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{41} Google Code In (4 matches)

  • Tickets that explicitly marked as being involved in Google Code In
  • Provide a keyword of "gci" to show up on this list
Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Modified Keywords
#1366 Email Subscriptions General - Administration normal normal 2.0 task (blessed) 02/22/2024 gcin
#1346 Topic Status (open/closed/spam/trashed) Back-end normal normal 2.0 task (blessed) 01/04/2011 needs-patch, gcin
#1362 User Favorites General - Administration high normal 2.0 task (blessed) 12/03/2010 gcin
#1364 User Profiles General - Administration normal normal 2.0 task (blessed) 02/22/2024 gcin
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