destination_title" value="<?php printf( __( 'Moved: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_reply_title() ); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="35" name="bbp_reply_move_destination_title" />
     42                                <input type="text" id="bbp_reply_move_destination_title" value="<?php printf( __( 'Moved: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_reply_title() ); ?>" size="35" name="bbp_reply_move_destination_title" />
    4343                            </div>
    4747                                <div>
    48                                     <input name="bbp_reply_move_option" id="bbp_reply_move_option_existing" type="radio" value="existing" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     48                                    <input name="bbp_reply_move_option" id="bbp_reply_move_option_existing" type="radio" value="existing" />
    4949                                    <label for="bbp_reply_move_option_existing"><?php _e( 'Use an existing topic in this forum:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    7171                        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    72                             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_move_reply_submit" name="bbp_move_reply_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     72                            <button type="submit" id="bbp_move_reply_submit" name="bbp_move_reply_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    7373                        </div>
    7474                    </div>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-reply.php

    r5495 r5561  
    7474                        <p>
    7575                            <label for="bbp_topic_tags"><?php _e( 'Tags:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    76                             <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_tags(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" <?php disabled( bbp_is_topic_spam() ); ?> />
     76                            <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_tags(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" <?php disabled( bbp_is_topic_spam() ); ?> />
    7777                        </p>
    8787                        <p>
    89                             <input name="bbp_topic_subscription" id="bbp_topic_subscription" type="checkbox" value="bbp_subscribe"<?php bbp_form_topic_subscribed(); ?> tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     89                            <input name="bbp_topic_subscription" id="bbp_topic_subscription" type="checkbox" value="bbp_subscribe"<?php bbp_form_topic_subscribed(); ?> />
    9191                            <?php if ( bbp_is_reply_edit() && ( bbp_get_reply_author_id() !== bbp_get_current_user_id() ) ) : ?>
    135135                            <fieldset class="bbp-form">
    136136                                <legend>
    137                                     <input name="bbp_log_reply_edit" id="bbp_log_reply_edit" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php bbp_form_reply_log_edit(); ?> tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     137                                    <input name="bbp_log_reply_edit" id="bbp_log_reply_edit" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php bbp_form_reply_log_edit(); ?> />
    138138                                    <label for="bbp_log_reply_edit"><?php _e( 'Keep a log of this edit:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    139139                                </legend>
    141141                                <div>
    142142                                    <label for="bbp_reply_edit_reason"><?php printf( __( 'Optional reason for editing:', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_current_user_name() ); ?></label><br />
    143                                     <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_reply_edit_reason(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_reply_edit_reason" id="bbp_reply_edit_reason" />
     143                                    <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_reply_edit_reason(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_reply_edit_reason" id="bbp_reply_edit_reason" />
    144144                                </div>
    145145                            </fieldset>
    159159                        <?php bbp_cancel_reply_to_link(); ?>
    161                         <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_reply_submit" name="bbp_reply_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     161                        <button type="submit" id="bbp_reply_submit" name="bbp_reply_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    163163                        <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_after_reply_form_submit_button' ); ?>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-search.php

    r4999 r5561  
    1414        <label class="screen-reader-text hidden" for="bbp_search"><?php _e( 'Search for:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    1515        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="bbp-search-request" />
    16         <input tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_search_terms() ); ?>" name="bbp_search" id="bbp_search" />
    17         <input tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" class="button" type="submit" id="bbp_search_submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Search', 'bbpress' ); ?>" />
     16        <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_search_terms() ); ?>" name="bbp_search" id="bbp_search" />
     17        <input class="button" type="submit" id="bbp_search_submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Search', 'bbpress' ); ?>" />
    1818    </div>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-topic-merge.php

    r5482 r5561  
    6969                                <?php if ( bbp_is_subscriptions_active() ) : ?>
    71                                     <input name="bbp_topic_subscribers" id="bbp_topic_subscribers" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     71                                    <input name="bbp_topic_subscribers" id="bbp_topic_subscribers" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />
    7272                                    <label for="bbp_topic_subscribers"><?php _e( 'Merge topic subscribers', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    7474                                <?php endif; ?>
    76                                 <input name="bbp_topic_favoriters" id="bbp_topic_favoriters" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     76                                <input name="bbp_topic_favoriters" id="bbp_topic_favoriters" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />
    7777                                <label for="bbp_topic_favoriters"><?php _e( 'Merge topic favoriters', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    7979                                <?php if ( bbp_allow_topic_tags() ) : ?>
    81                                     <input name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     81                                    <input name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />
    8282                                    <label for="bbp_topic_tags"><?php _e( 'Merge topic tags', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    9393                        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    94                             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_merge_topic_submit" name="bbp_merge_topic_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     94                            <button type="submit" id="bbp_merge_topic_submit" name="bbp_merge_topic_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    9595                        </div>
    9696                    </div>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-topic-split.php

    r5313 r5561  
    3939                            <div>
    40                                 <input name="bbp_topic_split_option" id="bbp_topic_split_option_reply" type="radio" checked="checked" value="reply" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     40                                <input name="bbp_topic_split_option" id="bbp_topic_split_option_reply" type="radio" checked="checked" value="reply" />
    4141                                <label for="bbp_topic_split_option_reply"><?php printf( __( 'New topic in <strong>%s</strong> titled:', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_forum_title( bbp_get_topic_forum_id( bbp_get_topic_id() ) ) ); ?></label>
    42                                 <input type="text" id="bbp_topic_split_destination_title" value="<?php printf( __( 'Split: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_title() ); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="35" name="bbp_topic_split_destination_title" />
     42                                <input type="text" id="bbp_topic_split_destination_title" value="<?php printf( __( 'Split: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_title() ); ?>" size="35" name="bbp_topic_split_destination_title" />
    4343                            </div>
    4747                                <div>
    48                                     <input name="bbp_topic_split_option" id="bbp_topic_split_option_existing" type="radio" value="existing" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     48                                    <input name="bbp_topic_split_option" id="bbp_topic_split_option_existing" type="radio" value="existing" />
    4949                                    <label for="bbp_topic_split_option_existing"><?php _e( 'Use an existing topic in this forum:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    7373                                <?php if ( bbp_is_subscriptions_active() ) : ?>
    75                                     <input name="bbp_topic_subscribers" id="bbp_topic_subscribers" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     75                                    <input name="bbp_topic_subscribers" id="bbp_topic_subscribers" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />
    7676                                    <label for="bbp_topic_subscribers"><?php _e( 'Copy subscribers to the new topic', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    7878                                <?php endif; ?>
    80                                 <input name="bbp_topic_favoriters" id="bbp_topic_favoriters" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     80                                <input name="bbp_topic_favoriters" id="bbp_topic_favoriters" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />
    8181                                <label for="bbp_topic_favoriters"><?php _e( 'Copy favoriters to the new topic', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    8383                                <?php if ( bbp_allow_topic_tags() ) : ?>
    85                                     <input name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     85                                    <input name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />
    8686                                    <label for="bbp_topic_tags"><?php _e( 'Copy topic tags to the new topic', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    9797                        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    98                             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_merge_topic_submit" name="bbp_merge_topic_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     98                            <button type="submit" id="bbp_merge_topic_submit" name="bbp_merge_topic_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    9999                        </div>
    100100                    </div>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-topic-tag.php

    r5310 r5561  
    3434                    <div>
    3535                        <label for="tag-name"><?php _e( 'Name:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    36                         <input type="text" id="tag-name" name="tag-name" size="20" maxlength="40" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_topic_tag_name() ); ?>" />
     36                        <input type="text" id="tag-name" name="tag-name" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_topic_tag_name() ); ?>" />
    3737                    </div>
    3939                    <div>
    4040                        <label for="tag-slug"><?php _e( 'Slug:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    41                         <input type="text" id="tag-slug" name="tag-slug" size="20" maxlength="40" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( apply_filters( 'editable_slug', bbp_get_topic_tag_slug() ) ); ?>" />
     41                        <input type="text" id="tag-slug" name="tag-slug" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo esc_attr( apply_filters( 'editable_slug', bbp_get_topic_tag_slug() ) ); ?>" />
    4242                    </div>
    4444                    <div>
    4545                        <label for="tag-description"><?php _e( 'Description:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    46                         <input type="text" id="tag-description" name="tag-description" size="20" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_topic_tag_description( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '' ) ) ); ?>" />
     46                        <input type="text" id="tag-description" name="tag-description" size="20" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_topic_tag_description( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '' ) ) ); ?>" />
    4747                    </div>
    4949                    <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    50                         <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" class="button submit"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Update', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     50                        <button type="submit" class="button submit"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Update', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    5252                        <input type="hidden" name="tag-id" value="<?php bbp_topic_tag_id(); ?>" />
    7272                    <div>
    7373                        <label for="tag-existing-name"><?php _e( 'Existing tag:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    74                         <input type="text" id="tag-existing-name" name="tag-existing-name" size="22" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" maxlength="40" />
     74                        <input type="text" id="tag-existing-name" name="tag-existing-name" size="22" maxlength="40" />
    7575                    </div>
    7777                    <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    78                         <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" class="button submit" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo esc_js( sprintf( __( 'Are you sure you want to merge the "%s" tag into the tag you specified?', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_tag_name() ) ); ?>');"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Merge', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     78                        <button type="submit" class="button submit" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo esc_js( sprintf( __( 'Are you sure you want to merge the "%s" tag into the tag you specified?', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_tag_name() ) ); ?>');"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Merge', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    8080                        <input type="hidden" name="tag-id" value="<?php bbp_topic_tag_id(); ?>" />
    105105                        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    106                             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" class="button submit" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo esc_js( sprintf( __( 'Are you sure you want to delete the "%s" tag? This is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_tag_name() ) ); ?>');"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Delete', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     106                            <button type="submit" class="button submit" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo esc_js( sprintf( __( 'Are you sure you want to delete the "%s" tag? This is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_tag_name() ) ); ?>');"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Delete', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    108108                            <input type="hidden" name="tag-id" value="<?php bbp_topic_tag_id(); ?>" />
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-topic.php

    r5497 r5561  
    7777                    <p>
    7878                        <label for="bbp_topic_title"><?php printf( __( 'Topic Title (Maximum Length: %d):', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_title_max_length() ); ?></label><br />
    79                         <input type="text" id="bbp_topic_title" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_title(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_title" maxlength="<?php bbp_title_max_length(); ?>" />
     79                        <input type="text" id="bbp_topic_title" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_title(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_title" maxlength="<?php bbp_title_max_length(); ?>" />
    8080                    </p>
    103103                        <p>
    104104                            <label for="bbp_topic_tags"><?php _e( 'Topic Tags:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    105                             <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_tags(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" <?php disabled( bbp_is_topic_spam() ); ?> />
     105                            <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_tags(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_tags" id="bbp_topic_tags" <?php disabled( bbp_is_topic_spam() ); ?> />
    106106                        </p>
    162162                        <p>
    163                             <input name="bbp_topic_subscription" id="bbp_topic_subscription" type="checkbox" value="bbp_subscribe" <?php bbp_form_topic_subscribed(); ?> tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     163                            <input name="bbp_topic_subscription" id="bbp_topic_subscription" type="checkbox" value="bbp_subscribe" <?php bbp_form_topic_subscribed(); ?> />
    165165                            <?php if ( bbp_is_topic_edit() && ( bbp_get_topic_author_id() !== bbp_get_current_user_id() ) ) : ?>
    184184                        <fieldset class="bbp-form">
    185185                            <legend>
    186                                 <input name="bbp_log_topic_edit" id="bbp_log_topic_edit" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php bbp_form_topic_log_edit(); ?> tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     186                                <input name="bbp_log_topic_edit" id="bbp_log_topic_edit" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php bbp_form_topic_log_edit(); ?> />
    187187                                <label for="bbp_log_topic_edit"><?php _e( 'Keep a log of this edit:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label><br />
    188188                            </legend>
    190190                            <div>
    191191                                <label for="bbp_topic_edit_reason"><?php printf( __( 'Optional reason for editing:', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_current_user_name() ); ?></label><br />
    192                                 <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_edit_reason(); ?>" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_edit_reason" id="bbp_topic_edit_reason" />
     192                                <input type="text" value="<?php bbp_form_topic_edit_reason(); ?>" size="40" name="bbp_topic_edit_reason" id="bbp_topic_edit_reason" />
    193193                            </div>
    194194                        </fieldset>
    204204                        <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_form_submit_button' ); ?>
    206                         <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_topic_submit" name="bbp_topic_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     206                        <button type="submit" id="bbp_topic_submit" name="bbp_topic_submit" class="button submit"><?php _e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    208208                        <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_after_topic_form_submit_button' ); ?>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-user-edit.php

    r5035 r5561  
    2323        <div>
    2424            <label for="first_name"><?php _e( 'First Name', 'bbpress' ) ?></label>
    25             <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'first_name', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     25            <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'first_name', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" />
    2626        </div>
    2828        <div>
    2929            <label for="last_name"><?php _e( 'Last Name', 'bbpress' ) ?></label>
    30             <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'last_name', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     30            <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'last_name', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" />
    3131        </div>
    3333        <div>
    3434            <label for="nickname"><?php _e( 'Nickname', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    35             <input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'nickname', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     35            <input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'nickname', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" />
    3636        </div>
    5656        <div>
    5757            <label for="url"><?php _e( 'Website', 'bbpress' ) ?></label>
    58             <input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'user_url', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text code" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     58            <input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'user_url', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text code" />
    5959        </div>
    6363            <div>
    6464                <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>"><?php echo apply_filters( 'user_' . $name . '_label', $desc ); ?></label>
    65                 <input type="text" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( $name, 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     65                <input type="text" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( $name, 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" />
    6666            </div>
    8181        <div>
    8282            <label for="description"><?php _e( 'Biographical Info', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    83             <textarea name="description" id="description" rows="5" cols="30" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>"><?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'description', 'edit' ); ?></textarea>
     83            <textarea name="description" id="description" rows="5" cols="30"><?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'description', 'edit' ); ?></textarea>
    8484        </div>
    9797        <div>
    9898            <label for="user_login"><?php _e( 'Username', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    99             <input type="text" name="user_login" id="user_login" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'user_login', 'edit' ); ?>" disabled="disabled" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     99            <input type="text" name="user_login" id="user_login" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'user_login', 'edit' ); ?>" disabled="disabled" class="regular-text" />
    100100        </div>
    103103            <label for="email"><?php _e( 'Email', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    105             <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'user_email', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     105            <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'user_email', 'edit' ); ?>" class="regular-text" />
    107107            <?php
    124124            <label for="pass1"><?php _e( 'New Password', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    125125            <fieldset class="bbp-form password">
    126                 <input type="password" name="pass1" id="pass1" size="16" value="" autocomplete="off" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     126                <input type="password" name="pass1" id="pass1" size="16" value="" autocomplete="off" />
    127127                <span class="description"><?php _e( 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise leave this blank.', 'bbpress' ); ?></span>
    129                 <input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2" size="16" value="" autocomplete="off" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     129                <input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2" size="16" value="" autocomplete="off" />
    130130                <span class="description"><?php _e( 'Type your new password again.', 'bbpress' ); ?></span><br />
    153153                    <label for="super_admin"><?php _e( 'Network Role', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    154154                    <label>
    155                         <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="super_admin" name="super_admin"<?php checked( is_super_admin( bbp_get_displayed_user_id() ) ); ?> tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     155                        <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="super_admin" name="super_admin"<?php checked( is_super_admin( bbp_get_displayed_user_id() ) ); ?> />
    156156                        <?php _e( 'Grant this user super admin privileges for the Network.', 'bbpress' ); ?>
    157157                    </label>
    176176            <?php bbp_edit_user_form_fields(); ?>
    178             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" id="bbp_user_edit_submit" name="bbp_user_edit_submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php bbp_is_user_home_edit() ? _e( 'Update Profile', 'bbpress' ) : _e( 'Update User', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     178            <button type="submit" id="bbp_user_edit_submit" name="bbp_user_edit_submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php bbp_is_user_home_edit() ? _e( 'Update Profile', 'bbpress' ) : _e( 'Update User', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    179179        </div>
    180180    </fieldset>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-user-login.php

    r5241 r5561  
    1616        <div class="bbp-username">
    1717            <label for="user_login"><?php _e( 'Username', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    18             <input type="text" name="log" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_login', 'text' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_login" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     18            <input type="text" name="log" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_login', 'text' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_login" />
    1919        </div>
    2121        <div class="bbp-password">
    2222            <label for="user_pass"><?php _e( 'Password', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    23             <input type="password" name="pwd" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_pass', 'password' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_pass" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     23            <input type="password" name="pwd" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_pass', 'password' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_pass" />
    2424        </div>
    2626        <div class="bbp-remember-me">
    27             <input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="forever" <?php checked( bbp_get_sanitize_val( 'rememberme', 'checkbox' ) ); ?> id="rememberme" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     27            <input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="forever" <?php checked( bbp_get_sanitize_val( 'rememberme', 'checkbox' ) ); ?> id="rememberme" />
    2828            <label for="rememberme"><?php _e( 'Keep me signed in', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    2929        </div>
    3333        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    35             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" name="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Log In', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     35            <button type="submit" name="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Log In', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    3737            <?php bbp_user_login_fields(); ?>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-user-lost-pass.php

    r5241 r5561  
    1717            <p>
    1818                <label for="user_login" class="hide"><?php _e( 'Username or Email', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    19                 <input type="text" name="user_login" value="" size="20" id="user_login" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     19                <input type="text" name="user_login" value="" size="20" id="user_login" />
    2020            </p>
    2121        </div>
    2525        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    27             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" name="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Reset My Password', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     27            <button type="submit" name="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Reset My Password', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    2929            <?php bbp_user_lost_pass_fields(); ?>
  • trunk/src/templates/default/bbpress/form-user-register.php

    r5303 r5561  
    2323        <div class="bbp-username">
    2424            <label for="user_login"><?php _e( 'Username', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    25             <input type="text" name="user_login" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_login' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_login" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     25            <input type="text" name="user_login" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_login' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_login" />
    2626        </div>
    2828        <div class="bbp-email">
    2929            <label for="user_email"><?php _e( 'Email', 'bbpress' ); ?>: </label>
    30             <input type="text" name="user_email" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_email' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_email" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />
     30            <input type="text" name="user_email" value="<?php bbp_sanitize_val( 'user_email' ); ?>" size="20" id="user_email" />
    3131        </div>
    3535        <div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
    37             <button type="submit" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" name="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Register', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
     37            <button type="submit" name="user-submit" class="button submit user-submit"><?php _e( 'Register', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>
    3939            <?php bbp_user_register_fields(); ?>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.