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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (2301 - 2400 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[3495] johnjamesjacoby Improve the forum prefix settings description.
[4640] johnjamesjacoby Improve the output of code between pre and code HTML tags. Fixes #1967.
[3086] johnjamesjacoby Improve theme compat CSS for topic/reply fieldsets
[3034] johnjamesjacoby Improve theme compatability by using the active themes page.php template file to display the contents of a forum, topic, or reply.
[2698] johnjamesjacoby Improve topic and reply pagination verbiage
[4714] johnjamesjacoby Improve usage of make_clickable filter on topic and reply content. Fixes #2149.
[4931] johnjamesjacoby Improve user logic in bbp_parse_query(), so that numeric user slugs display correctly even when pretty permalinks are enabled. Also eliminates duplicate get_userdata() call, and renames some variables to prevent accidental stomping.
[3059] johnjamesjacoby Improve user/forum visibility check and add some inline php documentation.
[2736] johnjamesjacoby Improve widget code. Add topic/reply ordering. Props !GautamGupta
[2750] johnjamesjacoby Improve widgets. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in
[5160] netweb Improved SQL join expression for topics 'post_content' in Mingle.php importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2472
[5519] netweb Improved `Drupal7.php` importer performance by leaning on our helper functions. * Use `callback_topicid_to_forumid()` to convert the topic ID to forum ID eliminating an extra MySQL join.
[2623] johnjamesjacoby Improved error messages for users that are not logged in.
[5483] netweb Improved inline docs readability for Grunt task `jshint`.
[4660] johnjamesjacoby Improved margins for author and content of single topic views. Also fixes single topic RTL margins.
[4598] johnjamesjacoby Improved styling for inner topic and reply content elements, merged with recent changes and includes RTL. Props jaredatch. Fixes #2054.
[2708] johnjamesjacoby Improved sub-forum lists inside bbp_forums loop.
[3224] johnjamesjacoby Improved support for forum archive template. Fix issue in forum archive where post loop was processed rather than the actual bbPress forum loop.
[5354] netweb Improved topic merge verbiage in `form-topic-merge.php` template. Props gautamgupta. Fixes #2539
[5482] netweb Improved topic merge verbiage in form-topic-merge.php template. Props johnjamesjacoby. Fixes #2539
[3240] johnjamesjacoby Improved trash support for new topics/replies. If the parent of a new topic/reply is in the trash, automatically trash the new topic/reply. In the case of new trash replies, add that reply to the _bbp_pre_trashed_replies array, so that it is restored when the topic is restored. This bug comes about because capable users can reply to trashed topics. Also handle view=all redirect when posting new topics/replies.
[5454] netweb Improved verbiage when importer has no topic tags to import.
[3720] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to BuddyPress User Forums styling. See #1669.
[4693] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to SimplePress5 importer. Props netweb. Fixes #2164.
[4743] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to bbPress 1.x converter inline documentation. Props netweb. fixes #2189.
[5105] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to bbp_title() to include user topics/replies/favorites/subscriptions. Fixes #2340.
[3008] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to forum visibility checking, template tags, and ensuring that template tag filters also pass the $forum_id for proper enhancement.
[2583] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to post form handling and bbp-twentyten theme.
[4727] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to the Mingle converter. Props netweb. See #2182.
[4728] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to the SimplePress5 converter. Props netweb. See #2182.
[4726] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to the phpBB converter. Props netweb. Fixes #2182.
[2591] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to twentyten child theme. Abstract out some topic_author functions.
[4730] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to vBulletin importer. Props netweb. Fixes #1991.
[3413] johnjamesjacoby Improves multisite user role and capability masking for global forums.
[3723] johnjamesjacoby In BuddyPress group forum extension, use raw forum slug option to avoid including the forum prefix. See #1669.
[4720] johnjamesjacoby In BuddyPress's loader, setup components in priority 7, to get them in before activity actions are registered. Props r-a-y. Fixes #2176.
[5336] netweb In `.jshintrc` ignore undefined variables so `grunt jshint` task completes without error. (reference variables created by WordPress dependencies or API's) * Props netweb. Fixes #2578
[5840] johnjamesjacoby In `BBP_Akismet::filter_post_terms()` use `bbp_get_topic_tag_names()` to use cached function instead of querying for object terms.
[5520] netweb In `Example.php` importer use the correct `callback_forumid` callback for reply forum ID's.
[5522] netweb In `Phorum.php` importer use the correct `callback_forumid` callback for reply forum ID's.
[5476] johnjamesjacoby In `_bbp_has_replies_where()` remove the `post__not_in` check and add extra search/replace arguments for more complex queries. Improves support for popular privacy plugins that frequently use `post__not_in`. Props mikelopez. Fixes #2609.
[5473] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_admin_repair_forum_topic_count()` include hidden topics in repair tool. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2680.
[5609] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_current_author_ip()` check `$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']` before attempting to parse it. If it is empty (more likely for unit tests, but could be other oddities) we set it to '' to do two things: * Indicate to keymasters that something is amiss * Allow `bbp_current_author_ip()` to proceed normally for the end-user Fixes #2750.
[5465] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_do_ajax()` use `get_option( 'html_type' )`.
[5164] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_get_forum_subscription_link()` do not return a link if viewing a forum category. This is a temporary stop-gap until forums can be subscribed to in a hierarchical manner. Fixes #2475, hat-tip netweb.
[5211] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_has_forums()` do some `post_parent` routing to make sure all forums are available on subscription pages. Fixes #2480. (2.5 branch)
[5212] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_has_forums()` do some `post_parent` routing to make sure all forums are available on subscription pages. Fixes #2480. (trunk)
[5477] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_has_topics()` bring back `$default_topic_search` variable to prevent debug notices.
[5220] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_kses_allowed_tags()` use `true` instead of empty `array()` for individual tag attributes. Props netweb. See #2483.
[5283] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_locate_template()` check for `WP_USE_THEMES` before calling `load_template()` to avoid warnings when running phpunit tests. See #2542.
[5489] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_merge_topic_handler()` delete last and count metas, and update the reply position after call to `wp_update_post()`. Fixes bug where merging two topics with odd timestamps could result in orphaned or incorrect meta data and hierarchy positioning. Props netweb. Fixes #2528.
[5613] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_notify_forum_subscribers()` remove incorrect array assignment. Fixes bug where `$headers` would be a multidimensional array, causing `wp_mail()` to complain.
[5491] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_split_topic_handler()` remove `$reply_position` cheater code, and rely on `bbp_update_reply_position()` to recalculate the correct position in the hierarchy after `wp_update_post()` has finished. Props netweb. Fixes #2624.
[5470] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_theme_compat_reset_post()` also set `is_singular` to value of `is_single`. Improves query compatibility with themes and other plugins. Props Mat Lipe. Fixes #2545.
[5247] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_title()`, improve user profile logic to avoid "Your's" title text. Fixes #2503. (2.5 branch)
[5246] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_title()`, improve user profile logic to avoid "Your's" title text. Fixes #2503. (trunk)
[5221] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_update_reply()`, send the reply `post_date` - rather than `current_time()` - into the update walker. Fixes possibility of inconsistent times between reply `post_date` and forum/topic last active times. Props netweb. See #1925.
[5222] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_update_topic()`, send the topic `post_date` - rather than `current_time()` - into the update walker. Fixes possibility of inconsistent times between topic `post_date` and forum last active times. Props netweb. See #1925.
[5223] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_update_topic_walker()` pass `$last_active_time` into `bbp_update_forum()` to avoid expensive recalculation of the forum's last active time. Props netweb. See #1925.
[5188] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_user_can_view_forum()` check the `$user_id` before passing it into `bbp_is_user_keymaster()`. Prevents accidental role escalation if `$user_id` is empty. See #2393.
[5607] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_version_updater()` only run update routines if a previous installation exists to update. Fixes #2748.
[5524] netweb In `phpBB.php` importer use the correct `callback_forumid` callback for reply forum ID's.
[4950] johnjamesjacoby In admin, escape output of translated text where appropriate. Also review and refresh existing escaping approaches. See #1999.
[5517] netweb In bbPress 1.x converter add support for closed topics via improved method in r5425. Props netweb. Fixes #2125.
[4625] johnjamesjacoby In bbPress 1.x converter, use topic_open to make sure topics stay closed after conversion. Props netweb. Fixed #2125.
[3854] nacin In bb_create_tag(), avoid calling list() on the insert_term() method of the taxonomy object, as this method may return WP_Error. Calling list() on a WP_Error object would result in a fatal error. Instead, check for WP_Error before breaking up the return value. props otto42. for bbPress 1.1.
[3853] nacin In bb_create_tag(), avoid calling list() on the insert_term() method of the taxonomy object, as this method may return WP_Error. Calling list() on a WP_Error object would result in a fatal error. Instead, check for WP_Error before breaking up the return value. props otto42. for bbPress standalone trunk.
[3780] johnjamesjacoby In bbp-twentyten: * Rename functions.php to bbpress-functions.php to avoid overloading * Load JS in footer * Smarter default global vars * Do not create a global variable * See #1766
[4601] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_add_forums_roles(), use $role_id instead of literal translated role name. Fixes #2105.
[4595] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_admin_reset_handler(), use correct bbp_remove_caps() function. Props netweb. Fixes #2097.
[4847] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_check_for_duplicate(), run wp_unslash() or stripslashes_deep() on the entire $r array. Remove unslashing on results of get_meta_sql() to allow any previously slashed values to remain slashed. See #2185.
[5010] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_get_dropdown(), remove the hard-coded post_status checker, and trust bbp_pre_get_posts_normalize_forum_visibility() to do its job. We still pass 'post_status' as null, so that get_posts() gets passed the results of bbp_parse_args(). Also, remove 'sort_column' array key from when this used get_pages(), and rely on 'orderby' for get_posts() instead. In bbp_pre_get_posts_normalize_forum_visibility(), remove empties and duplicates from the $post_stati array. Fixes #2354.
[4688] jmdodd In bbp_get_dropdown(), set default post_parent to null, not 0. * Fixes #2153.
[4754] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_get_user_blog_role(), use bbp_add_forums_roles() instead of accessing WP_Roles directly. Fixes issue where WP_Roles could be loaded without bbPress's roles correctly added in time, causing default role to be added without correct allcaps for user.
[4831] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_get_user_id(), do not fallback to 'bbp_user_id' query variable, to prevent accidentally confusing a Guest (anonymous) user with the displayed user, in situations where empty bbp_get_user_id() checks are made. Fixes #2284.
[4677] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_get_user_replies_created(), only query for the reply post type. Fixes issue with topics appearing commingled in the replies created profile page.
[4920] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_is_search_results(), use $wp_query->bbp_search_terms instead of new bbp_is_search_results query-var. See #2337.
[4597] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_list_forums(), remove check for subforums meta, and trust the subforums query to do the work. In the subforums query, avoid using get_posts() and use a new WP_Query object instead. Also fix some return value type-casting. Fixes #2085.
[4816] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_move_topic_handler(), when moving a topic from one forum to another, recalculate sticky topics for each forum, and update them accordingly. Also modify the logic used to update ancestor forums, to avoid running update routine multiple times on the same forum. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2259.
[5019] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_new_topic_handler() and bbp_edit_topic_handler(), restrict sticky topic actions to users with 'moderate' capability. Fixes #2366.
[4914] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_parse_args(), switch $defaults default from '' to array(), and add some brackets to improve readability.
[4916] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_parse_args(), switch $defaults default from string to array, and add some brackets to improve readability. Also, only perform an array_merge() if the array to merge with is not empty.
[4807] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_pre_get_posts_exclude_forums(), switch logic to remove statuses from existing queries rather than recalculating them completely. Hat tip alex-ye. Fixes #2221.
[4922] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_pre_get_posts_normalize_forum_visibility(), run $post_types array through implode() and do an explicit comparison. Fixes issue with multi-type queries getting incorrect post-status query-vars.
[4758] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_profile_update_role(), add additional checks to prevent accidental role changes.
[5123] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_request_feed_trap(), check that post type being requested is a bbPress post type before proceeding. Improves compatibility with other custom feed handlers. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2308. (2.4.1)
[5122] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_request_feed_trap(), check that post type being requested is a bbPress post type before proceeding. Improves compatibility with other custom feed handlers. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2308. (2.5)
[4608] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_template_include_theme_compat(), bail early if is_buddypress(). Fixes #2104.
[5109] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_template_include_theme_compat(), bail out early when a root template has already been previously located. Fixes issues with recursive calls to the 'the_content' filter. Fixes #2429. (2.4.1)
[5110] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_template_include_theme_compat(), bail out early when a root template has already been previously located. Fixes issues with recursive calls to the 'the_content' filter. Fixes #2429. (2.5)
[4588] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_time_since(), do not noop $newer_date variable when passed to bbp_get_time_since(). Fixes #2115.
[4965] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_update_reply_to(), allow $reply_to to be 0 and delete if it's being set to empty. See #2340.
[4964] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_update_reply_to(), allow $reply_to to be 0 and delete if it's being set to empty. See #2340.
[5087] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_user_can_view_forum(), pass the $user_id into bbp_is_user_keymaster(). Fixes issue where bbp_user_can_view_forum() may return incorrect results for users with the Keymaster role. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2393.
[5029] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_verify_nonce_request(), add support for local installations that include a port in home_url(). Fixes #2196.
[4552] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_verify_nonce_request(), parse home_url() to remove any strange characters or query-strings that plugins might append to it. Fixes #2070.
[2999] johnjamesjacoby In bp_has_topics(), check that $sticky_posts exist before attempting to loop through them.
[4787] johnjamesjacoby In breadcrumb, skip crumb if parent is empty or an error.
[4715] johnjamesjacoby In favorite/subscription handlers, default redirect to get_permalink( $topic_id ) if no other match is found. Fixes #2160.
[4594] johnjamesjacoby In loop-single-reply/topic templates, replace "post-ID" with correct post type for query. Fixes issues with duplicate element ID's. Fixes #1980.
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