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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (2401 - 2500 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[5511] johnjamesjacoby In our BuddyPress Groups `display_forums` method, `break` out of switch statement rather than `return`. This prevents malformed markup caused by not allowing the method to continue on. Hat-tip boonebgorges, netweb. Fixes #2595.
[4627] johnjamesjacoby In phpBB converter, use topic_status to make sure topics stay closed after conversion. Props netweb. Fixes #2123.
[5355] johnjamesjacoby In template stack functions, wrap `function_exists()` checks with `is_array()` check. Allows class methods to be used as template stack locations. See:
[4882] johnjamesjacoby In the BuddyPress Activity extension, move _update() methods from 'wp_insert_post' onto 'edit_post' action to prevent running them on topic/reply creation accidentally. Fixes bug causing hide_sitewide to incorrectly be set to true on some installations. Also some code clean-up and additional type-casting where appropriate. Fixes #2327 (2.3 branch)
[4881] johnjamesjacoby In the BuddyPress Activity extension, move _update() methods from 'wp_insert_post' onto 'edit_post' action to prevent running them on topic/reply creation accidentally. Fixes bug causing hide_sitewide to incorrectly be set to true on some installations. Also some code clean-up and additional type-casting where appropriate. Fixes #2327 (trunk)
[4941] johnjamesjacoby In the BuddyPress extension, use slug helper functions to define navigational elements. This will allow customization of slugs in profiles to integrate with BuddyPress 1.8 rewrite rules. Also use the BP_Component slug rather than hardcoded 'forums' in the event this slug becomes customizable in the future.
[4990] johnjamesjacoby In the _insert_ and _handler_ functions, do some one-time-use variable clean-up, and add some brackets for improved readability.
[5478] johnjamesjacoby In the `form-topic.php` template part, check for 'bbp_get_forum_title()` before outputting an empty title. Props jreeve. Fixes #2625.
[3214] johnjamesjacoby In the beginning, there was cold, white, empty, space... in bbp-admin.php.
[3137] johnjamesjacoby In the single topics loop, wrap topic meta items in spans for easier styling for theme compat.
[4778] johnjamesjacoby In topic new/edit handlers, don't check unnecessary error conditions. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2220.
[5418] netweb Include 'Forum Type' - `_bbp_forum_type` and 'Forum Status' `_bbp_forum_status` in Example.php importer
[5516] netweb Include 'default' forum status and forum type meta keys in importers for databases that do not support these values. * Forum status: `_bbp_status` = `open` meta * Forum type: `_bbp_forum_type` = `forum` Props netweb. See #2647
[5170] netweb Include 'sticky' and 'super sticky' import capabilities for the following forum importers: * AEF, Drupal7, Example, FluxBB, Invision, Mingle, MyBB, phpBB, PHPFox, PunBB, SimplePress, vBulletin v4.x, vBulletin v3.x, Xenforo and XMB forum importers
[5278] netweb Include .gitignore file for Git based repo. See #2542
[5819] netweb Include 2.5.8 in readme.txt changelog (for trunk) and bump stable tag
[5599] netweb Include WordPress v4.1 in Travis CI tests
[5645] johnjamesjacoby Include `2.5.6` changelog entry in `readme.txt`. (trunk)
[5696] johnjamesjacoby Include `2.5.7` in `readme.txt` changelog (for trunk) and bump stable tag
[5230] netweb Include `bbp_is_replies_created` in bbPress CSS body classes and include `bbp_is_replies_created` in `is_bbpress()` function. Props netweb. Fixes #2489
[5554] netweb Include anonymous reply author name in `Drupal7.php` importer. Props netweb. See #2347
[5551] netweb Include anonymous topic and reply import support in Phorum (`Phorum.php`) importer Props netweb. Fixes #2703
[5548] netweb Include anonymous topic and reply import support in SimplePress 5 (`SimplePress5.php`) importer Props netweb. See #2347
[5550] netweb Include anonymous topic and reply import support in XMB 1.x (`XMB.php`) and PunBB (`PunBB.php`) importers Props netweb. See #2347
[5541] netweb Include anonymous topic and reply import support in `Drupal7.php` importer Props netweb. See #2347
[5539] netweb Include anonymous topic and reply import support in `phpBB.php` and `SMF.php` importers Props netweb. See #2347
[5546] netweb Include anonymous topic and reply import support in vBulletin 3 (`vBulletin3.php`) and vBulletin 4 (`vBulletin.php`) importers Props netweb. See #2347
[5254] netweb Include backend admin open and close forum row actions. Props netweb. Fixes #2491.
[5176] netweb Include support for custom topic tag slugs and descriptions during import. Props netweb. Fixes #2399 * Support included for bbPress v1.x , Drupal, Example, PHPFox, vBulletin v3.x & v4.x
[5569] netweb Include topic-tag descriptions in bbPress 1.x importer * Props thebrandonallen for initial patch * Fixes #2710
[4434] johnjamesjacoby Increase default textarea rows from 6 to 12. Feels like a better balance between normal and fancy editors.
[5357] johnjamesjacoby Indent with tabs in `package.json`
[5371] johnjamesjacoby Indentation clean-up and assignment clarifycation in `bbp_get_reply_to()`. See #2588.
[6115] netweb Indentation fixes, tabs, not spaces.
[3309] johnjamesjacoby Inline doc fixes, whitespace clean-up.
[6756] johnjamesjacoby Inline documentation improvements from r6755.
[6477] johnjamesjacoby Inserts: Only prefix meta keys if not already prefixed when inserting forum/topic/reply.
[5775] johnjamesjacoby Inserts: When inserting a forum/topic/reply, immediately update the new object so hierarchy is refreshed. This commit addresses the last active post ID being incorrect after inserting topics and replies to a forum, and fixes a failing test (in `BBP_Tests_Core_Update::test_bbp_create_initial_content`). See #2805.
[5712] netweb Install/Update: Don't add reply titles in sample forum content `bbp_create_initial_content()`, reply title requirements were removed in r5177. Props netweb. Fixes #2795
[5883] netweb Installation: When creating initial content, use different times for forum, topic, and reply post times. This changeset builds on r5843 to allow improved tests in `test_bbp_create_initial_content()` of forum and topic last active times.
[5843] johnjamesjacoby Installation: When creating initial content, use the same `current_time( 'mysql' )` for all new posts. This changeset prevents the related unit test from incorrectly failing by ensuring that no initial content is created 1 second after any other.
[6751] johnjamesjacoby Intercept: first pass intercept API. This change introduces 3 new functions for generating a default intercept value and comparing against it in specific places. If the return value differs from the default intercept value, we know that function call was intercepted by a filter, and that value will become the new return value without executing the remaining part of the function. See #3184.
[6752] johnjamesjacoby Intercept: invert comparison in `bbp_is_intercepted()`. I was testing it to make sure it worked correctly, and forgot to switch it back before r6751. See #3184.
[6816] johnjamesjacoby Intercept: return default value if an invalid number of args is parsed. Also pass a `$user_id` into favorites & subscriptions links functions. These changes together will prevent notices & errors in certain intercept conditions.
[6803] johnjamesjacoby Intercept: updates to `bbp_maybe_intercept()`: * Use `bbp_parse_args()` internally * Compare against known default return value * Use `call_user_func_array()` to avoid using `extract()` This change allows the intercept API to work a bit more smoothly with filters that have multiple arguments passed into them. Previous to this, those filters may have dropped their arguments, or otherwise not passed the proper arguments into their filter call. This fixes a regression related to BuddyPress profile URL overrides. See #3814.
[4820] johnjamesjacoby Introduce 'bbp_locate_template' action to bbp_locate_template(), with inline documentation for intended usage. Fixes #2277.
[5140] netweb Introduce Advanced Electron Forum v1.x bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2384
[2700] johnjamesjacoby Introduce BBP_Component class. Change alternate class to even/odd.
[3419] johnjamesjacoby Introduce BBP_Updater class to more accurately handle conditions where activation hooks might not fire on multisite installations, and to flush rewrite rules at the appropriate time on updates. Fixes #1569.
[5138] netweb Introduce Drupal v7.x bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2375
[5139] netweb Introduce FluxBB bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2383
[3496] johnjamesjacoby Introduce Genesis theme framework compatibility class. * Fixes error messages thrown by bbPress theme compatibility when using Genesis. * Moves extension loading onto 'bbp_ready' action in bbp-core-hooks.php to ensure bbPress has initialized. * Adds missing post data to bbp_theme_compat_reset_post() to prevent debug notices. * Fixes table width when in theme compatibility mode. See #1622. Props jaredatch for original patch.
[5145] netweb Introduce Kunena Forums for Joomla bbPress importers. Props netweb. Fixes #2402 * Kunena1.php for Kunena v1.x Forums * Kunena2.php for Kunena v2.x Forums * Kunena3.php for Kunena v3.x Forums
[4692] johnjamesjacoby Introduce Mingle converter. Props netweb. Fixes #2163.
[5141] netweb Introduce MyBB bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2378
[5147] netweb Introduce PHPFox bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2415
[5143] netweb Introduce PHPWind bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2395
[5142] netweb Introduce Phorum bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2382
[5154] netweb Introduce PunBB v1.4.x bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2379
[5191] netweb Introduce SMF v2.x bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2380
[4639] johnjamesjacoby Introduce SimplePress 5 importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2074.
[3378] johnjamesjacoby Introduce UI for 'Allow Global Access' setting for multisite installations. Functionality to follow.
[4718] johnjamesjacoby Introduce Vanilla converter tool. Props netweb. Fixes #2179.
[2514] johnjamesjacoby Introduce Walker class (from WP page Walker) plus main class cleanup
[5144] netweb Introduce XMB bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2404
[5146] netweb Introduce XenForo bbPress importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2403
[2780] johnjamesjacoby Introduce _content functions for topics and replies. Introduce our own allowed_tags for handling HTML. Add nofollow to links in content. Properly sanitize topic and reply slugs. Fixes #1426, #1389, #1411. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in
[2787] johnjamesjacoby Introduce _get_ functions for forums, topics, and replies. Fixes #1415. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in
[5389] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `BBP_Walker_Reply_Dropdown` to help with reply hierarchy dropdown. Also update other Walker class extensions and associated documentation to be a bit more accurate and reliable. See #2617.
[5409] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_get_do_not_reply_address()` function, and use in subscription notification functions. Also add filters to make changing these values easier for advanced setups. Fixes #2618.
[5826] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_get_global_object()` to help with verifying & retrieving global variables before interacting with them. See #2786.
[6051] netweb Introduce `bbp_get_major_wp_version()` function to help checking against WordPress versions See #2874
[5390] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_get_reply_ancestors()` function to help with reply hierarchy dropdown. Also conveniently wraps logic incase we ever move to a real hierarchical post type. See #2617.
[5370] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_sanitize_displayed_user_field()` function to handle the sanitizing of displayed user data, and add it to the `bbp_get_displayed_user_field` filter. Props mazengamal. See #2610 (2.5 branch).
[5369] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_sanitize_displayed_user_field()` function to handle the sanitizing of displayed user data, and add it to the `bbp_get_displayed_user_field` filter. Props mazengamal. See #2610 (trunk).
[5366] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_sanitize_slug()` function for sanitizing permalink slugs, and use it as the callback for any slug settings. Props mazengamal. See #2496 (2.5 branch).
[5365] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_sanitize_slug()` function for sanitizing permalink slugs, and use it as the callback for any slug settings. Props mazengamal. See #2496 (trunk).
[5377] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_validate_reply_to()` function, used to: * Validate a parent reply is actually a reply post_type. * A reply is not accidentally assigning itself as its own parent. * An integer is returned. Fixes hiesenbug where calls to `bbp_get_reply_id()` were unexpectedly and occasionally returning the current reply ID rather than 0. See #2588. (2.5 branch)
[5378] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `bbp_validate_reply_to()` function, used to: * Validate a parent reply is actually a reply post_type. * A reply is not accidentally assigning itself as its own parent. * An integer is returned. Fixes hiesenbug where calls to `bbp_get_reply_id()` were unexpectedly and occasionally returning the current reply ID rather than 0. See #2588. (trunk)
[5823] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `core/abstraction.php` to provide a layer of protection against touching common WordPress global variables directly. This commit introduces a few new helper functions to protect sensitive global variables, and also introduces the ability to filter and override them explicitly within the scope of the bbPress plugin. These functions will be used in place of existing global touches in future commits. See #2786.
[5163] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `current_view_id` to bbPress class variables. Used when calling a topic view shortcode via `bbp-single-view` so subsequent calls to `bbp_view_query` are able to retrieve the `$view_id` via `bbp_get_view_id()` the same way `bbp_get_topic_id()` works. Fixes #2457.
[5009] johnjamesjacoby Introduce additional forum/topic ID validation when posting new topics and replies. Prevents empty/negative/non-existent post_parent. Fixes #2363.
[2617] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_allow_anonymous function
[3581] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_check_for_moderation() to check moderation_keys and comment_max_links before publishing topics and replies. Also introduces function for getting the pending post status, and adds missing status vars to bbPress class. See #1672.
[4653] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_deregister_template_stack(), to allow plugins to manipulate the template stack in real-time.
[4998] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_find_mentions_pattern() function to make it easier to change the pattern to match usernames against. Helpful for non-latin characters. Also add additional filter to bbp_find_mentions() to allow for late filtering of results. Props aliso. Fixes #2226.
[3791] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_get_config_location() function to look for previous BuddyPress integration. See #1669.
[4793] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_get_dynamic_role_name() to handle getting a translated role name from the dynamic roles array. Use this to return a more accurate display role in bbp_get_user_display_role(). Hat tip alex-ye. Fixes #2248.
[3629] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_get_query_template() function to handle the template assignment for the extra bbPress root level template files.
[4655] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_get_redirect_to() to handle getting the request variable. Use this new function where appropriate.
[3380] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_global_access_role_mask() to assign the default_role and meta-caps to the current user when viewing a global forum in a multisite installation. Say that three times fast.
[3585] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_is_edit global posts_query var to indicate that bbPress editing is occurring.
[2980] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_is_query_name() function to make checking the '_bbp_query_name' query variable easier, and use this function through-out. Fix bug where topic and reply widgets would selfishly listen to pagination query vars. Fix bug when viewing a single topic, replies widget would only show replies from that topic.
[4919] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_is_search_results() and use it in is_bbpress() and bbp_body_class(). See #2337.
[3398] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_is_site_public() function, and use it to prevent BuddyPress activity stream additions for new topics and replies if entire site is private.
[3504] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_is_user_active() and bbp_is_user_inactive() to help with spammed and deleted user checks. See #1630 and r3503.
[4943] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_make_clickable() and use it in place of make_clickable() filter. Fixes issues with making links clickable inside pre and code blocks. Fixes #2335 (2.3 branch)
[4942] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_make_clickable() and use it in place of make_clickable() filter. Fixes issues with making links clickable inside pre and code blocks. See #2335 (trunk)
[3410] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_make_spam_user() and bbp_make_ham_user() functions to loop through the sites of a user and spam/unspam their topics and replies as needed. (BuddyPress 1.5 compatible)
[3840] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_parse_args() and pass filter keys into its usages. * Parsed args to be passively or aggressively filtered * Allows functions that normally require passing parsed $args to instead filter or override results
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.