Moderators: Another performance optimization in `bbp_is_user_forum_moderator()`.
Use `bbp_is_object_of_user()` directly, and clean-up local variable reassignments.
Moderators: First pass at per-forum moderators.
This commit introduces a powerful feature commonly found in other popular forum software that has been on our wishlist for nearly 9 years. It includes the following changes:
* Custom `forum-mod` taxonomy for assigning user nicenames to forum IDs
* Associated functions for defining capabilities, labels, etc...
* New capability filters for ensuring forum moderators have the ability to moderate forums even without the `moderator` role assignment
* New option for toggling the entire feature on/off (on by default)
Props jmdodd, netweb. See #459.
Moderators: Introduce "Super Moderators" setting.
This change introduces the option (and default off value), admin setting and UI for toggling it on and off.
A "Super Moderator" is a moderator with the ability to also edit users, a commonly requested and popular feature in other forum software. The use-case is that user accounts may be spammers and need to be moderated beyond just their topics & replies, but the `edit_users` capability is reserved for Administrators (or Super Admins in multisite.) This setting will act as the global on/off to the deeper implementation of this feature.
Moderators: Introduce `none` argument for topic-tags & forum-mods list functions.
This change allows for passing text or HTML to output if no taxonomy terms are found, and uses this new functionality in `wp-admin` to show per-forum moderators in the list-table column, also reducing code duplication.
See #459.
Moderators: Introduce functions for theme-side setting & getting of forum mods for `form-forum.php`. See #459.
Moderators: Performance optimization in `bbp_is_user_forum_moderator()`.
Rather than query for all forums a user can moderate, query for the users that can moderate the forum. This data is likely already hot in the meta-data cache from forums being loaded previously, and eliminates the need to query for forum IDs that are unrelated to the one being checked.
Moderators: Prefer `sanitize_title` over `trim`. See #3097.
Moderators: Refactor per-forum moderators to use meta-data instead of mocked taxonomy terms.
If the future of Forums is a taxonomy (vs. a custom post-type) then a per-forum Moderator taxonomy for a Forum taxonomy won't work very well, for a few reasons:
* Scalability
* Taxonomies for taxonomies is a bit more inception than should be required for this simple feature
* Forum moderators do not require much of what taxonomy objects provide (permalinks, visibility, metadata, etc...)
* User taxonomy terms matching nicenames works okay for something like Automattic's P2 theme, but bbPress requires a user ID based solution to avoid data synchronization issues between nicenames & term slugs
So... the future of per-forum per-user capability mappings is in meta-data using `map_meta_cap`.
This commit:
* Removes the `forum_mod` taxonomy and surrounding code additions introduced in the first pass in r5834
* Renames `forum_mod` functions to `forum_moderator` to be more explicit
* Adds CRUD wrapper functions for per-forum moderator meta data
* Adds administrative interfaces for assigning moderators to forums for `wp-admin` and forum `edit` pages
* Adds helper functions for getting user nicenames & IDs
Note that this feature has now been refactored to no longer be forum specific (I.E. object agnostic) -- it's possible for any user access to be mapped based on the object type using any meta-data key. While this is currently useful for per-forum moderators, it may be user for per-topic blocking, per-topic-tag moderation, etc...
See #459.
Moderators: Rename `bbp_get_forum_mod_ids()` to `bbp_get_forum_moderator_ids()` to better match unabbreviated forum equivalent. Also update phpdoc & refactor some logic to use cached functions. See #459.
Moderators: Trim usernames after they're exploded.
Resolves an issue where spaces in the comma separated usernames field would result in skipping that user.
Fixes #3097.
Moderators: Update `bbp_get_moderator_forum_ids()` to use same approach as favs/subs.
See #459, #2959, #2972.
Moderators: pass current forum/topic/reply ID into `moderate` capability checks, providing additional context about what's being moderated so more targeted decisions can be made.
See #459.
More Grunt improvements:
* Fixes CSS & JS admin folder path for `BBP_RTL_CSS`, `BBP_LTR_CSS` & `BBP_JS` in Gruntfile.js
* Removes Mint & Evergreen CSS (including RTL) to use Mint & Evergreen SCSS
* Adds `_admin.scss`, `_mixins.scss`, `_variables.scss` via ([https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/src/wp-admin/css/colors /trunk/src/wp-admin/css/colors]) to build our Mint & Evergreen admin themes
* Adds `/includes/admin/styles/evergreen/colors.scss` & `/includes/admin/styles/mint/colors.scss` via [https://github.com/ryelle/admin-color-schemes/tree/2288dcd5b57c9a9045de62d1cfa72722d5163cfc 2288dcd5b5 MP6 GitHub Repo Changset]
* Adds support in Gruntfile.js to build minified and RTL Mint & Evergreen CSS
* Adds `grunt-sass` `~0.10.0` to `package.json` to build Mint & Evergreen CSS from SCSS source
* Reinstates minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for minified Mint & Evergreen CSS
* Adds minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for admin javascript & frontend javascript
Props netweb. See #2542.
More Grunt updates
* Adds `uglify:dynamic` to `grunt uglify` so that `grunt watch` -> `watch:js` tasks can dynamicly minify Javascript files with the `grunt watch` task.
* Improved inline documentation for grunt jshint task.
* Props netweb. See #2542
More Grunt updates, fixes `grunt watch` task not RTL'ing or minifying CSS files.
* Use explicit CSS file names, avoids ambiguous LTR CSS (avoids LTR = `*.css` including `bbpress-rtl.css`)
* Remove `cssmin:colors` and include Mint and Evergreen CSS minification in `cssmin:core`
* Remove `cssjanus:colors` and include Mint and Evergreen RTL CSS in `cssjanus:core`
* Use `BUILD_DIR` (not `SOURCE_DIR`) to compile RTL CSS `cssjanus`
* Use `BUILD_DIR` (not `SOURCE_DIR`) to compile and LTR & RTL minified CSS with `cssmin`
* Add Grunt tasks `cssjanus:core`, `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` to `grunt watch` -> `watch:colors` task
* Add Grunt tasks `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` to `grunt watch` -> `watch:rtl` task
* Reorders `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` tasks to firstly copy `bbpress.css`, and `admin.css`, then create Mint and Evergreen CSS using `colors` , then RTL all the CSS with `cssjanus:core`, then minify all the CSS with `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl`
* Props netweb. See #2542
More Grunt updates:
* Add `_n_noop` to `grunt-pot` keyword check
* Remove grunt task `test` as PHPUnit tests are covered by grunt task `phpunit`
* Add grunt task `jstest` to run javascript tasks
* Add `grunt-checktextdomain` to `package.json` to check for missing or incorrect text-domain in gettext functions. See https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-checktextdomain
* Adds grunt task `checktextdomain` to `grunt build-release`
* Checks for the following keywords: `__:1,2d`, `_e:1,2d`, `_x:1,2c,3d`, `_n:1,2,4d`, `_ex:1,2c,3d`, `_nx:1,2,4c,5d`, `esc_attr__:1,2d`, `esc_attr_e:1,2d`, `esc_attr_x:1,2c,3d`, `esc_html__:1,2d`, `esc_html_e:1,2d`, `esc_html_x:1,2c,3d`, `_n_noop:1,2,3d`, `_nx_noop:1,2,3c,4d`
* Props netweb. See #2542.
More Grunt: Switch from `grunt-pot` to `grunt-wp-i18n`
* Remove `grunt-pot` from `package.json`
* Add `grunt-wp-i18n` to `package.json`
* Adds grunt task `grunt makebot` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release`
* Creates `bbpress.pot` in `/build`
* Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies
* Props netweb. See #2542
More adjustments for theme compatability layer. Rejigs the bbp_load_template function to also have theme compatability. Introduces bbp_user_can_view_forum() function as a method to check the scope of a users ability to view private/hidden forums, topics, and replies.
More aggressive CSS on topic/reply revision log for theme compat
More aggressively check private and hidden forums when changing forum status. (2.0 branch)
More aggressively check private and hidden forums when changing forum status. (plugin branch)
More bbp_loader.php cleanup. Move activation/deactivation/uninstall sequence functions into loader class.
More clean-up to bbp_pre_get_posts. Fixes #1450.
More esc_url() improvements, and practice late-escaping where we were otherwise passing around escaped URL variables. See #2367.
More graceful handling of the `$post` global in `bbp_get_global_post_field()`.
More grunt updates:
* Add RTL, minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for bbPress admin CSS.
* Add RTL, minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for bbPress default theme-compat CSS.
* RTL bbPress CSS is now compiled with cssjanus. (`bbpress-rtl.css` file removed)
* Props netweb. See #2542.
More grunt updates:
* Add `grunt-patch-wordpress` to `package.json`
* Adds grunt task `grunt patch` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release`
* Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies
* Full instructions https://github.com/aaronjorbin/grunt-patch-wordpress#patching-from-the-command-line
* Props jorbin. See #2542
More grunt updates:
* Include bbPress version via `package.json` in the 'banner' of minified CSS & JS files
* Include current date and time (UTC) in the 'banner' of minified CSS & JS files
* Props netweb. See #2542
More improvements to responsive CSS. Props mercime. Fixes #1933.
More precise list-item CSS. See #2113.
More renaming of last_active to last_active_time, this time in bbp-admin.php
More renaming of last_active to last_active_time, this time in bbp-wdigets. Also use enhanced bbp_reply_author_link function to include user gravatar.
More security sweep and code clean-up through bbp-topic-functions.php. Also fix incorrect variable usage in bbp_update_topic_reply_count() and bbp_update_topic_last_active_time(). See #1514.
More security sweep and final code clean-up on bbp-topic-functions.php. See #1514.
More specific CSS selector on closed topics to only target lists of topics, not single topic views. See r2962.
More thorough regex for pre and code tags and HTML entities. Props Corey Worrell. See #1967.
More tweaks to avatar styling. Revert r3089/r3090 in favor of something specific to bbPress templates and widgets that guess at container ID's, since some themes are very specific about their avatar positioning.
More tweaks to the readme.txt
More updated "About" text for 2.4.
More useful phpDoc for bbp_sanitize_val() and bbp_get_sanitize_val()
More verbose descriptions and whitespace clean-up in bbp-core-hooks.php.
Move $postarr arrays into their respective calls to wp_update_post().
Move 'bbp_register_textdomain' to priority 2 on 'bbp_init' action. Fixes #1497. Props !GautamGupta for original patch.
Move 'bbp_setup_current_user' action off of 'bbp_init' and onto 'set_current_user.' See #1722.
Move 'bbp_setup_updater' action off of 'bbp_init' and late onto 'bbp_ready' to ensure alterations to the permastruct have settled. Fixes issue where a bbPress update would flush the rewrite rules too early on bbPress update. See #1569.
Move 'bbp_setup_updater' action to 'bbp_admin_init' so update only runs when accessing wp-admin. See #1569. Props nacin.
Move 'bbp_template_redirect' action to priority 8, giving bbPress precedence over network activated plugins hooked to 'template_redirect' at priority 10 (like BuddyPress). Fixes #2225.
Move 'bbp_user' and 'bbp_view' into bbPress global vars, so they can be referenced by external plugins more easily and require less maintenance to change if needed later.
Move BuddyPress extension loader to bbp-core-hooks.php.
Move _bbp_include_root option into single slug area, to more accurately mirror the order of the settings page. Include more detailed description of what it does.
Move `bbp_notify_subscribers` to priority 11.
* Fixes #2038.
Move `includes` and `templates` back into `/src` directory. See #2452.
Move a few theme compatibility helper functions out of bbp-general-functions.php and into bbp-core-compatibility.php
Move admin CSS and JS out of `admin_head` and into proper enqueues. New `admin.css` replaces top level icons with Dashicons, introduced in WordPress 3.8. Fixes #2396. See #2463.
Move admin action setup lower in file. See r3811.
Move ajax handling of favorites into theme. Clean up other favorites related code. More to do.
Move ajax handling of favorites into theme. Clean up other favorites related code. More to do.
Move all theme compat functions to the bottom of bbp-general-template.php
Move bbp-admin.php into /bbp-admin/ directory. Also introduce bbp-tools page for performing recounts, and bbp-functions.php to stash admin specific functions in.
Move bbp-css and bbp-images into bbp-admin folder, since they only contain an admin style and the admin icons.
Move bbp-css and bbp-images into bbp-admin folder, since they only contain an admin style and the admin icons.
Move bbp-twentyten JS and ajax into proper hook. Make topic.js aware that favorites can be disabled.
Move bbp_add_forums_roles() to 'bbp_after_setup_theme' action. Fixes issues with role names not being translated in some areas. Fixes #2219.
Move bbp_load_textdomain() onto 'bbp_init' - was loading too early on 'bbp_loaded' -> 'plugins_loaded'.
Move bbp_loader.php into includes. Rename run-file to bbpress.php. Remove references to 1.2 version and replace with 'plugin'
Move bbp_pre_get_posts_exclude_forums() to bbp-forum-functions.php.
Move callback `callback_check_anonymous` from individual importers to `BBP_Converter_Base` in `converter.php`.
* Allows us to lean on `callback_userid` to determine multiple anonymous or guest topic and reply authors during import and reduces code duplication
Props netweb. See #2347
Move capability add/remove into bbp-caps.php
Move excerpt functions under reply_content functions.
Move favorites and subscriptions handlers off of template_loader action and on to bp_actions in BuddyPress extension.
Move filter adding higher up in `filters.php.` See #2291.
Move hidden form fields on edit user page into bbp_edit_user_form_fields()
Move hooks and actions into _setup_actions
Move included files into bbp-includes. First pass at meta caps (hat tip greenshady)
Move is_super_admin() checks to allow return values to be filtered in bbp-user-template.php.
Move loader functions into bbp-core-hooks. Add bbp_new_site action, which is used to create roles, caps, and options when a new site is created on a multisite installation. Remove is_site_admin() check from bbp_allowed_themes() to ensure bbp-twentyten is available for all sites.
Move loader functions out of needless class, and whitespace fixes.
Move new topic sticky-check after 'bbp_new_topic' action, to ensure forum ID meta is saved via bbp_update_topic(). Also move sticky-check in edit-topic handler, so correct forum ID is used when moving a sticky topic. Props imath. Fixes #2230.
Move return values into variables for easier debugging in bbp-user-template.php.
Move revision log updaters from -template files to -function files with other updaters. Update phpDoc in functions that previously ran sanity updates if fields did not exist. Mark @todo's in places where sanity meta updates still exist, and mark for investigation for eventual removal.
Move root template check to below reset_post blocks. Fixes incorrect 404 and corrects header statuses when using root templates. See #1478.
Move shortcodes into object variable, and add php5 constructor. This allows bbPress plugins to filter existing shortcodes, and/or add new ones.
Move special query_vars into dedicated functions
Move the topic tag form template part out of bbp_has_topics() check, and rely normal 404 handling if tag does not exist.
Move theme compat message into dashboard widget
Move theme compat template files out of bbp-themes and into bbp-theme-compat folder. This avoids confusion with complete bundled theme also acting as the fallback.
Move theme compatibility code out of bbp-general-template.php and into bbp-core-compatibility.php.
Swap out require_once() usages for require() through out project where appropriate.
Move trash status background color to wrapper div.
Move user base setting into new Users section. Tweak some verbiage to be more succinct. See #1500.
Multibyte support for excerpts and breadcrumbs. Hat-tip alex-ye. Fixes #2232.
Multiple fixes for email subscriptions. Note the template changes in kakumei. Probably fixes #1268. Big props to dimadin and !GautamGupta
Multiple strings in .editorconfig sections should be wrapped in curly brackets
Props treyhunner. Fixes #2614
Mute the wphead border just a bit
Narrow the scope of .bbp-topic-permalink styling in bbp-theme-compat.
New approach to content replacement for theme compatability. Rather than juggle the post global and post content around in two procedures, set post_content via bbp_theme_compat_reset_post().
This reduces some complexity, avoids nested shortcodes, and fixes shortcode and the_content filter conflicts. See #2343.
Next pass at BuddyPress Group Fourms integration:
* Filter forms to prevent fields from appearing
* Output new field data where needed on above forms
* Better integration with group create and edit screens
* Tweak forum/group ID functions to return arrays when needed
* Flesh out display_forums() method
* See #1669
Nicename Usage:
* Introduce template tags for getting and displaying a user nicenames. Helpful for themes that want easier access to @mentions data.
* Improve mention filters to use 'slug' instead of 'login.' Fixes possible mismatches when login and nicename are different.
No follow on all user links, and follow up with stripslashes for good measure.
Non Scriptio Continua.
Nonce functions are part of the `common` component.