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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (2701 - 2800 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[6407] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Another performance optimization in `bbp_is_user_forum_moderator()`. Use `bbp_is_object_of_user()` directly, and clean-up local variable reassignments.
[5834] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: First pass at per-forum moderators. This commit introduces a powerful feature commonly found in other popular forum software that has been on our wishlist for nearly 9 years. It includes the following changes: * Custom `forum-mod` taxonomy for assigning user nicenames to forum IDs * Associated functions for defining capabilities, labels, etc... * New capability filters for ensuring forum moderators have the ability to moderate forums even without the `moderator` role assignment * New option for toggling the entire feature on/off (on by default) Props jmdodd, netweb. See #459.
[6563] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Introduce "Super Moderators" setting. This change introduces the option (and default off value), admin setting and UI for toggling it on and off. A "Super Moderator" is a moderator with the ability to also edit users, a commonly requested and popular feature in other forum software. The use-case is that user accounts may be spammers and need to be moderated beyond just their topics & replies, but the `edit_users` capability is reserved for Administrators (or Super Admins in multisite.) This setting will act as the global on/off to the deeper implementation of this feature.
[5835] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Introduce `none` argument for topic-tags & forum-mods list functions. This change allows for passing text or HTML to output if no taxonomy terms are found, and uses this new functionality in `wp-admin` to show per-forum moderators in the list-table column, also reducing code duplication. See #459.
[5838] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Introduce functions for theme-side setting & getting of forum mods for `form-forum.php`. See #459.
[6406] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Performance optimization in `bbp_is_user_forum_moderator()`. Rather than query for all forums a user can moderate, query for the users that can moderate the forum. This data is likely already hot in the meta-data cache from forums being loaded previously, and eliminates the need to query for forum IDs that are unrelated to the one being checked.
[6455] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Prefer `sanitize_title` over `trim`. See #3097.
[6056] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Refactor per-forum moderators to use meta-data instead of mocked taxonomy terms. If the future of Forums is a taxonomy (vs. a custom post-type) then a per-forum Moderator taxonomy for a Forum taxonomy won't work very well, for a few reasons: * Scalability * Taxonomies for taxonomies is a bit more inception than should be required for this simple feature * Forum moderators do not require much of what taxonomy objects provide (permalinks, visibility, metadata, etc...) * User taxonomy terms matching nicenames works okay for something like Automattic's P2 theme, but bbPress requires a user ID based solution to avoid data synchronization issues between nicenames & term slugs So... the future of per-forum per-user capability mappings is in meta-data using `map_meta_cap`. This commit: * Removes the `forum_mod` taxonomy and surrounding code additions introduced in the first pass in r5834 * Renames `forum_mod` functions to `forum_moderator` to be more explicit * Adds CRUD wrapper functions for per-forum moderator meta data * Adds administrative interfaces for assigning moderators to forums for `wp-admin` and forum `edit` pages * Adds helper functions for getting user nicenames & IDs Note that this feature has now been refactored to no longer be forum specific (I.E. object agnostic) -- it's possible for any user access to be mapped based on the object type using any meta-data key. While this is currently useful for per-forum moderators, it may be user for per-topic blocking, per-topic-tag moderation, etc... See #459.
[5839] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Rename `bbp_get_forum_mod_ids()` to `bbp_get_forum_moderator_ids()` to better match unabbreviated forum equivalent. Also update phpdoc & refactor some logic to use cached functions. See #459.
[6454] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Trim usernames after they're exploded. Resolves an issue where spaces in the comma separated usernames field would result in skipping that user. Fixes #3097.
[6221] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Update `bbp_get_moderator_forum_ids()` to use same approach as favs/subs. See #459, #2959, #2972.
[6032] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: pass current forum/topic/reply ID into `moderate` capability checks, providing additional context about what's being moderated so more targeted decisions can be made. See #459.
[5285] johnjamesjacoby More Grunt improvements: * Fixes CSS & JS admin folder path for `BBP_RTL_CSS`, `BBP_LTR_CSS` & `BBP_JS` in Gruntfile.js * Removes Mint & Evergreen CSS (including RTL) to use Mint & Evergreen SCSS * Adds `_admin.scss`, `_mixins.scss`, `_variables.scss` via ([ /trunk/src/wp-admin/css/colors]) to build our Mint & Evergreen admin themes * Adds `/includes/admin/styles/evergreen/colors.scss` & `/includes/admin/styles/mint/colors.scss` via [ 2288dcd5b5 MP6 GitHub Repo Changset] * Adds support in Gruntfile.js to build minified and RTL Mint & Evergreen CSS * Adds `grunt-sass` `~0.10.0` to `package.json` to build Mint & Evergreen CSS from SCSS source * Reinstates minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for minified Mint & Evergreen CSS * Adds minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for admin javascript & frontend javascript Props netweb. See #2542.
[5344] netweb More Grunt updates * Adds `uglify:dynamic` to `grunt uglify` so that `grunt watch` -> `watch:js` tasks can dynamicly minify Javascript files with the `grunt watch` task. * Improved inline documentation for grunt jshint task. * Props netweb. See #2542
[5294] netweb More Grunt updates, fixes `grunt watch` task not RTL'ing or minifying CSS files. * Use explicit CSS file names, avoids ambiguous LTR CSS (avoids LTR = `*.css` including `bbpress-rtl.css`) * Remove `cssmin:colors` and include Mint and Evergreen CSS minification in `cssmin:core` * Remove `cssjanus:colors` and include Mint and Evergreen RTL CSS in `cssjanus:core` * Use `BUILD_DIR` (not `SOURCE_DIR`) to compile RTL CSS `cssjanus` * Use `BUILD_DIR` (not `SOURCE_DIR`) to compile and LTR & RTL minified CSS with `cssmin` * Add Grunt tasks `cssjanus:core`, `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` to `grunt watch` -> `watch:colors` task * Add Grunt tasks `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` to `grunt watch` -> `watch:rtl` task * Reorders `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` tasks to firstly copy `bbpress.css`, and `admin.css`, then create Mint and Evergreen CSS using `colors` , then RTL all the CSS with `cssjanus:core`, then minify all the CSS with `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` * Props netweb. See #2542
[5293] johnjamesjacoby More Grunt updates: * Add `_n_noop` to `grunt-pot` keyword check * Remove grunt task `test` as PHPUnit tests are covered by grunt task `phpunit` * Add grunt task `jstest` to run javascript tasks * Add `grunt-checktextdomain` to `package.json` to check for missing or incorrect text-domain in gettext functions. See * Adds grunt task `checktextdomain` to `grunt build-release` * Checks for the following keywords: `__:1,2d`, `_e:1,2d`, `_x:1,2c,3d`, `_n:1,2,4d`, `_ex:1,2c,3d`, `_nx:1,2,4c,5d`, `esc_attr__:1,2d`, `esc_attr_e:1,2d`, `esc_attr_x:1,2c,3d`, `esc_html__:1,2d`, `esc_html_e:1,2d`, `esc_html_x:1,2c,3d`, `_n_noop:1,2,3d`, `_nx_noop:1,2,3c,4d` * Props netweb. See #2542.
[5295] netweb More Grunt: Switch from `grunt-pot` to `grunt-wp-i18n` * Remove `grunt-pot` from `package.json` * Add `grunt-wp-i18n` to `package.json` * Adds grunt task `grunt makebot` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` * Creates `bbpress.pot` in `/build` * Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[3057] johnjamesjacoby More adjustments for theme compatability layer. Rejigs the bbp_load_template function to also have theme compatability. Introduces bbp_user_can_view_forum() function as a method to check the scope of a users ability to view private/hidden forums, topics, and replies.
[3100] johnjamesjacoby More aggressive CSS on topic/reply revision log for theme compat
[3851] johnjamesjacoby More aggressively check private and hidden forums when changing forum status. (2.0 branch)
[3852] johnjamesjacoby More aggressively check private and hidden forums when changing forum status. (plugin branch)
[2509] johnjamesjacoby More bbp_loader.php cleanup. Move activation/deactivation/uninstall sequence functions into loader class.
[2971] johnjamesjacoby More clean-up to bbp_pre_get_posts. Fixes #1450.
[5040] johnjamesjacoby More esc_url() improvements, and practice late-escaping where we were otherwise passing around escaped URL variables. See #2367.
[6387] johnjamesjacoby More graceful handling of the `$post` global in `bbp_get_global_post_field()`.
[5289] johnjamesjacoby More grunt updates: * Add RTL, minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for bbPress admin CSS. * Add RTL, minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for bbPress default theme-compat CSS. * RTL bbPress CSS is now compiled with cssjanus. (`bbpress-rtl.css` file removed) * Props netweb. See #2542.
[5326] netweb More grunt updates: * Add `grunt-patch-wordpress` to `package.json` * Adds grunt task `grunt patch` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` * Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies * Full instructions * Props jorbin. See #2542
[5333] netweb More grunt updates: * Include bbPress version via `package.json` in the 'banner' of minified CSS & JS files * Include current date and time (UTC) in the 'banner' of minified CSS & JS files * Props netweb. See #2542
[5031] johnjamesjacoby More improvements to responsive CSS. Props mercime. Fixes #1933.
[4590] johnjamesjacoby More precise list-item CSS. See #2113.
[2885] johnjamesjacoby More renaming of last_active to last_active_time, this time in bbp-admin.php
[2879] johnjamesjacoby More renaming of last_active to last_active_time, this time in bbp-wdigets. Also use enhanced bbp_reply_author_link function to include user gravatar.
[3180] johnjamesjacoby More security sweep and code clean-up through bbp-topic-functions.php. Also fix incorrect variable usage in bbp_update_topic_reply_count() and bbp_update_topic_last_active_time(). See #1514.
[3136] johnjamesjacoby More security sweep and final code clean-up on bbp-topic-functions.php. See #1514.
[5335] johnjamesjacoby More specific CSS selector on closed topics to only target lists of topics, not single topic views. See r2962.
[4641] johnjamesjacoby More thorough regex for pre and code tags and HTML entities. Props Corey Worrell. See #1967.
[3091] johnjamesjacoby More tweaks to avatar styling. Revert r3089/r3090 in favor of something specific to bbPress templates and widgets that guess at container ID's, since some themes are very specific about their avatar positioning.
[3147] johnjamesjacoby More tweaks to the readme.txt
[5091] johnjamesjacoby More updated "About" text for 2.4.
[3424] johnjamesjacoby More useful phpDoc for bbp_sanitize_val() and bbp_get_sanitize_val()
[3672] johnjamesjacoby More verbose descriptions and whitespace clean-up in bbp-core-hooks.php.
[4988] johnjamesjacoby Move $postarr arrays into their respective calls to wp_update_post().
[3012] johnjamesjacoby Move 'bbp_register_textdomain' to priority 2 on 'bbp_init' action. Fixes #1497. Props !GautamGupta for original patch.
[3689] johnjamesjacoby Move 'bbp_setup_current_user' action off of 'bbp_init' and onto 'set_current_user.' See #1722.
[3427] johnjamesjacoby Move 'bbp_setup_updater' action off of 'bbp_init' and late onto 'bbp_ready' to ensure alterations to the permastruct have settled. Fixes issue where a bbPress update would flush the rewrite rules too early on bbPress update. See #1569.
[3439] johnjamesjacoby Move 'bbp_setup_updater' action to 'bbp_admin_init' so update only runs when accessing wp-admin. See #1569. Props nacin.
[4826] johnjamesjacoby Move 'bbp_template_redirect' action to priority 8, giving bbPress precedence over network activated plugins hooked to 'template_redirect' at priority 10 (like BuddyPress). Fixes #2225.
[3282] johnjamesjacoby Move 'bbp_user' and 'bbp_view' into bbPress global vars, so they can be referenced by external plugins more easily and require less maintenance to change if needed later.
[3559] johnjamesjacoby Move BuddyPress extension loader to bbp-core-hooks.php.
[3217] johnjamesjacoby Move _bbp_include_root option into single slug area, to more accurately mirror the order of the settings page. Include more detailed description of what it does.
[4570] jmdodd Move `bbp_notify_subscribers` to priority 11. * Fixes #2038.
[5274] johnjamesjacoby Move `includes` and `templates` back into `/src` directory. See #2452.
[3192] johnjamesjacoby Move a few theme compatibility helper functions out of bbp-general-functions.php and into bbp-core-compatibility.php
[5225] johnjamesjacoby Move admin CSS and JS out of `admin_head` and into proper enqueues. New `admin.css` replaces top level icons with Dashicons, introduced in WordPress 3.8. Fixes #2396. See #2463.
[3812] johnjamesjacoby Move admin action setup lower in file. See r3811.
[2659] johnjamesjacoby Move ajax handling of favorites into theme. Clean up other favorites related code. More to do.
[2658] johnjamesjacoby Move ajax handling of favorites into theme. Clean up other favorites related code. More to do.
[3104] johnjamesjacoby Move all theme compat functions to the bottom of bbp-general-template.php
[2613] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp-admin.php into /bbp-admin/ directory. Also introduce bbp-tools page for performing recounts, and bbp-functions.php to stash admin specific functions in.
[3078] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp-css and bbp-images into bbp-admin folder, since they only contain an admin style and the admin icons.
[3077] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp-css and bbp-images into bbp-admin folder, since they only contain an admin style and the admin icons.
[3389] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp-twentyten JS and ajax into proper hook. Make topic.js aware that favorites can be disabled.
[4773] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp_add_forums_roles() to 'bbp_after_setup_theme' action. Fixes issues with role names not being translated in some areas. Fixes #2219.
[4404] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp_load_textdomain() onto 'bbp_init' - was loading too early on 'bbp_loaded' -> 'plugins_loaded'.
[2594] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp_loader.php into includes. Rename run-file to bbpress.php. Remove references to 1.2 version and replace with 'plugin'
[3433] johnjamesjacoby Move bbp_pre_get_posts_exclude_forums() to bbp-forum-functions.php.
[5544] netweb Move callback `callback_check_anonymous` from individual importers to `BBP_Converter_Base` in `converter.php`. * Allows us to lean on `callback_userid` to determine multiple anonymous or guest topic and reply authors during import and reduces code duplication Props netweb. See #2347
[2608] johnjamesjacoby Move capability add/remove into bbp-caps.php
[2752] johnjamesjacoby Move excerpt functions under reply_content functions.
[3561] johnjamesjacoby Move favorites and subscriptions handlers off of template_loader action and on to bp_actions in BuddyPress extension.
[5178] johnjamesjacoby Move filter adding higher up in `filters.php.` See #2291.
[2690] johnjamesjacoby Move hidden form fields on edit user page into bbp_edit_user_form_fields()
[2644] johnjamesjacoby Move hooks and actions into _setup_actions
[2593] johnjamesjacoby Move included files into bbp-includes. First pass at meta caps (hat tip greenshady)
[3728] johnjamesjacoby Move is_super_admin() checks to allow return values to be filtered in bbp-user-template.php.
[3284] johnjamesjacoby Move loader functions into bbp-core-hooks. Add bbp_new_site action, which is used to create roles, caps, and options when a new site is created on a multisite installation. Remove is_site_admin() check from bbp_allowed_themes() to ensure bbp-twentyten is available for all sites.
[2599] johnjamesjacoby Move loader functions out of needless class, and whitespace fixes.
[4782] johnjamesjacoby Move new topic sticky-check after 'bbp_new_topic' action, to ensure forum ID meta is saved via bbp_update_topic(). Also move sticky-check in edit-topic handler, so correct forum ID is used when moving a sticky topic. Props imath. Fixes #2230.
[3713] johnjamesjacoby Move return values into variables for easier debugging in bbp-user-template.php.
[2952] johnjamesjacoby Move revision log updaters from -template files to -function files with other updaters. Update phpDoc in functions that previously ran sanity updates if fields did not exist. Mark @todo's in places where sanity meta updates still exist, and mark for investigation for eventual removal.
[4593] johnjamesjacoby Move root template check to below reset_post blocks. Fixes incorrect 404 and corrects header statuses when using root templates. See #1478.
[3143] johnjamesjacoby Move shortcodes into object variable, and add php5 constructor. This allows bbPress plugins to filter existing shortcodes, and/or add new ones.
[2692] johnjamesjacoby Move special query_vars into dedicated functions
[3345] johnjamesjacoby Move the topic tag form template part out of bbp_has_topics() check, and rely normal 404 handling if tag does not exist.
[3065] johnjamesjacoby Move theme compat message into dashboard widget
[3734] johnjamesjacoby Move theme compat template files out of bbp-themes and into bbp-theme-compat folder. This avoids confusion with complete bundled theme also acting as the fallback.
[3190] johnjamesjacoby Move theme compatibility code out of bbp-general-template.php and into bbp-core-compatibility.php. Swap out require_once() usages for require() through out project where appropriate.
[3653] johnjamesjacoby Move trash status background color to wrapper div.
[4933] johnjamesjacoby Move user base setting into new Users section. Tweak some verbiage to be more succinct. See #1500.
[4784] johnjamesjacoby Multibyte support for excerpts and breadcrumbs. Hat-tip alex-ye. Fixes #2232.
[2471] chrishajer Multiple fixes for email subscriptions. Note the template changes in kakumei. Probably fixes #1268. Big props to dimadin and !GautamGupta
[5385] netweb Multiple strings in .editorconfig sections should be wrapped in curly brackets Props treyhunner. Fixes #2614
[2523] johnjamesjacoby Mute the wphead border just a bit
[3936] johnjamesjacoby Narrow the scope of .bbp-topic-permalink styling in bbp-theme-compat.
[5043] johnjamesjacoby New approach to content replacement for theme compatability. Rather than juggle the post global and post content around in two procedures, set post_content via bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(). This reduces some complexity, avoids nested shortcodes, and fixes shortcode and the_content filter conflicts. See #2343.
[3746] johnjamesjacoby Next pass at BuddyPress Group Fourms integration: * Filter forms to prevent fields from appearing * Output new field data where needed on above forms * Better integration with group create and edit screens * Tweak forum/group ID functions to return arrays when needed * Flesh out display_forums() method * See #1669
[4672] johnjamesjacoby Nicename Usage: * Introduce template tags for getting and displaying a user nicenames. Helpful for themes that want easier access to @mentions data. * Improve mention filters to use 'slug' instead of 'login.' Fixes possible mismatches when login and nicename are different.
[2845] johnjamesjacoby No follow on all user links, and follow up with stripslashes for good measure.
[4050] johnjamesjacoby Non Scriptio Continua.
[6012] johnjamesjacoby Nonce functions are part of the `common` component.
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