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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4820 matches)

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Results (301 - 400 of 4820)

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Changeset Author Message
[3751] johnjamesjacoby Use proper function in bbp_get_the_content(). Fixes #1731.
[4949] johnjamesjacoby Use printf() instead of echo'ing sprintf() in admin.php.
[3291] johnjamesjacoby Use pre_get_posts to filter out hidden forum content instead of using multiple calls to bbp_exclude_forum_ids(). This ensures that no hidden or private forum content leaks out into widgets, profiles, and views, and also limits the liability of future plugins from needing to exclude those forum_id's manually. The behavior of bbp_exclude_forum_ids() has changed to handle the gathering of forum ID's to be excluded, with the optional parameter to return results in different formats.
[3637] johnjamesjacoby Use pre-query-filters in shortcodes, and fix topic-tag query. Fixes #1687, props ptahdunbar for original patch.
[2543] johnjamesjacoby Use post_modified_time for now. Needs API.
[2683] johnjamesjacoby Use post_meta for topic freshness.
[4387] johnjamesjacoby Use options-general.php file in settings link in What's New and Credits pages. See #2018.
[3981] johnjamesjacoby Use non-echo template-tag for topics archive in bbp_has_topics. See: r3979.
[2875] johnjamesjacoby Use new bbp_author_link function in loop-bbp_forums.php, to show username and avatar of last forum post_id
[2794] johnjamesjacoby Use new action hooks for forum/topic/reply column headers
[2793] johnjamesjacoby Use new action hooks for forum/topic/reply column headers
[6124] johnjamesjacoby Use new `bbp_translate_role_name()` function in `bbp_get_dynamic_role_name()`. For 2.5 branch (2.5.11)
[2876] johnjamesjacoby Use more strict post_type check in bbp_get_forum_id. More renaming of last_active functions to last_active_time in bbp-forum-template.php. Introduce last_active_id functions. Introduce single forum description function.
[5204] johnjamesjacoby Use more intelligent calculation of path to url for style and script enqueueing.
[5236] johnjamesjacoby Use more explicit subscriptions functions for form output. Fixes #2493. (trunk)
[5237] johnjamesjacoby Use more explicit subscriptions functions for form output. Fixes #2493. (2.5 branch)
[3644] johnjamesjacoby Use is_main_query() in bbp_pre_get_posts() (for 2.1 which will be for WordPress 3.3 and higher)
[3628] johnjamesjacoby Use is_a() in bbp-twentyten/functions.php so class extension works correctly.
[4896] johnjamesjacoby Use implode() instead of join() through-out project. See #2331.
[3910] johnjamesjacoby Use get_users() in bbp_get_total_users() to avoid a direct database query. See #1826. Props tott.
[3676] johnjamesjacoby Use get_the_author_meta() rather than the $post global in topic and reply forms.
[2940] johnjamesjacoby Use get_posts() in bbp_has_topics() so stickies can try to hit the DB object cache. Also rejig the post_parent to use 'any' instead of '0' to avoid query conflicts, and set default $post_parent variable ahead of time.
[3571] johnjamesjacoby Use get_post_class() to fix premature echo of forum/topic/reply post classes. See #1650, r3543. (2.1)
[3543] johnjamesjacoby Use get_post_class() to fix premature echo of forum/topic/reply post classes. Fixes #1650.
[3414] johnjamesjacoby Use get_current_blog_id() rather than $wpdb->blogid
[4839] johnjamesjacoby Use feed_content_type() in feeds. See #2292.
[3353] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_url_raw() instead of sanitize_url() in bbp_get_topic_permalink()
[3158] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_sql in place of esc_url_raw for now, as esc_url_raw doesn't work correctly for single slugs.
[4958] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_html_e() in user template functions. See #1999.
[4959] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_html_e() in extensions. See #1999.
[4953] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_html__() instead of esc_attr__() is two common template functions.
[4768] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_attr_e() in form-search.php. Props paulgibbs. Fixes #2212.
[3824] johnjamesjacoby Use esc_attr__ where appropriate. See #1798.
[5111] johnjamesjacoby Use empty() instead of strict 'on' comparison in topics widget. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2319. (2.5)
[5112] johnjamesjacoby Use empty() instead of strict 'on' comparison in topics widget. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2319. (2.4.1)
[3459] johnjamesjacoby Use disabled() in topic and reply forms. Remove duplicate breadcrumbs on single reply edits. Fixes #1608. Props !GautamGupta.
[3514] johnjamesjacoby Use correct while loop format in single-reply-edit.php and single-topic-edit.php in bbp-twentyten. Props jghazally.
[5311] johnjamesjacoby Use correct uppercase type hinting for forum meta queries.
[2800] johnjamesjacoby Use correct table column when deleting terms. See #1353
[4386] johnjamesjacoby Use correct settings page link in What's New and Credits pages. See #2018.
[5239] johnjamesjacoby Use correct scheme strings in `bbp_verify_nonce_request()`. Fixes false negative bbPress-specific nonce checks in functions and methods that do not use WordPress's traditional nonce/die pairing. Fixes #2492. Props MZAWeb. (trunk)
[5238] johnjamesjacoby Use correct scheme strings in `bbp_verify_nonce_request()`. Fixes false negative bbPress-specific nonce checks in functions and methods that do not use WordPress's traditional nonce/die pairing. Fixes #2492. Props MZAWeb. (2.5 branch)
[3163] johnjamesjacoby Use correct return variable in bbp_suppress_private_author_link()
[3164] johnjamesjacoby Use correct return value in bbp_suppress_private_forum_meta()
[3747] johnjamesjacoby Use correct parent field attributes in bbp_forum_form_fields()
[4864] johnjamesjacoby Use correct filter names in bbp_is_user_deleted() and bbp_is_user_spammer(). Props alex-ye. Antiprops johnjamesjacoby. (trunk)
[4865] johnjamesjacoby Use correct filter names in bbp_is_user_deleted() and bbp_is_user_spammer(). Props alex-ye. Antiprops johnjamesjacoby. (2.3 branch)
[5304] johnjamesjacoby Use correct filter name in `bbp_get_forum_slug()`. Props netweb. Fixes #2525.
[6736] johnjamesjacoby Use correct filter key in `bbp_get_author_link()`. See r6735.
[4398] johnjamesjacoby Use correct database name/prefix in group-forum relationship tool. Props r-a-y. Fixes #2022.
[3560] johnjamesjacoby Use correct current_action() function in BuddyPress extension user_profile_url() method. Fixes incorrect URL's for Forum sub-actions.
[4399] johnjamesjacoby Use correct component, item_id, and secondary_item_id in group-forum activity. Props r-a-y. Fixes #2023.
[4863] johnjamesjacoby Use correct cache group in bbp_clean_post_cache(). Props wpdennis. Fixes #2312 (trunk)
[4862] johnjamesjacoby Use correct cache group in bbp_clean_post_cache(). Props wpdennis. Fixes #2312 (2.3 branch)
[2839] johnjamesjacoby Use correct bbp_user_profile_link function in login widget
[3793] johnjamesjacoby Use correct bbp_is_group_forums_active() function for BuddyPress Group Forum check.
[4702] johnjamesjacoby Use correct bbp_group_is_banned() function. Props r-a-y. Fixes #2150.
[4587] johnjamesjacoby Use correct bbp_get_time_since() function in _post_date() template tags for topics and replies. Fixes #2114.
[4955] johnjamesjacoby Use correct bbp_get_displayed_user_id() function in bbp_make_ham_user().
[4756] johnjamesjacoby Use correct bbPress version number in doing_it_wrong() usage in bbp_setup_current_user().
[2856] johnjamesjacoby Use correct author name function in replies widget
[5187] johnjamesjacoby Use correct array variable name in `bbp_get_current_anonymous_user_data()`. Fixes #2476. Props netweb.
[4776] johnjamesjacoby Use correct array key in BBP_Forums_Group_Extension::display_forums(). Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2215.
[5185] johnjamesjacoby Use correct anonymous post data array indexes in `akismet.php`. See #2476.
[5351] johnjamesjacoby Use correct `word-wrap` CSS property in `templates/default/bbpress.css`. Fixes problem with long author-names not wrapping correctly.
[2854] johnjamesjacoby Use correct _topic_ function to check user subscription status in form-bbp_reply.php in bbp-twentyten
[2919] johnjamesjacoby Use correct _last_active_time function. Props @wonderboymusic via Twitter.
[3272] johnjamesjacoby Use correct _get_ function in reply post rows. Fig a bug introduced in r3260.
[5342] netweb Use correct PHPUnit configuration file `phpunit.xml.dist` for Grunt task `grunt phpunit` * Props netweb. See #2542
[4617] johnjamesjacoby Use correct 'is-subscribed' class instead of 'is_subscribed' for subscriptions link.
[5107] johnjamesjacoby Use correct '_bbp_post_id' meta_key in converter callback_reply_to. Fixes incorrect mapping of converted hierarchical replies. Props netweb. Fixes #2439. (2.5)
[5108] johnjamesjacoby Use correct '_bbp_post_id' meta_key in converter callback_reply_to. Fixes incorrect mapping of converted hierarchical replies. Props netweb. Fixes #2439. (2.4.1)
[3578] johnjamesjacoby Use correct $user->ID variable and bbp_get_current_user_id() function in bbp_pre_get_posts().
[4010] johnjamesjacoby Use correct $the_post variable in bbp_is_custom_post_type(). See r4009.
[2869] johnjamesjacoby Use correct $parent_id variable name in bbp_get_public functions
[3935] johnjamesjacoby Use correct $default_post_status variable for sticky topics.
[4797] johnjamesjacoby Use correct $_user_id variable in user_can() check in bbp_is_user_keymaster(). Props imath. Fixes #2256.
[2515] johnjamesjacoby Use classes the right way, at least until php 5 support comes around
[4516] johnjamesjacoby Use bloginfo_rss() instead of get_option().
[3775] johnjamesjacoby Use bbpress() function and avoid creating a one-time variable in bbp_parse_request()
[3209] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_update_forum() in bbp_recount_rewalk() admin recount function. See #1534.
[3683] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_save_forum_extras() in forum metabox and cast 'parent_id' POST value as int. Also fix possible accidental assignments in bbp-forum.php.
[3748] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_redirect_to_field() in form_fields() functions. See #1669.
[3761] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_view_slug() in bbp_get_view_url(). See #1760.
[5078] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_topic_types() rather than compare to hardcoded array. Also switch from isset() to !empty() checks, and add an empty() check for 'sub_action' when toggling a topic.
[4921] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_search_url() in bbp_get_breadcrumb() so that it works without pretty permalinks. See #2337.
[3694] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_forum_visibility() instead of bbp_get_forum_status() in bbp_template_include_theme_compat(). Fixes #1731.
[3411] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_displayed_user_id() where applicable. Address issue where editing a user profile page would cause global error messages.
[3489] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_all_child_ids() instead of bbp_get_public_child_ids() in bbp_move_topic_handler(). Fixes #1627.
[5075] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_forum_content() instead of bbp_the_content() in loop-search-forum.php. Fixes missing forum description in search results. Props netweb. Fixes #2387.
[4994] johnjamesjacoby Use bbPress functions for getting the reply and topic author ID instead of using get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ). Allows for strict comparisons and uses bbPress's filters for the related functions.
[4957] johnjamesjacoby Use array_keys() in user option filter functions when looping through default user options.
[5472] johnjamesjacoby Use `wp_get_user_contact_methods()` in `bbp_get_user_contact_methods()`. See #2570.
[5590] johnjamesjacoby Use `sanitize_user()` in `bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass()` to ensure user login is within expected boundaries. See #2742.
[5589] johnjamesjacoby Use `sanitize_key()` in `topics/functions.php` to ensure values are within expected boundaries. See #2742.
[5592] johnjamesjacoby Use `sanitize_key()` in `forums/template.php` to ensure values are within expected boundaries. See #2742.
[5591] johnjamesjacoby Use `sanitize_key()` in `bbp_profile_update_role()` to ensure role value is within expected boundaries. See #2742.
[5587] johnjamesjacoby Use `sanitize_key()` in `bbp_post_request()` and `bbp_get_request()`, improving the predictability of possible actions. See #2742.
[5588] johnjamesjacoby Use `sanitize_key()` in `bbp_get_form_reply_status_dropdown()` to ensure value is within expected boundaries. See #2742.
[5640] netweb Use `preg_replace` over incorrect `ltrim` usage in `bbp_get_do_not_reply_address()` causing undeliverable or invalid subscription emails in certain situations because the "from" address was incorrect. Props DJPaul. See #2618 (trunk)
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