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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (1801 - 1900 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[6484] johnjamesjacoby Filters: cast return values & update phpdoc.
[2548] johnjamesjacoby Finish tfoot in forum and front
[3171] johnjamesjacoby First pass at RSS feeds. See #1422.
[2567] johnjamesjacoby First pass at Voices. Fixes #1330. Props !GautamGupta
[3194] johnjamesjacoby First pass at a stand-alone to plugin converter. Props !GautamGupta and Nightgunner5. See #1523.
[3395] johnjamesjacoby First pass at adding BuddyPress activity stream awareness to new topic and new reply creation. Rename $bbp->plugins to $bbp->extend for clarity. Rename bbp-core-akismet.php to bbp-extend-akismet.php to match new nomenclature. Fix debug notices with loop queries where they were set to arrays rather than stdClass.
[2947] johnjamesjacoby First pass at allowing topics and replies to be created via their respective "New" screens in wp-admin. @todo - metaboxes to match new core functionalities
[2670] johnjamesjacoby First pass at anonymous posting. Fixes #1363 props !Kaspace from Google Code-in
[3768] johnjamesjacoby First pass at creating forum content on first installation. * Move bbp_activation and bbp_deactivation action hooks into admin actions so they are not run by site visitors * Introduce bbp_create_initial_content() function to handle insertion of initial forum, topic, and reply * Fixes #1701
[3669] johnjamesjacoby First pass at forum trash/untrash/delete actions and functions for BuddyPress group forums. See #1669.
[2895] johnjamesjacoby First pass at forum, topic, and reply count routines. In this first iteration, counts are purposely overly sensitive resulting in more hits to the database than ultimately will be necessary in the final iteration. The process of recounting and realigning last_active_id and last_active_time is made difficult by being restricted to using the post_parent column for post relationships. Future versions may use syncopated taxonomies, mptt, or some other method to lighten this load. This first pass also relies heavily on the WordPress API wherever possible, and only uses custom queries in an attempt to limit memory usage. There me additional benefits from sub-queries and/or self joins. Would love to have more eyes on this specifically.
[2578] johnjamesjacoby First pass at improved admin interface. Adds ability to add and edit user from within admin.
[4228] johnjamesjacoby First pass at improving user profiles: * Sections: topics created, replies created, favorites, subscriptions, and edit. * Include template-parts, template-tags, functions, rewrite rules/tags, and primitive API's for new profile sections. * Tweak CSS for new functionalities. * See: #1939
[3731] johnjamesjacoby First pass at network updater. See #1725.
[5226] johnjamesjacoby First pass at replacing `Green` admin color scheme with `Mint` and `Evergreen` for WordPress 3.8. More to do here. Props melchoyce, ryelle. See #2462.
[4932] johnjamesjacoby First pass at settings and options redux: * Introduce toggle to break forum settings up into existing !WordPress settings pages. Off by default, this allows us to migrate easier later, should we decide to go this route. See #1500. * Introduce setting to handle the forum-root toggle. This eliminates the possible forum/topic archive slug conflict, if using topics archive as forum root. More to integrate here, including changing the main query and template part output. * Break user slugs into their own section, and allow favorites and subscriptions slugs to be edited. * Turn Forum Root into it's own section, and move topic/reply archive slugs into the new user section.
[2727] johnjamesjacoby First pass at topic moderation links for Trash, Open/Closed, and Spam. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in
[2615] johnjamesjacoby First pass at topic, reply, and voice counts. In this first pass, forum replies and forum voices are not working. Also forum counts will be skewed if there are subforums, and reply counts will be skewed if hacking threaded replies. @todo: Use walker and children/ancestors
[5266] johnjamesjacoby First pass at unit test suite. Props netweb. See #2542.
[2652] johnjamesjacoby First pass at user favorites. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code In
[2688] johnjamesjacoby First pass at user profiles and front-end user editing. Fixes #1364 props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in. Split bbp-template.php into smaller files. Rename 'profile-' pages to 'user-'. (This is the Ultra Magnus of changesets.)
[2737] johnjamesjacoby First pass at using WordPress Settings API for admin settings. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in
[3623] johnjamesjacoby First pass at v2 theme compatibility: * Remove references to current_theme_supports() * Introduce bbp_locate_template() to include theme compat path * Use bbp_locate_template() through-out project * See #1691
[2653] johnjamesjacoby First pass at widgets. Props Jason K via Google Code In
[3816] johnjamesjacoby First pass: replace bbPress 1.1 importer with bbConverter by Adam Ellis. * Handles large bbPress installations much better than original importer * Better potential for new converters in future * Breathes life into abandoned bbConverter project * See 1592 * Props Adam Ellis for bbConverter * @todo: Settings/UI/code clean-up, shake vigorously, lather, rinse, repeat
[3815] johnjamesjacoby First pass: replace bbPress 1.1 importer with bbConverter by Adam Ellis. * Handles large bbPress installations much better than original importer * Better potential for new converters in future * Breathes life into abandoned bbConverter project * See 1592 * Props Adam Ellis for bbConverter * @todo: Settings/UI/code clean-up, shake vigorously, lather, rinse, repeat
[3552] johnjamesjacoby First round of BuddyPress Groups integration: * Moves BuddyPress extension activation to bp_include action * Adds form-forum.php template part
[3135] johnjamesjacoby First round of security sweeps and final code clean-up. Includes new/edit topic functions, topic merge, and some strtoupper() checks on REQUEST_METHOD. See #1514.
[4495] johnjamesjacoby Fix $args collision in topic views widget.
[3658] johnjamesjacoby Fix 'deactivate' copy-pasta from r3657. See #1660.
[4583] jmdodd Fix .bbp-search-content CSS copy pasta typo. * Props netweb. * Fixes #2111.
[5383] netweb Fix .editorconfig file, file should be a file not a diff. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2612
[4929] johnjamesjacoby Fix @deprecated tag for bbp_generate_rewrite_rules(). See #2336.
[5353] netweb Fix @since PHPDoc for `toggle_forum` and `toggle_forum_notice` in /includes/admin/forums.php
[2908] johnjamesjacoby Fix @since and @param or bbp_update_forum
[2829] johnjamesjacoby Fix @since revision numbers
[2747] johnjamesjacoby Fix @since's from r2746. Use correct 'read_private_forums' cap where appropriate.
[5182] johnjamesjacoby Fix @since.
[2757] johnjamesjacoby Fix @sinces from r2756
[3370] johnjamesjacoby Fix MySQL installation error with table type MYISAM in 5.5 and above. Props !DJPaul. Fixes #1486. (trunk)
[5053] johnjamesjacoby Fix PHP 5.4 by reference E_STRICT warning in bbp_get_user_role(). See #2372.
[6154] xknown Fix PHP 7 compat issue. - `func_get_arg()` returns the current (modified) value of the given argument. Let's make sure the code is compatible with older PHP versions. - Add also PHP 5.x style constructors. See #3033
[6156] xknown Fix PHP 7 compat issues w.r.t. the use of `func_get_arg()`. `func_get_arg()` returns the current (modified) value of the given argument. Let's make sure the code behaves the same. See #3033
[7118] xknown Fix PHP warnings.
[6166] xknown Fix PHP7 parse error. The result of `new` can't be longer assigned by reference. See #3033
[6155] xknown Fix PHP7 parse error. The result of `new` can't be longer assigned by reference. See #3033
[6937] johnjamesjacoby Fix Sergey's avatar. <3
[6069] netweb Fix Subscriptions slug setting field PHPDoc block copy pasta
[6365] netweb Fix `@return` docs typo in `bbp_title` Props SergeyBiryukov. Fixes #3080.
[5263] johnjamesjacoby Fix `@since` PHPDoc for Drupal7 converter. Props netweb. Fixes #2521. (2.5 branch)
[5264] johnjamesjacoby Fix `@since` PHPDoc for Drupal7 converter. Props netweb. Fixes #2521. (trunk)
[3696] johnjamesjacoby Fix a bunch of possible accidental inline assignments in bbp-user-functions.php.
[4886] johnjamesjacoby Fix a few widget fields that were not saving correctly. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2319 (2.3 branch)
[4885] johnjamesjacoby Fix a few widget fields that were not saving correctly. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2319 (trunk)
[6532] johnjamesjacoby Fix accidentally inverted inline doc from r6531.
[3027] johnjamesjacoby Fix activation notice to use current_theme_supports() and include a method to bypass the theme nag.
[5421] netweb Fix additional references to topics in phpdoc for reply status dropdown functions. See #2463.
[2799] johnjamesjacoby Fix ajax tag adding/removing. Fixes #1327
[2720] johnjamesjacoby Fix anonymous user links. Fix single reply template. Abstract out user profile/website links. Fixes #1408. Props !GautamGupta via Google Code-in
[4690] jmdodd Fix array title copypasta in bbp_admin_repair_list(). * Props netweb. * Fixes #2152.
[6364] netweb Fix basename filter in `bbPress:setup_globals()`. This changeset if for `/branches/2.5`, previously [5316] for `/trunk` Props alexvorn2. Fixes #3079.
[5316] johnjamesjacoby Fix basename filter in `bbPress:setup_globals()`. Props DJPaul.
[3486] johnjamesjacoby Fix bb_get_option() when requesting 'url' Props _ck_. Fixes #1624. (0.9 branch)
[2743] johnjamesjacoby Fix bb_get_user to prevent 'Invalid argument' errors.
[4827] johnjamesjacoby Fix bbp_forum_row_actions() phpdoc description. Props netweb. Fixes #2282.
[3300] johnjamesjacoby Fix bbp_recount_topic_replies() to include topics with 0 replies.
[2730] johnjamesjacoby Fix broken favorites and subscriptions (from previous commit)
[4631] johnjamesjacoby Fix broken markup in loop-search-forum.php template part.
[4694] johnjamesjacoby Fix broken single forum feeds by avoiding get_page_by_path(). Props alex-ye. Fixes #2167.
[3294] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug allowing trashed topics and replies in wp-admin to be visible to users without proper caps.
[4657] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug causing reply revisions not to save correctly. Also tweak default revision CSS to be more aggressive, so it does not get nooped by content OL/UL/LI styling.
[3033] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug from r3032 where new topic form did not display forum drop down when using forum-index shortcode.
[4844] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in bbp_get_reply_excerpt() that was causing it to always fail. Reverse the parameters of get_post_field() to be in the correct order. Props paulgibbs. Fixes #2300.
[4834] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in bbp_get_single_topic_description() causing some conditions to never be executed. Use bbp_get_topic_last_reply_id() instead of bbp_get_topic_last_active_id() since the $topic_id is used as the last active ID if no replies exist. Fixes #2289.
[4845] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in bbp_get_topic_excerpt() that was causing it to always fail. Reverse the parameters of get_post_field() to be in the correct order. See #2300.
[2951] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in bbp_update_forum_hidden_topic_count() where trashed topics would not update the hidden topic count.
[3201] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in theme compatibility where $forum_id could get wiped out. Also add more default template options, to allow custom forum catch-alls without modifying existing templates or elaborate hooks and filters.
[3124] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in topic/reply revisions where log was 1 revision behind.
[3044] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in topics widget where topics in hidden forums could peek through if post_parent was set to 'any'
[3453] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug in user_status checks allowing spam/deleted users to create topics and replies.
[4742] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug preventing nested forums from being available when creating topics/replies from wp-admin. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2186.
[2962] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where closed topics and replies were excluded from queries. Also add grey color to text of closed topics in forum view.
[5120] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where nested ternary comparisons in `form-anonymous.php` were causing duplicated, sometimes conflicting, output. Introduce convenience template functions for better handling and output of anonymous user form field data. Wrap complex `form-anonymous.php` template-part access logic in a helper function (similar to other template parts.) Deprecate ambiguous `bbp_topic/reply_author()` functions, in favor of `author_display_name()` equivalents. Fixes #2426.
[3313] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where old stick-to-front topics might get pushed past first page.
[3149] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where reply revision author would incorrectly show the original reply author.
[2965] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where sub forums would not be visible when created, as they lack the required postmeta values for topics/replies, and parent forums would not have updated subforum counts.
[3025] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where switching visibilities could cause a misalignment of hidden/private site values.
[3055] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug with get_post_type() usage in bbp_forum_visibility check. Also tweak the white listed set of user caps.
[2478] johnjamesjacoby Fix casing on function names and phpdoc
[3705] johnjamesjacoby Fix check in bbp_get_view_query_args() and add filter at the end.
[3266] johnjamesjacoby Fix checked status of topic subscription form checkbox.
[4628] johnjamesjacoby Fix content display issues in .bbp-user-section container (includes RTL). Props jaredatch. Fixes #2067.
[4680] johnjamesjacoby Fix copy pasta from topic display name fix. See #2141.
[5159] netweb Fix copy pasta in user profile subscriptions template. See #2299
[4676] johnjamesjacoby Fix copy pasta inline doc from r4675.
[5728] netweb Fix copy pasta placeholder argument in `loop-single-topic.php` template Props netweb. Fixes #2799
[3724] johnjamesjacoby Fix current_*_id globals so they are used instead of set. Also fix issue with _edit permalinks still using home_url() instead of normal _permalink() functions, and cleanup some whitespace. Fixes #1734.
[3599] johnjamesjacoby Fix debug notice in BuddyPress user ID filter when anonymous posting is enabled.
[3456] johnjamesjacoby Fix debug warning when topic has no tags. Fixes #1607. Props !GautamGupta.
[3337] johnjamesjacoby Fix display of non-english characters in sample permalink. Fixes #1559. Props cnorris23.
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