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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4788 matches)

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Results (1301 - 1400 of 4788)

Changeset Author Message
[5951] netweb Standardize `@since` PHPDoc tags style and format * e.g. `@since 2.6.0 bbPress (r5951) YOLO` * See This changeset updates the style and formatting of all of our `@since` instances for compatibility with phpDocumentor 2 and WP-Parser as we move toward implementing the bbPress developer code reference. Props thebrandonallen Fixes #2879
[5950] netweb Theme Compatibility: Add support for `singular.php` in the root template hierarchy. This changeset adds upport for the `singular.php` fallback template introduced in [WP22314] Props mercime Fixes #2868
[5949] netweb Users: In `BBP_Default::enqueue_scripts` remove rogue script dependency for single user edits This changeset removes the `user-query` dependency that was accidentally introduced in r5183 Props tharsheblows Fixes #2877
[5948] netweb Accessibility: Include input labels for field titles in bbPress settings This changeset aligns bbPress input label fields with current WordPress standard for improved accessibility Props ankit-k-gupta, thebrandonallen Fixes #2866
[5947] netweb Tests: Updated bbPress PHPUnit test suite compatibility with upstream WordPress changes. * [WP34802], [WP34803], [WP34807], and [WP34810] introduced `set_permalink_structure`, it's implementation broke bbPress', * [WP35244] `WP_UnitTest_Generator_Sequence` needs a static incrementer - otherwise, it assumes every test class is a reset, which it no longer is (it is now static), updated bbPress unit tests where explicitly set content and titles are required. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2883
[5946] netweb Users: Update `$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']` IP adress check to `` in `bbp_current_author_ip()` This changeset updates our unit tests and ensures compatability with WordPress test suite where in [WP34172] `$_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]` is now initialised during the test bootstrap so individual tests need not. Props thebrandonallen. See #2883.
[5945] netweb Core: Restore empty `$wp_filter[ $tag ]` check and update PHPDoc in `bbp_get_template_stack()` See #2871
[5944] netweb Core: Support for `WP_Hook` in `bbp_get_template_stack()` The proposed `WP_Hook` #WP17817 breaks backward compatibility for plugins that attempt to manipulate `$wp_filter` in certain ways. For bbPress, it means that we cannot directly modify the callbacks that are currently registered as an array at `$wp_filter[ $tag ]`, in `bbp_get_template_stack()`. Instead, when `WP_Hook` is not available, we assign the callbacks to a variable (leveraging `WP_Hook`'s `ArrayAccess`) and manipulate the variable. Props jbrinley. Fixes #2871
[5943] netweb Tests: Temorarily remove `fast_finish: true` from Travis CI configuration for now. Upstream: See also:
[5942] netweb Tests: Include WordPress 4.3 in Travis CI test matrix
[5941] netweb Tests: Use `assertEqualSets()` in: * `BBP_Tests_Forums_Functions_Query::test_bbp_forum_query_topic_ids` * `BBP_Tests_Forums_Functions_Query::test_bbp_forum_query_subforum_ids` This changeset improves array comparisons where that arrays may not be in the same order. Props thebrandonallen. See #2883
[5940] netweb i18n: Merge similar translation strings This changset brings consistency to failed warning strings in our repair tools and removes extra whitespace in two strings. This reduces the number of strings that our translation volunteers need to translate. Props ramiy. Fixes #2880
[5939] netweb Update `readme.txt` installation steps with correctly formatted markdown. (2.5 branch) This changeset fixes an issue where incorrectly formatted markdown list items would not display as expected in the plugin readme. Props ramiy. See #2884
[5938] netweb Update `readme.txt` installation steps with correctly formatted markdown. (trunk) This changeset fixes an issue where incorrectly formatted markdown list items would not display as expected in the plugin readme. Props ramiy. See #2884
[5937] netweb Bump tested-up-to version to 4.3. (2.5 branch)
[5936] netweb Bump tested-up-to version to 4.3. (trunk)
[5935] johnjamesjacoby Add Composer support. Fixes #2712.
[5934] netweb Tests: Fix incorrect assertion type in `test_bbp_forum_query_topic_ids()` and `test_bbp_forum_query_subforum_ids()`, also now includes topic meta for topics in `test_bbp_forum_query_topic_ids()()`
[5933] johnjamesjacoby Akismet: include title with content. Props cfinke. Fixes #2858.
[5932] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Swap `%d` for `%s` in `bbp_filter_dashboard_glance_items()`. This changeset fixes a bug causing numbers to be truncated at the first non-numeric character. Fixes #2857.
[5931] netweb Tests: Add topic and topic reply spam/unspam tests `test_bbp_spam_topic()`, `test_bbp_spam_topic_replies()`, `test_bbp_unspam_topic()`, and `test_bbp_unspam_topic_replies()` Props netweb. See #2494.
[5930] johnjamesjacoby Topics: sanity check `$_REQUEST` and introduce list-table methods for reply table-navigation. This changeset fixes a potential debug notice introduced in r5886, and removes unused functionality inherited from `WP_List_Table`. Fixes #2842. See #2587.
[5929] netweb Tests: Fix incorrect reply post date time assertion in `test_bbp_get_topic_last_active_time()`
[5928] netweb Tests: User subscription and user favorites tests in `BBP_Tests_Users_Functions_Subscriptions` and `BBP_Tests_Users_Functions_Favorites` Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2855.
[5927] netweb Build Tools: Update `grunt-contrib-uglify` to `v0.9.2` This changeset includes an update to the parent dependency UglifyJS v2.4.24 which fixes a bug that can cause logic bugs to be introduced into minified JS. Hat-tip pento. Fixes #2856.
[5926] johnjamesjacoby Favorites: Purge cache when adding/removing a favorite. This changeset fixes a bug where cache was not busted, causing incorrect results to be returned & displayed. Props thebrandonallen. See #2855.
[5925] netweb Tests: Ensure bbPress' custom post types posts are created with a unique GUID. Props tharsheblows, netweb. Fixes #2844, see also #WP5305 / wp:changeset:33630.
[5924] netweb Replies: Improve type-casting in `bbp_update_reply_topic_id()` missed in r5737 Props thebrandonallen. See #2801.
[5923] netweb Forums: Improve type-casting in forum functions. Props thebrandonallen. See #2801.
[5922] netweb Tests: Remove erroneous `bbp_clean_post_cache()` from `test_bbp_topic_new_reply_counts()` test
[5921] netweb Tests: Introduce generic tests to test forum counts with various new, spam, trash, and approve topic actions Props thebrandonallen. See #2801.
[5920] netweb Tests: Introduce generic tests to test topic counts with various new, spam, trash, delete, and approve reply actions Props thebrandonallen. See #2801.
[5919] netweb Tests: Use multiple replies in test `test_bbp_get_user_replies_created()`, this was accidently introcuced in r5890
[5918] netweb Forums: Updated PHPDocs and unit tests for `bbp_update_forum_last_*()` functions. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2811
[5917] netweb Topics: Return `string` in `bbp_update_forum_last_active_time()` Includes updated PHPdocs and unit tests for `bbp_update_topic_last_*()` functions. Props thebrandonallen. See #2811
[5916] netweb Tools: Include pending replies in the count when running the "Count pending, spammed, & trashed replies in each topic" repair tool This changeset ensures that pending replies are included in the topic meta `_bbp_reply_count_hidden` count after running the repair tool `bbp_admin_repair_topic_hidden_reply_count()`, includes unit tests. Props netweb. Fixes #2849
[5915] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_delete_topic_replies()` topics function test
[5914] netweb Tests: Don't use hardcoded `` domain is test assertions. This changeset allows the default domain used in tests to be overridden using `WP_TESTS_DOMAIN` in `wp-tests-config.php`
[5913] netweb Tools: Update `grunt-contrib-cssmin` to v0.13.0 Changelog: Testing `grunt cssmin` and related bbPress Grunt tasks show no issues with `grunt-contrib-cssmin` Note: Requires `npm install` to update dependencies See #2738
[5912] netweb Tools: Remove banners added to minified CSS files and simplified JS banner This changeset removes the banners that were previously added to minified CSS files as `grunt-contrib-cssmin` deprecated this in v0.11.0. The banner added to minified JS files has also been simplified by removing the time/date so that unnecessarily merges/updates do not trigger unneeded changes when using version control. The banner added to minified JS files is now static without the date/time, this fixes an issue where the minified file would always change because of the compiled date/time even when there were no code changes, this was causing unneeded changes when merging/updating when using version control external to bbPress. Props netweb. Fixes #2738
[5911] netweb Tools: RTL CSS generation: Switch from CSSJanus to RTLCSS * If you have used `grunt cssjanus` before, use `grunt rtlcss` now. * Requires `npm install` to update dependancies Props netweb. Fixes #2848, see #WP31332 and wp:changeset:31573
[5910] netweb Tests: Restore original testcase $_SERVER during teardown in `BBP_Tests_Core_Functions_BBPVerifyNonceRequest::during tearDown()`
[5909] johnjamesjacoby Add `@package` and `@subpackage` to file headers where missing; rename if inconsistent; move to bottom of PHPDoc blocks where appropriate. See #WP27262.
[5908] johnjamesjacoby Sniffer: Whitespace around variables in arrays.
[5907] johnjamesjacoby Common: bring `bbp_verify_nonce_request()` up to speed with improvments in BuddyPress. See #buddypress6528. Props r-a-y.
[5906] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Remove `@todo`s that are todone or todon'ts.
[5905] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Introduce `BBP_Forums_Group_Extension::update_group_forum_visibility()` to keep group forum visibility in alignment with BuddyPress Group visibility. This changeset ensures that when a BuddyPress Group's visibility changes, it's bbPress forum visibility changes along with it. This avoids a UX issue where Group visibility and Forum visibility could become misaligned when updating a Group. Props boonebgorges. Fixes #2599.
[5904] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Register color schemes based on bbPress plugin path vs. WordPress source. Fixes #2847.
[5903] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Do not register color schemes when running from source. This changeset prevents the color picker UI from appearing (and not working) when running WordPress from it's `/src` directory. See #2847.
[5902] johnjamesjacoby Users: Add tests for user permalink functions. Props thebrandonallen. See #2831.
[5901] johnjamesjacoby Topics: Add `edit_reply` capability check to "Edit" row-action link. See #2842.
[5900] johnjamesjacoby Users: Remove superfluous `home_url()` calls introduced in r5815. Also fixed: * Replaced `bbp_get_user_profile_url()` with `bbp_get_user_profile_edit_url()` in `bbp_user_profile_edit_link()` * Fixed `bbp_favorites_permalink()` by using `bbp_get_user_favorites_slug()` instead of `bbp_get_user_favorites_rewrite_id()` Props thebrandonallen. See #2831.
[5899] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Use `_admin_search_query()`. See #2841.
[5898] netweb Tests: Skeleton test placeholders for core abstraction function wrappers
[5897] netweb Tests: Initial unit tests for /includes/users/template.php Props netweb. See #2831
[5896] netweb Tests: If we add filters in tests, we need to also remove them for WordPress < 4.0 compatability Props thebrandonallen. See #2845
[5895] netweb Tests: Update PHPUnit bootstrap instructions for executing bbPress' BuddyPress tests Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2846
[5894] netweb Replies: Clarify inline doc surrounding `bbp_show_lead_topic()` in `bbp_get_reply_position()` This changest clarify's the docs on how `bbp_show_lead_topic()` affects a reply's menu order in a topics reply loop and determining the correct pagination of reply URL's. Includes unit tests for `bbp_reply_position()` and `bbp_get_reply_url()` Fixes #2845
[5893] netweb Topics: Fix incorrect PHPDoc references to `bbp_show_lead_topic()` in `bbp_display_topics_feed_rss2()` and `bbp_display_replies_feed_rss2()`
[5892] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Add `id` attribute to "Run" link. Props tharsheblows. See #2841.
[5891] netweb Replies: Remove previous `menu_order` default from `bbp_insert_reply()` missed in r5889 Antiprops netweb. See #2843.
[5890] netweb Tests: Update tests to always include a parent topic for replies This changeset ensures replies always have a parent topic which in turn ensures each reply is created with an accurate `menu_order` position. Fixes #2843
[5889] netweb Replies: Include replies menu order when creating replies with `bbp_insert_reply()` improving reply unit tests See #2843
[5888] netweb Bumps: Normalize type-casting in `bbp_bump_user_reply_count()` missed in r5732 See #2801
[5887] netweb Tests: Skeleton test placeholders for user options functions
[5886] johnjamesjacoby Topics: First pass at metabox for replies in single-topic edit * Includes `topic-replies` list-table class * Includes helper functions for hooking things in * Todo: cap checks or row-actions, maybe bulk-actions, formatting clean-up See #2842.
[5885] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Update "Repair Tools" to use a list-table UI: * Includes helper functions for: search, filtering, and bulk actions * Improves tool registration by including strings and feedback into an array stored in `bbpress()->admin->tools` * Introduces "Overhead" property for alerting Key Masters to the performance impact running each tool * Introduces "Components" properties for identifying which counts what tools are intersecting * Todo: use a `WP_List_Table` subclass (which bbPress has avoided needing until now) See #2841.
[5884] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Update `h2` to `h1` and remove `icon32` compatibility. This changeset improves accessibility and brings bbPress's admin area headers up to par with WordPress 4.3. Fixes #2840. See #WP31650.
[5883] netweb Installation: When creating initial content, use different times for forum, topic, and reply post times. This changeset builds on r5843 to allow improved tests in `test_bbp_create_initial_content()` of forum and topic last active times.
[5882] netweb Updated `_admin.scss` via WP:changeset:33067, WP:changeset:33284, WP:changeset:33285, WP:changeset:33289, WP:changeset:33409, and WP:changeset:33453 See #2583
[5881] netweb Tests: Remove debug fragment leftover in `test_bbp_get_topic_freshness_link()` missed in r5880
[5880] netweb Replies: In `bbp_update_reply_walker()` always update the topics last active time with `bbp_update_topic_last_active_time()` regardless of reply's published status. This changeset including unit tests ensures that when calling reply actions spam/unspam, trash/untrash, approve/unapprove the reply's parent topic's last active time is updated to the time of the last published reply. Props netweb. See #2838
[5879] netweb Tests: Various topic template tests for `BBP_Tests_Topics_Template_Topic`
[5878] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_get_topic_favorite_link()` topic templates test
[5877] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_approve_reply()` and `test_bbp_unapprove_reply()` reply functions tests
[5876] netweb Tests: Revert incorectly formatted PHPUnit `@covers` doc blocks that slipped in via r5875
[5875] netweb Tests: Various reply template tests for `BBP_Tests_Replies_Template_Reply`
[5874] netweb Tests: Various forum template tests for `BBP_Tests_Forums_Template_Forum_Last_Thing`
[5873] netweb Tests: Complete topic template tests in `BBP_Tests_Topics_Template_Get_Topic_Last_Thing`
[5872] netweb Tests: Include `bbp_get_forum_last_reply_id()` assertions in `test_bbp_get_forum_and_topic_last_topic_id_and_last_reply_id()` missed in r5844 See #2806
[5871] netweb Tests: Add forum last active id test `test_bbp_get_forum_last_active_id_with_pending_reply()`. This test tests the forums last active id to ensure replies with post status `pending` are not used as the forums last active id until the reply is approved. See #meta1140
[5870] netweb Tests: Add topic voice count test `test_bbp_get_topic_voice_count_with_pending_reply()`. This test tests the voice count of a topic to ensure replies with post status `pending` are not included in the voice count until approved. See #meta1140
[5869] netweb Travis-CI: Include WordPress v4.2 in test matrix
[5868] johnjamesjacoby Strings: prefer `&mdash;` over parenthesis when wrapping "No" style results. This changeset normalizes the strings used to pick the parent of a forum, topic, and reply. The `&mdash;` may be changed later to improve localization, but for now this provides a good balance of visual separation and familiar UX.
[5867] johnjamesjacoby Strings: Switch from "Freshness" to "Last Post" in the `default` theme-compatibility templates. This changeset updates the column header text used to describe the last activity of a forum/category or topic in bbPress's `default` theme-compatibility (which includes details beyond just the timestamp) making "Last Post" more contextually accurate compared to "Freshness" which still makes sense within the dashboard (which currently only shows the timestamp.) Fixes #2031.
[5866] johnjamesjacoby Prefer `current_filter()` over `current_action()` to maintain compatibility with WordPress versions older than 3.9. Fixes #2529.
[5865] netweb Tests: In `test_bbp_get_forum_freshness_link()` create posts using a concise post date/time. This changeset prevents the related unit test from incorrectly failing by ensuring that no content is created 1 second after any other.
[5864] netweb Travis-CI: Remove HHVM-Nightly, HHVM nightly packages for Ubuntu Precise have been discontinued.
[5863] netweb Tests: When creating posts that use date/time assertions use a concise post date/time. This changeset prevents the related unit test from incorrectly failing by ensuring that no content is created 1 second after any other.
[5862] netweb Moderators: Add missing @since PHPDoc missed in `bbp_map_forum_mod_meta_caps()` via r5834
[5861] netweb Tests: Remove unused test assertion `test_bbp_get_forum_last_reply_id()`
[5860] johnjamesjacoby Topics: fallback on `post_parent` in `bbp_update_topic_walker()`. This changeset fixes a bug where forum topic counts were not updated when topics were permanently deleted, causing hidden topic counts to be wildly inaccurate. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2529.
[5859] johnjamesjacoby Replies: fallback on `post_parent` in `bbp_update_reply_walker()`. This changeset fixes a bug where topic reply counts were not updated when replies were permanently deleted, causing hidden reply counts to be wildly inaccurate. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2529.
[5858] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Clean up post status concatenation in 2 queries. This changeset moves array of "hidden" type post-statuses into their own variable to better match existing usages. Fixes #2826.
[5857] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Check for missing activity component when looking for an activity stream item. This changeset fixes a bug that would result in duplicate activity stream items when editing a topic or reply. Props r-a-y. Fixes #2690.
[5856] johnjamesjacoby Forums: Introduce `bbp_update_forum_visibility` action in `bbp_save_forum_extras()` This changeset provides custom visibilites with an execution point to perform their own actions. Fixes #2740.
[5855] johnjamesjacoby Forums: Fix copy-pasta filter names. This changeset corrects filters used in 2 `apply_filters()` calls to properly match their function names. Props netweb. Fixes #2688.
[5854] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Add before & after hooks to user templates parts. This changeset makes it easier to add custom text & HTML before & after user details. Props netweb. Fixes #2537.
[5853] johnjamesjacoby Moderation: reduce moderation restriction from `keep-gate` to `moderate` in `bbp_check_for_moderation()`. This changeset ensures that moderators are able to bypass the forum moderation, seeing as how they can self-approve topics & replies anyways. Props netweb. Fixes #2726.
[5852] johnjamesjacoby Capabilities: add `delete_posts` mappings to `delete` topic & reply checks. This changeset ensures that capable users can delete their own topics & replies, when these capabilities are explicitly allowed already. Props netweb, gusrb84. Fixes #2685.
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