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Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#3027 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

Improved Mobile Responsiveness

Reported by: eric1985's profile eric1985 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 2.5.11
Component: Appearance - Theme Compatibility Keywords:


This is a follow-up to #1933.

The patch from ticket #1933 appears to no longer work. See -

Change History (4)

#1 @mercime
8 years ago

This is not a bbPress issue. Following were noted:

  1. A plugin or customization moved div.bbp-reply-content out of <li class="bbp-body"></li> which is required hook for the mobile style (max-width: 480px0
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-body div.bbp-topic-content, 
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-body div.bbp-reply-content {
      clear: both;
      margin: 10px;
      padding: 0;

  1. Remove the following custom style added. This is already covered in bbpress.css for desktop view.
#bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-content, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content {
  margin-left: 140px;
  padding: 0;
  text-align: left;
Version 0, edited 8 years ago by mercime (next)

#2 follow-up: @netweb
8 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback close added

Thanks @mercime, @eric1985 can you confirm this please?

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @eric1985
8 years ago

Replying to netweb:

Thanks @mercime, @eric1985 can you confirm this please?

Doing testing on the plugins now. No idea where the duplicate CSS may have come from. I checked the theme's custom bbPress CSS and it doesn't exist there. Any ideas based on past experience?

#4 @mercime
8 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch reporter-feedback close removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

@eric1985 The main issue is that div.bbp-reply-content was strangely moved out of <li class="bbp-body"></li> which is required for the mobile style (max-width: 480px)

Basic troubleshooting:

  1. Deactivate all bbPress add-on plugins (not bbPress), clear cache, and check if mobile view has been resolved.
  2. If that doesn't work, do # 1 and also change from your current theme to the Twenty Seventeen or Twenty Sixteen theme and check whether the mobile view has been corrected.

Closing this ticket. We can still continue the conversation here or better yet, at the bbPress support forums

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