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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 15 months ago

#2707 new enhancement

subscription emails with unsubscribe link

Reported by: tharsheblows's profile tharsheblows Owned by:
Milestone: 2.8 Priority: low
Severity: minor Version:
Component: API - Subscriptions Keywords: needs-patch
Cc: jjjay@…, robkk17@…


I've had a lot of issues with users not knowing how to unsubscribe from their subscription emails and have gotten quite worried about people marking them as spam (and eventually blacklisting my domain) instead of figuring out how to do it. Also, it's time consuming to explain how to do it, especially if they have forgotten their username and password.

The only thing is that to have a unique one-click unsubscribe link that works the same way as other emails they might get, I have to have the emails sent individually (like in 2.5.3) and know this causes problems for some people.

I'm using 2.5.3 because of this issue and just wrote something to manage it for myself. To work properly and not cause delays, it would need to queue the emails also -- I do understand the difficulty in doing that is why 2.5.4 moved to bcc, although bcc has its own problems.

But I wanted to mention because I can't be the only person who has to deal with this and thought that as the bcc issue is still active, I'd see what people thought now.

Attachments (1)

mjj-bbp-subscription.php (7.1 KB) - added by tharsheblows 10 years ago.
topic unsubscribe plugin (example)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

#1 @netweb
10 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 2.8

I think we can take a look at doing this in a future release, going to move this to 2.8 for now pending a patch.

I think this topic on the forums was also part of the background/thinking behind this.

#2 @tharsheblows
10 years ago

Oh yes, that was me, wasn't it. I had forgotten about that. Because I wasn't having the reloading issues, I ended up just making a new notify subscribers function in a plugin. Thus far it seems to be working ok but, again, it doesn't address the slow reply issues. I do need to figure out how to submit a patch, meant to do it earlier - it's been a very strange year.

10 years ago

topic unsubscribe plugin (example)

#3 @tharsheblows
10 years ago

  • Cc jjjay@… added

#4 @Robkk
9 years ago

  • Cc robkk17@… added

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by thelmachido. View the logs.

22 months ago

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