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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4820 matches)

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Results (3701 - 3800 of 4820)

Changeset Author Message
[6258] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Add `ABSPATH` checks to default template parts. This helps avoid leaking error messages on certain server configurations, and ensures that if these individual PHP files are somehow accessed directly (without first loading WordPress) nothing unexpected will happen. See r5465.
[5854] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Add before & after hooks to user templates parts. This changeset makes it easier to add custom text & HTML before & after user details. Props netweb. Fixes #2537.
[6622] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Add form template parts for searching specifically for topics & replies. These have been in-use on for years, and will be useful in user-profiles soon. Also use `bbp_search_terms()` in `form-search.php` now that it's properly escaping output.
[5688] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Escape all gettext output in `default` template parts. See #1999.
[6343] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Localize topic ID and forum ID.
[5689] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Micro-optimizations: * Remove trailing `?>` tag in some template parts * Remove preceding `?> <?php` in some template parts, after phpdoc header * Remove whitespace where superfluous * Reduce number of indentations in some template parts
[6452] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Replace `the_permalink()` calls with more specific template tags. Resolves issue where BuddyPress group forums would collide with literal page IDs when not using theme-compat. Fixes #3030.
[7068] johnjamesjacoby Templates: avoid `$wp_query` global touches. This commit replaces direct `$wp_query` touches with calls to `bbp_get_wp_query()` which is designed for this purpose. Combined with the filter inside of `bbp_get_global_object()` this enables originally intended flexibility inside of the template stack. See #3334. For 2.6.15, branches/2.6.
[7069] johnjamesjacoby Templates: avoid `$wp_query` global touches. This commit replaces direct `$wp_query` touches with calls to `bbp_get_wp_query()` which is designed for this purpose. Combined with the filter inside of `bbp_get_global_object()` this enables originally intended flexibility inside of the template stack. See #3334. For 2.7, trunk.
[7067] johnjamesjacoby Templates: avoid possible fatal error in `is_bbpress()`. This commit confirms that the `$wp_query` global has been invoked before attempting to make comparisons against it. It also uses `_doing_it_wrong()` to alert developers to what is going on. Props r-a-y. Fixes #3334. For 2.6.15, branches/2.6.
[7066] johnjamesjacoby Templates: avoid possible fatal error in `is_bbpress()`. This commit confirms that the `$wp_query` global has been invoked before attempting to make comparisons against it. It also uses `_doing_it_wrong()` to alert developers to what is going on. Props r-a-y. Fixes #3334. For 2.7, trunk.
[6865] johnjamesjacoby Templates: call `bbp_get_post_types()` when parsing query args and setting template args. Fixes #3221. Props scmsteve.
[7260] johnjamesjacoby Templates: correct escaping on allowed HTML Tags form template parts. This change introduces a new template-part file: `form-allowed-tags.php` and uses it inside of the Forum, Topic, and Reply form template-parts. Additionally, the output is now properly escaped, which prevents unintentional escaping of the `<attr>` tag inside of the string. Fixes #3492. Props naxoc. In branches/2.6, for 2.6.10.
[6806] johnjamesjacoby Templates: remove `action` attribute from several forms. This improves support for third-party implementations (shortcodes, BuddyPress, etc...) because template parts can be called from anywhere. Fixes #3030.
[6409] johnjamesjacoby Templates: remove box-shadow styling on avatars and links. Improves styling with Twenty Seventeen theme.
[7259] johnjamesjacoby Templates: remove duplicate div from `content-archive-topic.php`. This change removes an unnecessary `bbp_allow_search()` call – as well as an extra `div.bbp-search-form` – from the Topic Archive template part. Fixes #3486. Props naxoc, arafatjamil01. In branches/2.6, for 2.6.10.
[6795] johnjamesjacoby Templates: revert r6641 due to reports of styling breakage. This reverts back to the 2.5-type behavior of always making sure bbPress styling & scripts are available on all theme-side pages. We will revisit this enhancement again in a future release. See #3138. Props robin-w.
[5616] netweb Temporarily (I hope) remove PHP 5.2 from tests being run on travis-ci Travis-ci has disabled PHP 5.2. This has happened before when 5.2 didn't compile and then was restored when that was fixed. See upstream issues: * #WP31244 * * See #2753
[5837] johnjamesjacoby Terms: Update functions for getting terms & term names to be more flexible & reusable by other functions. See #459.
[2707] johnjamesjacoby Test shorter topic-tag slug 'tag' for conflicts with WordPress core.
[5677] netweb Tests: Add PHPUnit factory's for topics and replies: * New class `BBP_UnitTest_Factory_For_Topic` for creating topics in PHPUnit tests * New class `BBP_UnitTest_Factory_For_Reply` for creating replies in PHPUnit tests
[6379] johnjamesjacoby Tests: Add XSS tests for topic titles. These are in addition to post-title tests already present in WordPress core, for cases where theme-side, user-generated content is more likely to be targeted by less-trustworthy users than Editors or Administrators.
[6022] netweb Tests: Add `@covers` annotations to `BBP_Tests_Common_Functions_Make_Clickable` tests
[6010] netweb Tests: Add `SpeedTrapListener` to `phpunit/includes` and add the config node to `phpunit.xml.dist`. This changeset via wp:changeset:35214 adds a PHPUnit TestListener that exposes the slowest running tests by outputting results to the console.
[5877] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_approve_reply()` and `test_bbp_unapprove_reply()` reply functions tests
[5915] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_delete_topic_replies()` topics function test
[6077] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_forum_query_last_reply_id()` See #2972
[6048] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_get_do_not_reply_address()` common functions reply email address test Props thebrandonallen Fixes #2822
[5878] netweb Tests: Add `test_bbp_get_topic_favorite_link()` topic templates test
[5965] netweb Tests: Add a parent forum category for each test in `::BBP_Tests_Forums_Template_Forum_Last_Thing` This changeset adds a parent category forum for each forum test to ensure hierarchal forum assertions are tested with parent/child forum relationships for the `bbp_get_forum_last_*()` template functions.
[5782] netweb Tests: Add admin tools test `test_bbp_admin_repair_forum_meta()` for `bbp_admin_repair_forum_meta()` Props netweb. See #2669
[5831] netweb Tests: Add admin tools test `test_bbp_admin_repair_topic_voice_count()` for `bbp_admin_repair_topic_voice_count()` Props netweb. See #2533
[5687] netweb Tests: Add factory support for parsing meta arguments from forum, topic, and reply `::create_object` factories in `BBP_UnitTestCase` testcases.
[6194] netweb Tests: Add favorite, topic subscriptions, and forum subscription upgrade tool tests. * `BBP_Tests_Admin_Tools::test_bbp_admin_upgrade_user_favorites` * `BBP_Tests_Admin_Tools::test_bbp_admin_upgrade_user_topic_subscriptions` * `BBP_Tests_Admin_Tools::test_bbp_admin_upgrade_user_forum_subscriptions` See #2959.
[5871] netweb Tests: Add forum last active id test `test_bbp_get_forum_last_active_id_with_pending_reply()`. This test tests the forums last active id to ensure replies with post status `pending` are not used as the forums last active id until the reply is approved. See #meta1140
[5773] netweb Tests: Add post meta test assertions to `test_bbp_create_initial_content()`, see #2805
[5746] netweb Tests: Add post type object and hierarchical test assertions for forum, topic and reply post types.
[6007] netweb Tests: Add recount forum replies repair tool test `test_bbp_admin_repair_forum_reply_count()`
[6009] netweb Tests: Add recount forum topics repair tool test `test_bbp_admin_repair_forum_topic_count()`
[5785] netweb Tests: Add test `test_bbp_update_topic_forum_id()` for `bbp_update_topic_forum_id()`
[5931] netweb Tests: Add topic and topic reply spam/unspam tests `test_bbp_spam_topic()`, `test_bbp_spam_topic_replies()`, `test_bbp_unspam_topic()`, and `test_bbp_unspam_topic_replies()` Props netweb. See #2494.
[5870] netweb Tests: Add topic voice count test `test_bbp_get_topic_voice_count_with_pending_reply()`. This test tests the voice count of a topic to ensure replies with post status `pending` are not included in the voice count until approved. See #meta1140
[6084] netweb Tests: Add user email, URL, IP, moderator, keymaster `bbp_check_for_moderation()` and `bbp_check_for_blacklist()` tests
[5769] netweb Tests: Added integer differential bump count assertions to `test_bbp_bump_topic_reply_count()` and `test_bbp_bump_topic_reply_count_hidden()` tests Props thebrandonallen. See #2801
[5779] netweb Tests: Adds forum, topic and reply insert function tests: * `test_bbp_insert_forum()` for `bbp_insert_forum()` * `test_bbp_insert_topic()` for `bbp_insert_topic()` * `test_bbp_insert_reply()` for `bbp_insert_reply()` Props netweb. Fixes #2805
[5701] netweb Tests: Author unit tests for `/includes/forums/template.php`
[5679] netweb Tests: Code formatting improvements to `BBP_UnitTestCase` * Remove whitespace surrounding array keys * Remove whitespace in cast statements * Whitespace beside `!` operators * Yoda conditions
[5873] netweb Tests: Complete topic template tests in `BBP_Tests_Topics_Template_Get_Topic_Last_Thing`
[5713] netweb Tests: Core Update initial pass unit tests for /includes/core/update.php
[5914] netweb Tests: Don't use hardcoded `` domain is test assertions. This changeset allows the default domain used in tests to be overridden using `WP_TESTS_DOMAIN` in `wp-tests-config.php`
[5925] netweb Tests: Ensure bbPress' custom post types posts are created with a unique GUID. Props tharsheblows, netweb. Fixes #2844, see also #WP5305 / wp:changeset:33630.
[5706] johnjamesjacoby Tests: Fix all of the tests but 2, which are todo's. See r5703.
[5968] netweb Tests: Fix copy pasta class name in `@covers` annotation in `test_bbp_admin_repair_forum_topic_count()`
[5715] netweb Tests: Fix copy pasta in forums count functions tests: * `test_bbp_update_forum_topic_count_hidden()` * `test_bbp_update_forum_reply_count()`
[5756] netweb Tests: Fix duplicate `@group` annotation for topic tags template function tests
[5955] netweb Tests: Fix failing `BBP_Tests_Topics_Functions_Update_Topic_Last_Thing` tests * Pass the active id as the 2nd parameter to `bbp_update_topic_last_active_id()` in `test_bbp_update_topic_last_active_id()` * Pass the reply id as the 2nd parameter to `bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id()` in `test_bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id()` This fixes the current two failing unit tests by passing what should be optional paremeters to their respceptive functions. See #1799, [5954]
[5777] netweb Tests: Fix failing test `test_bbp_update_forum_topic_count()` Props thebrandonallen. See #2801
[5710] netweb Tests: Fix forums functions tests: * Fix `test_bbp_bump_forum_topic_count_hidden` per r5709 * Replace some debug comments in `test_bbp_update_forum_topic_count`
[5934] netweb Tests: Fix incorrect assertion type in `test_bbp_forum_query_topic_ids()` and `test_bbp_forum_query_subforum_ids()`, also now includes topic meta for topics in `test_bbp_forum_query_topic_ids()()`
[5929] netweb Tests: Fix incorrect reply post date time assertion in `test_bbp_get_topic_last_active_time()`
[5708] johnjamesjacoby Tests: Fix more of the tests. See r5703.
[6030] netweb Tests: Following [6010] Add SpeedTrapListener to `buddypress.xml` and `multisite.xml` PHPUnit configuration files
[6080] netweb Tests: Following r6078 update tests in `::BBP_Tests_Users_Template_User` to use single user slug `users` See #2983
[5707] netweb Tests: Forum counts and query functions `/includes/forums/functions.php`
[5997] netweb Tests: Forum meta keys created with our Factory::create methods should not be prefixed with `_bbp_` Props thebrandonallen. Fixes 2926.
[5721] netweb Tests: Forum template tests: * Skip forum URL tests in multisite for now, we need a more robust permalink test setup first. * Remove a couple of poorly architected tests so our tests pass
[5702] netweb Tests: Forum unit tests for `/includes/forums/template.php`
[5896] netweb Tests: If we add filters in tests, we need to also remove them for WordPress < 4.0 compatability Props thebrandonallen. See #2845
[6423] netweb Tests: Improve `test_bbp_get_forum_last_reply_id()` test performance. No need to query for the last reply ID as we already knew what to expect.t. See #3108. Props thebrandonallen.
[6088] netweb Tests: Improve `test_bbp_update_topic_last_active_id()` tests. This changeset adds a passing reply id only test for `bbp_update_topic_last_active_id()`
[6011] netweb Tests: Improve test performance by reducing the number of topics and replies created in `test_bbp_forum_trashed_untrashed_topic_counts()` and `test_bbp_forum_spammed_unspammed_topic_counts()` tests
[5766] netweb Tests: Improved performance and use `bbp_clean_post_cache()` in topics template counts function tests Props thebrandonallen. See #2081
[5767] netweb Tests: Improved performance of forum component count template function tests Props thebrandonallen. See #2801
[5741] netweb Tests: Improved performance of user component count function tests, now 33⅓% faster Props thebrandonallen. See #2081
[5962] netweb Tests: Improved private and hidden status forum permalink tests in `test_bbp_get_forum_permalink()` This changeset improves `test_bbp_get_forum_permalink()` tests by adding assertions for `private` and `hidden` posts statuses with hierarchal nested forum URL's using `bbp_get_forum_permalink()`. This regression was introduced with WordPress 4.4 in [wordpress:changeset:34001] See: #WP35804
[6031] netweb Tests: In PHPUnit bootstrap check if the `BP_TESTS_DIR` constant is first defined before attempting to load BuddyPress PHPunit `testcase.php`
[5865] netweb Tests: In `test_bbp_get_forum_freshness_link()` create posts using a concise post date/time. This changeset prevents the related unit test from incorrectly failing by ensuring that no content is created 1 second after any other.
[5942] netweb Tests: Include WordPress 4.3 in Travis CI test matrix
[5872] netweb Tests: Include `bbp_get_forum_last_reply_id()` assertions in `test_bbp_get_forum_and_topic_last_topic_id_and_last_reply_id()` missed in r5844 See #2806
[6004] netweb Tests: Include forum category and forum category meta in `test_bbp_insert_forum()` This changeset improves `bbp_insert_forum()` testing using hierarchical category/forum (parent/child) forums post and post meta integrity.
[6006] netweb Tests: Include forum category tests in `bbp_*_forum_*_count()` template functions. This changeset improves forum template count tests adding category total topic and total reply counts which are calculated differently to forum topic and reply counts. See #1799
[5966] netweb Tests: Include missing forum meta from category forums added in r5965
[6083] netweb Tests: Initial `bbp_check_for_blacklist()` tests
[6082] netweb Tests: Initial `bbp_check_for_moderation()` tests
[5897] netweb Tests: Initial unit tests for /includes/users/template.php Props netweb. See #2831
[5700] netweb Tests: Initial unit tests for `/includes/forums/template.php`
[5703] netweb Tests: Initial unit tests for users component * User counts functions `/includes/users/functions.php` and `/includes/users/options.php` * User favorites skeleton tests placeholder functions * User subscriptions skeleton tests placeholder functions * User counts template functions `/includes/users/template.php`
[5921] netweb Tests: Introduce generic tests to test forum counts with various new, spam, trash, and approve topic actions Props thebrandonallen. See #2801.
[5920] netweb Tests: Introduce generic tests to test topic counts with various new, spam, trash, delete, and approve reply actions Props thebrandonallen. See #2801.
[6053] netweb Tests: Introduce tests for the cache functions. Props thebrandonallen. See #2813
[5953] netweb Tests: More tests for the common component query functions: * `test_bbp_query_post_parent__in()` for `bbp_query_post_parent__in()` * `test_bbp_get_public_child_last_id()` for `bbp_get_public_child_last_id()` See #1799
[6231] netweb Tests: Rely on WP Core's version of `go_to()`. Our version of `go_to()`, inherited from BuddyPress was very messy, and since it was copied a few years ago, it has been refactored in WordPress. We can remove this duplication which makes for a cleaner method, and rely on the upstream version. This also helps avoid false positives in tools that check for use of deprecated WordPress functions. There was a conditional block in the old go_to() that was for compatibility with WordPress <3.9. See also: buddypress:changeset:11254 Fixes #3015. Props DJPaul, netweb.
[5678] netweb Tests: Remove `bbp_create_initial_content()` from `tests/phpunit/includes/install.php` * WordPress' test suite resets post and taxonomy content between each test via `WP_UnitTestCase::setUp`
[5719] netweb Tests: Remove copy pasta parameters to fix topic count tests * Manually flush the cache, our setup/teardown needs more work here. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2796
[6584] johnjamesjacoby Tests: Remove debug cruft from r6583.
[5881] netweb Tests: Remove debug fragment leftover in `test_bbp_get_topic_freshness_link()` missed in r5880
[5922] netweb Tests: Remove erroneous `bbp_clean_post_cache()` from `test_bbp_topic_new_reply_counts()` test
[5789] netweb Tests: Remove erroneous assertion in `test_bbp_get_all_child_ids()`
[5755] netweb Tests: Remove incorrect class prefix from `@covers` annotations in user functions tests
[5794] netweb Tests: Remove instances of `bbp_clean_post_cache()` no longer required in topic template counts tests Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2812
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