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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#2717 new defect (bug)

Bug in " Recalculate private and hidden forums" repair tool

Reported by: kona's profile kona Owned by:
Milestone: Future Release Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 2.1
Component: Tools Keywords:


If I use the "Recalculate private and hidden forums" option in the relationship repair tools, users with role "Participant" can no longer see the topics in hidden forums. (The topic count listed for each private forum on the Forums page is correct, but when "Participant" users visit any individual private forum, they get the "Oops" message and see no topics. Moderators and above *can* see the topics.)

The topic visibility issue is repaired if you temporarily save each private forum as public, then restore it to private. However, re-using the "Recalculate private and hidden forums" tool afterwards will re-create the issue.

Change History (5)

#1 @kona
10 years ago

Just to add - the reason the topics weren't showing up is that, for Participant users, all private forums were being explicitly excluded from the matching topics search in the WP_Query metaquery. (They weren't being excluded for Moderators, Admins etc.)

#2 in reply to: ↑ description @netweb
10 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

Thanks for the ticket Kona, though everything is working as expected for me.

Replying to kona:

users with role "Participant" can no longer see the topics in hidden forums.

The above statement, users with the role "Participant" should NOT be able to see "hidden" forums in the first place so either before or after running this repair tool these users shouldn't be able to view hidden forums and this works as expected here for myself.

Replying to kona:

(The topic count listed for each private forum on the Forums page is correct, but when "Participant" users visit any individual private forum, they get the "Oops" message and see no topics. Moderators and above *can* see the topics.)

Now you've switched from reporting an issue about hidden forums to private forums?

I also do not see this issue, my "Participant" user see's accurate counts and accurate topic and reply content for both public and private forum contents both before and after running said repair tool.

Kona, was it private or hidden forums you have the issue with? Or both maybe? Any detailed steps to reproduce the issue would help also and we can then go from there :)

#3 @kona
10 years ago

All the forums on this installation are private (none are public or hidden.)

An error first emerged when my client added a new private forum and moved some old posts out of existing private forums and into the new one.

The post count on the Forums page was inaccurate after that (the transferred posts weren't showing up in the new Forum, which was showing 0 posts despite actually containing several.)

At that point, I ran all of the repair tools "just in case". This fixed the post count issue, but triggered the issue with participants not being able to see the Private forum posts. I guess, therefore, it may be one of the other repair tools that has created the conditions for the issue - which is now repeatable when I use the "Recalculate private and hidden forums tool" on its own.

Hope this helps!

Version 1, edited 10 years ago by kona (previous) (next) (diff)

#4 @netweb
10 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Under Consideration
  • Version changed from 2.5.4 to 2.1

#5 @netweb
10 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Under Consideration to Future Release

I've just been trying to test this to reproduce the issue and I cannot.

Here's my reproduction steps:

  1. Create two private forums
  2. Create a topic in one of the private forums
  3. Edit the topic via the front end and change the forum to the second private forum and save the topic
  4. Run the "Recalculate private and hidden forums" repair tool

Each step above a "participant" user was able to read the topic in the original forum before being moved, able to read the topic in the new forum after being moved, and able to read the topic in the new forum after running the repair tool.

With that said though, a new bug was found that I've added in #2850 where topics cannot be moved from one forum to another via the "back end" this indeed may also be the cause of the issue in this ticket.

For now I'm moving this to "future release" pending the outcome and fix in #2850

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