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Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#1774 new enhancement

Convert group forum slugs or tags to all contained posts

Reported by: sadr's profile Sadr Owned by:
Milestone: Future Release Priority: low
Severity: minor Version: 2.0
Component: API - Importers Keywords:


Our website uses groups as a replacement for boards. We would like to migrate our BuddyPress forum to bbPress 2.0. Now that tags are working we can cut down our board count from ~30 to 4, handling the remaining categorization with tags, such as ‘physics’, ‘android’, ‘networking’ and so forth.

Here's what I want to achieve:

All posts within

Will be moved to
and have the tag ‘physics’ applied to it.

All posts within

Will be moved to
and have the tag ‘effects’ applied to it.

I can think of 3 different ways to do this.

Option 1 - Step-by-step interface

The importer could have an interface that let you go through each to-be-imported group step by step, choosing:

  • Tag(s) to be applied to every post within that group.
  • Which forum (or a new one) to move the group’s posts to.

Considering some projects have hundreds of groups, it should be possible to skip this step-by-step process all together though.

Option 2 - Group slug to tag

Enable by checkbox.

Upon import, the slug of every group would be applied as a tag to all of its posts.

So for example
would apply the tag "troubleshooting-physics" to all of its posts.

This gives us the option of either renaming groups before import, or renaming tags post import.

Option 3 - Make posts inherit group's tags

Enable by checkbox.

Seeing as BuddyPress enables tags for groups, you could make all posts within a group inherit their group’s tag(s) upon import. That way we could preemptively apply the tag “physics” to our “Troubleshooting – Physics” group and so forth before importing.

Change History (3)

#1 @Sadr
13 years ago

  • Summary changed from Bulk to Convert group forum slugs or tags to all contained posts

#2 @johnjamesjacoby
13 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release

BuddyPress does not have tags for groups. There are tags for group forum topics, though.

I agree it would be neat to have this level of flexibility in the migration script. It's a little ambitious for the first iteration, though.

I'm going to move this and #1773 to future release. Both neat ideas, but won't make it for 2.1.

#3 @Sadr
13 years ago

Oh, I completely forgot that group tags was a plugin by dwenaus:

Thanks for the prompt response. Maybe we'll have a go at it ourselves in the meantime.

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