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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (2901 - 3000 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[6853] johnjamesjacoby Permalinks: merge root-slug usage into whichever is shown on root. This change removes the double-archive juggle of having both forums and topics available as archives at the same time, which is traditionally not desirable.
[5574] netweb Phorum importer: Include Subscribed Topics Props netweb. See #2668
[5434] johnjamesjacoby Phpdoc corrections to topic dropdown functions.
[3800] johnjamesjacoby Pinking shears on bbp-extend-buddypress.php. See #1669.
[3833] johnjamesjacoby Pinking shears on bbpress.php.
[4969] johnjamesjacoby Pluralize user settings ID to match existing naming conventions.
[5248] johnjamesjacoby Port Dashicons support from trunk to 2.5 branch, for 2.5.3. Includes updated color schemes.
[5610] johnjamesjacoby Port PHPUnit testing setup from BuddyPress. More to clean up here later. Also adds 1 test to check for `bbpress()` function availability. See #2542.
[3847] nacin Port [3794], [3795] from trunk to branches/1.1.
[3850] johnjamesjacoby Port r3737 and part r3750 into 2.0 branch. * Cast parent as integer in bbp_get_forum_ancestors() * Remove forum ID from hidden/private arrays when setting to public
[4265] johnjamesjacoby Post Ancestors: * Cast return value of get_post_ancestors() as an array. * Check if results of get_post_ancestors() are empty before attempting to iterate through them. * Fixes issues with looping through orphaned forum content. A rare, but possible occurrence.
[7192] johnjamesjacoby Post Statuses: Audit forum/topic/reply, new/edit handlers. This change normalizes the approaches between post types and actions, to ensure predictable behavior and avoid PHP notices from undefined status variables in certain situations. It also adds a capability check to the `bbp_topic_status` condition, so that it is not engaged when the UI was not exposed in the posted form. Props dd32. In branches/2.6 for 2.6.7. Fixes #3420.
[7191] johnjamesjacoby Post Statuses: Audit forum/topic/reply, new/edit handlers. This change normalizes the approaches between post types and actions, to ensure predictable behavior and avoid PHP notices from undefined status variables in certain situations. It also adds a capability check to the `bbp_topic_status` condition, so that it is not engaged when the UI was not exposed in the posted form. Props dd32. In trunk for 2.7.0. See #3420.
[4156] johnjamesjacoby Post Time: * Introduce template tags for topic and reply post time. * Includes param for auto-humanizing. * Fixes theme-compat issues with core date/time template-tags by always supplying a trusted post ID. If one is not available, something has gone horribly wrong now.
[4157] johnjamesjacoby Post Time: * Use new post-time template-tags in appropriate bbp-theme-compat templates.
[4158] johnjamesjacoby Post Time: * Use new post-time template-tags in appropriate bbp-twentyten templates.
[6850] johnjamesjacoby Post Types: replace literal post type strings with functional wrappers. This fills in a few gaps where filtered post type names would not be used.
[4509] johnjamesjacoby Posting: * Fix bug causing forum/topic/reply content not to be retained when an error occurs. * Fixes #2057.
[7276] johnjamesjacoby Posts: strip "Protected/Private" for bbPress post types This change prevents post title hints from being prepended to titles of Forums, Topics, or Replies, which was happening as a consequence of calling `get_the_title()` which assumes every protected/private post title needs it. It does this by including the following code changes: * introduce the `bbp_no_title_status_hints()` filter function, which hooks into 2 WordPress filters and maybe overrides the return value * replace a few `get_the_title()` calls with `get_post_field( 'post_title' )` to bypass the above filters when they would never be desirable Committer note: this could be considered a small back-compat break (because it alters long-standing theme-side output) but ultimately it is a design decision to output all of the forum content as it was saved by the community members. Forums that prefer the old behavior can unhook `bbp_no_title_status_hints` and continue to customize child template parts to insert custom forum status hints. Fixes #3602.
[4989] johnjamesjacoby Practice late escaping in bbp_get_dropdown() to make it more clear that attributes are escaped.
[5866] johnjamesjacoby Prefer `current_filter()` over `current_action()` to maintain compatibility with WordPress versions older than 3.9. Fixes #2529.
[6819] johnjamesjacoby Prefer `sanitize_html_class()` over `esc_attr()`. This change uses the correct formatting function in places where potentially untrusted class strings are ran through `array_map()`.
[2630] johnjamesjacoby Prefix core meta with underscore inside recount functions
[3123] johnjamesjacoby Prefix topic and reply author classes with #content for theme compatibility.
[3145] johnjamesjacoby Prefix various files in bbp-includes folder with 'core' to identify them as required core files. Update bbpress.php to point to these new filenames.
[4664] johnjamesjacoby Preformatted blocks do not need top margin; it's trumped by the preceding paragraph tag.
[5506] johnjamesjacoby Preliminary function support for un/approving replies. Props netweb. See #2645.
[5503] johnjamesjacoby Preliminary function support for un/approving topics. Props netweb. See #2645.
[4771] johnjamesjacoby Preliminary support for WordPress 3.6 slash approach. (For easier on-going development.)
[5507] johnjamesjacoby Preliminary template support for un/approving replies. Props netweb. See #2645.
[5504] johnjamesjacoby Preliminary template support for un/approving topics. Props netweb. See #2645.
[4706] johnjamesjacoby Prepare $username in bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass(). Props Maty.
[4709] johnjamesjacoby Prepare $username in bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass(). Props Maty. (2.2 branch)
[4735] johnjamesjacoby Prepare query in bbp_check_for_duplicate(). See #2185.
[4707] johnjamesjacoby Prepare query variables in converter callbacks. Also add some brackets for readability. Props Maty.
[4710] johnjamesjacoby Prepare query variables in converter callbacks. Also add some brackets for readability. Props Maty. (2.2 branch)
[2680] johnjamesjacoby Prepare walker class. Improved paginated reply url links. Rename bbp_reply_topic function to bbp_reply_topic_title.
[3127] johnjamesjacoby Prevent "create topic" form from showing if current user cannot create topics or there are no public forums to create topics in. Fixes #1443.
[3038] johnjamesjacoby Prevent comment form from appearing on intercepted theme compat template pages.
[4246] johnjamesjacoby Prevent double escaping of $post_content when editing topics and replies, and add phpdoc block to remind everyone not to put it back again.
[2959] johnjamesjacoby Prevent double separators in certain conditions where other plugins may also be attempting to add them.
[5393] johnjamesjacoby Prevent empty array value in `bbp_get_reply_ancestors()`. See #2617.
[2915] johnjamesjacoby Prevent fatal error on WordPress 3.0 installs from $wp_query not being setup before this loop is created.
[3125] johnjamesjacoby Prevent forum and topic ID's from being poisoned by functions that attempt to make calculations out of turn. Also prevent incorrect assignment of parent topic and forum ID's when posting from admin area. Fixes #1433.
[3259] johnjamesjacoby Prevent forum root in breadcrumb if viewing a page in place of the forum archive.
[3602] johnjamesjacoby Prevent guest users from editing topics and replies if anonymous posting is active. See #1678. (2.0)
[3600] johnjamesjacoby Prevent guest users from editing topics and replies if anonymous posting is active. See #1678. (2.1)
[3070] johnjamesjacoby Prevent hr styling from applying to admin area
[3076] johnjamesjacoby Prevent login from hi-jacking wp-login.php
[5042] johnjamesjacoby Prevent nested shortcodes if used inside bbPress post_content. Reverts r4976. See #2343.
[5608] johnjamesjacoby Prevent notices and warnings when template stack is empty. Fixes #2749.
[3286] johnjamesjacoby Prevent poisoning of forum/topic/reply data when marking posts as trash/spam. Fixes issue where anonymous user data would get purged when post status was changed from an admin area post-row.
[3580] johnjamesjacoby Prevent possible debug notice in bbp_get_breadcrumb()
[2820] johnjamesjacoby Prevent possible variable not set notice (branch)
[2821] johnjamesjacoby Prevent possible variable not set notice (trunk)
[3665] johnjamesjacoby Prevent shortcodes from stomping globals too early. Fixes #1717.
[7182] johnjamesjacoby Profiles: fix incorrect target for "locale" label. This commit fixes a copy & paste error, where the "locale" label was targeting the "url" input instead of the language select. In branches/2.6 for 2.6.7. Fixes #3387.
[7181] johnjamesjacoby Profiles: fix incorrect target for "locale" label. This commit fixes a copy & paste error, where the "locale" label was targeting the "url" input instead of the language select. In trunk for 2.7.0. See #3387.
[3307] johnjamesjacoby Proper singular/plural bases for capability_type in forum/topic/reply CPT's.
[2774] johnjamesjacoby Proper version compare check.
[2739] johnjamesjacoby Properly prepare bb_get_forum. Fixes #1414. Props nbachiyski.
[2536] chrishajer Properly update version in
[5180] netweb Protect topic and reply author link calls from non-existant users. Props jondavidjohn. Fixes #2381
[5575] netweb PunBB importer: Include Subscribed Forums and Subscribed Topics Props netweb. See #2668
[4652] johnjamesjacoby Put a more positive spin on our usage of magic methods in the bbPress class.
[5275] johnjamesjacoby Put back root files from previous reorg revert. See #2542.
[3333] johnjamesjacoby Put main actions into a loop. Fix incorrect filter on bbp_edit ID. Rename main register_textdomain function back to load_textdomain to match existing conventions.
[4031] johnjamesjacoby Queries: * Allow bbp_is_query_name() to accept empty values, similar to get_query_var(). * See #1865.
[4183] johnjamesjacoby Queries: * Remove query name settings from BBP_Shortcodes. * No longer used.
[4194] johnjamesjacoby Queries: * Revert r4183 as it's still needed for shortcodes and _is_ functions. * Fix incorrect ob_start() method in display_breadcrumb().
[5858] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Clean up post status concatenation in 2 queries. This changeset moves array of "hidden" type post-statuses into their own variable to better match existing usages. Fixes #2826.
[6410] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Deprecate `bbp_query_post_parent__in()` in the 2.5 branch. 4.7 is the minimum WordPress version, so we can support `post_parent__not_in` directly. See #2832.
[6503] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Remove `author_name` query variable setting when viewing profiles. This is a relic from the days when profiles included blog posts (2010 era.) This should be safe to remove, based on the following assessments: * Blog posts are no longer included in profiles * Setting `author_name` or `author` query-vars will cause `is_author()` to be set to `true` * `is_author()` should not return true in the context of bbPress profile pages * The `author_name` query-var is not used again later in bbPress - the `displayed_user` variable is instead See for additional context.
[5820] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Remove `post_parent__in` query-parameter filter. This commit removes the `bbp_query_post_parent__in()` filter that was introduced in r2996, and uses WordPress core's built in query parameters introduced in #WP11056. Fixes #2832.
[6289] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Return empty array if no parent ID or no post-type are passed. See #3059.
[6434] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Update `orderby` clauses of last-id queries to ensure more accurate results, specifically for imported forums and posts where IDs and `post_date` columns might be inverted. Also update a few tests to be less cranky with exact array results. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3108.
[6219] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Use `no_found_rows` where relevant. This prevents `SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS` usages in places where it is not used. Fixes #2972.
[6612] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Use new `object_type` over old `post_type`. When `bbp_get_user_object_ids()` was introduced, some helpers did not get updated to use the new argument key. This change fixes that, and fixes failing tests in the process. Note that these tests are testing new & unused helper functions for 2.6, so it's unlikely any noticable problems occurred from these being broken.
[6607] johnjamesjacoby Queries: `nopaging` audit. * In r6506 the `nopaging` query argument was added to various queries to avoid paginating results when it wasn't necessary. This resulted in a few queries (widgets mainly) not obeying their specific settings. * In #3123, other inconsistencies in our query arguments were uncovered, triggering the need to audit our query usages and equalize them once again. This change brings all queries back to par with one another, specifically in regards to `posts_per_page => -1` style queries, and queries where filters can be suppressed and meta/term caches should not be primed. It also groups together the `get_user_object_ids` functions. These are now unused in bbPress proper, though were previously useful before the engagements API was in place. These queries are considered too inefficient to rely upon in large-scale applications, but are included to provide filterable wrappers should someone need them, or should we need to bring them back later. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3123.
[4899] johnjamesjacoby Query clean-up: * Move implode() calls out of queries and replace with variables. * Audit IN queries and implode/explode for wp_parse_id_list() usages. * See #2331.
[6643] johnjamesjacoby Query: use `NOT IN` strategy in `bbp_get_all_child_ids()` This ensures that only specific post-statuses are explicitly excluded from "all child IDs" type queries, where previously post-statuses needed to be specifically defined. See #3128.
[6685] johnjamesjacoby Query: use `NOT IN` strategy in `bbp_get_all_child_ids()` This ensures that only specific post-statuses are explicitly excluded from "all child IDs" type queries, where previously post-statuses needed to be specifically defined. See #3128. Fixes #3140. 2.5 branch, for 2.5.14.
[2898] johnjamesjacoby Quick post_id sanity check in anonymous_metabox.
[6510] johnjamesjacoby RC 1, not 3. See r6509.
[3588] johnjamesjacoby RTL CSS fixes. Props ramiy. Fixes #1654.
[4619] johnjamesjacoby RTL CSS tweaks for search. See #1575.
[4621] johnjamesjacoby RTL improvements for pagination arrows and breadcrumb order. See #2124.
[5166] johnjamesjacoby RTLove. Props netweb, alex-ye. Fixes #2385.
[5359] johnjamesjacoby Re-alphabetize grunt packages and update keywords in `package.json`.
[5425] netweb Re-factor importing closed topics to import the closed status and update the closed topic post and post meta status using `bbp_close_topic()`. See #2577
[6689] johnjamesjacoby Read-me & Humans updates: * Add Sergey & Pippin * Add dates to changelog * Consolidate 2.0.0 betas into one release * Update plugin descriptions
[7202] johnjamesjacoby Readme: Bump "tested up to" to 5.8.
[7201] johnjamesjacoby Readme: Bump "tested up to" to 5.8.
[7093] johnjamesjacoby Readme: Bump stable tag and group "Requires" headers together. In trunk, for 2.7.0.
[7219] johnjamesjacoby Readme: Bump stable tag, and add missing header meta. (Also updates build tool dependencies.)
[4500] johnjamesjacoby Rearrange $wpdb global usage in bbp_check_for_duplicate().
[2571] johnjamesjacoby Rearrange _id logic to account for sub-forums and hierarchical replies.
[3752] johnjamesjacoby Rearrange filtering of $forum_parent_id in bbp_new_forum_handler(). See #1669.
[2633] johnjamesjacoby Rearrange recount items to be top-down forums, topics, replies
[3212] johnjamesjacoby Rearrange settings in bbp_add_options() into more accurate sections.
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