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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (1401 - 1500 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[5527] netweb Converter import meta data improvements and fixes: * Original 'old' hierarchical/threaded replies meta key is now defined using `_bbp_old_reply_to_id` * Fixes the "Purge Previous Import" optional removal of previously imported hierarchical/threaded replies when using the database sync_table. * Updates `Drupal7.php` importer compatibility for the above changes See #2650
[5530] netweb Converter import user meta data improvements and fixes: * Original 'old' user meta key is now defined using `_bbp_old_user_id` * Fixes the "Purge Previous Import" optional removal of previously imported users when using the database sync_table. * Updates all included importers with the above changes including the custom callback in `e107v1.php` See #2650
[4400] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add '_bbp_old_forum_id' in converter so forums can be easily referenced. * Update groups-repair to use new 'old forum ID' key. * Props jmdodd. * Fixes #2024.
[3868] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add counts to bbPress 1.x forum and topic conversions * Run reply content through callback_html * See #1820
[3889] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add last active time to topics based on topic_time * See #1820
[3885] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add total topic and reply counts to bbPress 1.x forum converter * Fixes issue with forum counts in non-hierarchical forum setups * See #1820
[3865] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add translate_status method to bbPress 1.x * Map topic and reply statuses to bbPress 2.x schema * Passes correct post status so spam/trashed posts are not alive again * See #1820
[3891] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add user_nicename, user_status, and user_display_name to bbPress 1.x importer * See #1820
[3890] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add user_topic_count repair function * Fix incorrect meta key in user_reply_count repair function * See #1820
[3888] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Add wpspin gif to top most conversion feedback * See #1820
[4007] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Call bbconverter_run() inside bbconverter_start() to avoid code duplication.
[4141] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Call bbp_admin() to create the admin object when converting passwords.
[3867] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Clean up phpBB field maps * See #1820
[3869] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Decode HTML entities in callback_html method * Fixes issues with bbPress 0.9 (and any legacy software that stored HTML pre-encoded) * See #1820
[3894] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Filter admin menu for tabbed Tools navigation * See #1820
[3887] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Fix incorrect callback to 'bbp_admin_repair_freshness' * See #1820
[4086] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Fix issue with Invision converter causing replies not to be converted correctly. * Props netweb. * Fixes #1892 (2.1 branch)
[4085] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Fix issue with Invision converter causing replies not to be converted correctly. * Props netweb. * Fixes #1892 (2.2 branch)
[3884] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Fix issue with reply titles in bbPress 1.x * Fix issue with reply topic in bbPress 1.x * Rename "Recount" to "Repair" through wp-admin * Introduce "Reset Forum" tool * See #1820
[3875] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Group Forum tools into h2 tabs * See #1820
[4072] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Move convert_pass method into global scope, so passwords are converted anywhere. * Fixes #1886.
[4003] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Pinking shears. * Run $field_list through array_unique() to remove duplicate fields. * Properly internationalize converter output strings.
[4430] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Platform options is a string, not an array.
[3866] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Remane 'translate' methods to 'callback' to avoid confusion with i18n functions * Improve maps of bbPress 1 converter * Fix incorrectly named keys in other converters * Whitespace and phpdoc fixes * See #1820
[4342] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Remove 'bbp-' prefix from parser.php include. * Props nexia. * Fixes #2013.
[3864] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Remove _converter_ from metakey names * Clean up code in base converter classes * Converter now partially functional * See #1820
[3893] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Remove commented cruft from bbPress 1.x converter * Improvements to ajax and spinner * See #1820
[3886] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Remove extra "Found" text from converter process * See #1820
[4000] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Remove need for eval() call. * Code clean-up. * Type cast POST rows to integer.
[3873] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Set topic ID for topics * Add inline doc to convert_table() method * Tweak bbPress 1.x field mapping * See #1820
[4047] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Stop pre-loading database information in converter. * Originally to ease testing during 2.1 development. * Fixes #1879. * Props Omicron7.
[3872] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Tabulate the recount and converter menu items * See #1820
[4090] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Tweak bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass() with correct meta key. * Include missing BBP_Admin() class * Fixes #1886 (2.1 branch). * Props netweb, xiosen.
[4089] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Tweak bbp_user_maybe_convert_password() with correct meta key. * Include missing BBP_Admin() class * Fixes #1886 (2.2 branch). * Props netweb, xiosen.
[3876] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Tweaks to converter process * Rename "Recount" to "Repair" and point everything to it as needed * Add two new repair tools to recalculate the forum ID and topic ID for each post, based on the post_parent values * See #1820
[4055] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Update verbiage of clean and restart checkboxes. * Audit usage of sync_table(), and make sure table is created correctly. * When deleting posts, check correct array items.
[3874] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Use $_POST rows in process_callback() method so math matches * See #1820
[4160] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Use sanitize_title() instead of sanitize_title_with_slashes(). * Fix issue with character encoding. * Fixes #1929 for 2.1 branch.
[4161] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Use sanitize_title() instead of sanitize_title_with_slashes(). * Fix issue with character encoding. * Fixes #1929 for 2.2 branch.
[4008] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Use type "password" on DB password input field. * Fixes #1858.
[3863] johnjamesjacoby Converter: * Whitespace fixes to bbPress1 converter * Fix incorrect fieldname * See #1820
[6669] johnjamesjacoby Converter: use WordPress smiley URL & path in default `callback_html()` method. This change makes sure that smiley paths and URLs are correctly converted inside of post content areas. Previous to this, the default `smiley/img.gif` path would be used, resulting in broken smiley images, even after conversion. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6600] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Add `halt` setting for stopping the importer when an error occurs. Next: implement in Converter.
[6631] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Add missing `_bbp_converter_convert_users` option key. Prevents debug notices when also converting user accounts from other platforms.
[6677] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Add toggle to show/hide the database password contents. This change provides a relatively sane middle-ground for insecure content warnings in the converter, by providing a button to toggle the `password` field back and forth to a `text` field. Ideally, in the future, there will be a legitimate way to do this. Trunk, for 2.6. See #3153.
[6789] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Call `bbp_setup_converter()` inside of `bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass()`. This change makes sure the admin-area converter files are included and instantiated from anywhere a user might be logging in from. This fixes a potential fatal error when trying to convert user passwords from old platforms to WordPress after a successful forum conversion has completed. Fixes #3191.
[6658] SergeyBiryukov Converter: Clarify `status_counting` label in Import Monitor. Props jrf. Fixes #3147.
[6632] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Clean user cache when converting a user's password field. This makes sure the user object is pristine on the subsequent request to it, fixing possible race conditions with authentication errors.
[6460] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Code improvements * Add "Skip" text for steps that are being skipped * Allow bypassing of importer halting on error * Update a few strings * Break some code from `process_callback()` method out into separate private methods
[6184] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Convert favorites & subscriptions to `postmeta` vs. `usermeta`. * Update table names * Support for comma-separated string values * Use strict comparisons where it makes sense to See #2959, #2668.
[6599] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Default values to `0` so converter starts correctly.
[6635] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Don't use `delete_option()` on converter options. Default option filters are breaking `update_option()` return values when options do not exist, so remove this optimization and save it for when a conversion is completed. This needs more looking into.
[6650] SergeyBiryukov Converter: Fix typo and improve wording of Database Settings section labels. Props jrf. Fixes #3143.
[6195] netweb Converter: Give `!` usages some breathing room.
[6679] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Improve `clean` logic when checking for deleted activity. This change fixes a condition where meta-data is out-of-sync with posts or users, resulting in a false assignment of `true` when there actually is no data to delete, and no data has been deleted. Now when this happens, the converter will proceed as intended. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6458] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Improve error responses and UX when converter halts.
[6448] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Introduce `bbp_get_converters()` to DRY the directory crawling code. Also allows converters to be filtered, should someone want to include their own in a plugin. See #3095.
[6638] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Introduce `update_query()` method, to help with updating the last query option. This abstracts the `update_option()` approach for future scrutiny.
[6640] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Make it all work again! * Send a response when a step is complete (to trigger the subsequent step) * Remove `min` class variable, and use `start` everywhere instead * Move giant step switch into a `steps` array instead (a lot more can be done here later) * Break apart a few private methods to make the call stack easier to follow * Store the `platform` for use in inherited objects later This commit makes the converter work again, tested against a few large database dumps from several platforms to confirm.
[6457] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Make sure the sync-table has a chance to be made on first run when not cleaning. Also default `$start` values to `1` in the event some empty value is erroneously passed through.
[6459] johnjamesjacoby Converter: More stylistic improvements * Use "Import Monitor" metabox vs. old ugly plain yellow `div` * Improve messaging around existing/incomplete import status/query/steps * `17` total steps is kind-of a bad guess, but better than nothing * Likely more can be done here in 2.7 as this matures in the public eye
[6456] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Multiple converter improvements * Move classes into their own files * Move `converter.php` into `/admin/tools/` * Escape output of translated strings where possible * Introduce `bbp_converter_db_connection_failed` error handler, in the event the origin database connection cannot be established * Sets `WP_SETUP_CONFIG` constant to `true` to control `$wpdb->db_connect()` bail from using `db-error.php` * Use `sanitize_text_field()` on database connection values * Invisibly default to `DB_` constants if database connection values are empty * introduce `convert_users` class parameter to limit direct touches to `$_POST` value * Smarter defaults for converter options
[6514] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Port changes proposed for 2.7 in for 2.6: * Add a timer UI to show the count down until the next step * Move converter settings into the normal options & settings arrays * Update fields, sections, & pages as needed * Update `converter.js` version to use `bbp_get_version()` * Make connection & options persistent across requests whenever possible, and trust the settings if settings change * Split steps up into private methods, out of the massive `do_steps()` method
[6447] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Refresh to registered settings * `ksort()` the Platform list, and exclude "Example" since it's not usable * Turn some `text` fields into `number` fields, with reasonable boundaries * Add `code` classes to database fields * Update some labels & descriptions Fixes #3095.
[6716] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Remove duplicate `class` attribute on DB password field.
[6833] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Remove unused argument in `clean()` method usage. See #3207.
[6130] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Set maximum key index length to 191. Fixes bug where table would not be created because `utf8mb4` character sets do not have room for that many bytes. (Also, pass query as an array into `dbDelta()` so it doesn't need to do the work for us anymore.) See #3026. (2.5 branch, for 2.5.12)
[6129] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Set maximum key index length to 191. Fixes bug where table would not be created because `utf8mb4` character sets do not have room for that many bytes. (Also, pass query as an array into `dbDelta()` so it doesn't need to do the work for us anymore.) See #3026. (Trunk, for 2.6)
[6472] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Styling updates * Move all admin CSS & JS into `/admin/assets/` * Introduce `converter.js` and refactor code out of `admin_head()` method * Move converter styling into `common.css` * Update some surrounding styling, verbiage, and mark-up to better handle errors and user feedback
[6471] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Styling updates * Move all admin CSS & JS into `/admin/assets/` * Introduce `converter.js` and refactor code out of `admin_head()` method * Move converter styling into `common.css` * Update some surrounding styling, verbiage, and mark-up to better handle errors and user feedback
[6634] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Tweak description of `restart` setting to better hint at what it does.
[6834] johnjamesjacoby Converter: UX improvements to import experience: * Move Monitor to upper-right * Move actions into Monitor * Make database fields read-only when importer is running * Add a spinner See #3207 for inspiration.
[6636] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Update `bbp_converter_status()` to use current step. When actually converting data, this step is only bumped when moving between major events, not minors.
[6491] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Update some strings for improved clarity. When a conversion is stopped, and later resumed, make sure the steps and verbiage are clear. Also switch from "Completed" to "Finished" since it's likely some repair steps are still necessary, and the conversion isn't technically "complete" until those are done too.
[6678] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Update the options labels and descriptions. This change should bring increased clarity to what the converter options are for. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6639] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Use `false` as the default value for some options. This ensures that `default_option_` values are still overloadable when converting.
[6633] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Use error control operator on `Internal_UpdateParamsForMissingEndTag()` Avoids polluting the php error logs if position is not byref.
[6490] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Use the port number in the server address if available. Fixes #3022.
[6788] johnjamesjacoby Converter: add filter to `bbp_new_converter()`. This change makes it possible to include a custom converter class for the platform being converted from, especially useful if you've changed password storage schemas or want to handle data migration in a way that is specific to your needs. See #3191.
[6763] johnjamesjacoby Converter: add inline documentation for `wp_insert_user()`. This change adds an inline reminder about what `wp_insert_user()` does internally, so our future selves know at a glance why else a user might be skipped.
[6662] johnjamesjacoby Converter: bind number-of-rows attribute to between 1 and 5000. This change adds validation to ensure no unexpected number of database rows are queried, and also back-ports sanitization to database connection values from trunk. 2.5 branch, for 2.5.14. Props jrf. Fixes #3148.
[6661] johnjamesjacoby Converter: bind number-of-rows attribute to between 1 and 5000. This change adds validation to ensure no unexpected number of database rows are queried. Trunk, for 2.6. Props jrf. See #3148.
[6663] johnjamesjacoby Converter: ensure UI state variables are correctly localized. This change combines the new UI state variables into an array, so they retain their type-casting through the localization API. It also inverts the logic in 1 comparison to make sure the correct user feedback is displayed in its intended location. Trunk, for 2.6. Props jrf. Fixes #3146.
[7246] johnjamesjacoby Converter: improvements to `bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass()`: * Unslash 'log' posted value * Trim 'pwd' posted value * Bail early if either are empty * Use `get_user_by()` and `get_user_meta()` instead of direct MySQL query * Bail if user/meta are not found * Bail if converter not string or not found This change ensures that users who sign in via either their username or email are converted. Before this change, signing in via email would not trigger a conversion. In branches/2.6, for 2.6.10. See #3419.
[7245] johnjamesjacoby Converter: improvements to `bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass()`: * Unslash 'log' posted value * Trim 'pwd' posted value * Bail early if either are empty * Use `get_user_by()` and `get_user_meta()` instead of direct MySQL query * Bail if user/meta are not found * Bail if converter not string or not found This change ensures that users who sign in via either their username or email are converted. Before this change, signing in via email would not trigger a conversion. In trunk, for 2.7.0. See #3419.
[6832] johnjamesjacoby Converter: make a few `private` properties `protected` so subclasses can reach them. This change fixes a bug causing the e107v1 converter to fail. Props wpdennis. Fixes #3207.
[6670] johnjamesjacoby Converter: more OOP, specifically for the BBCode parser. This change introduces a `bbcode_parser_properties` array to the base converter, allowing custom BBCode parser properties to be passed into the parent method via the child, minimizing the amount of code in each individual forum converter. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6681] johnjamesjacoby Converter: progress bars and percentages. This change incorporates 2 horizontal bars in the importer header area. One indicates how far the current step has progressed, and the other indicates total progress. Pretty sweet. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6666] johnjamesjacoby Converter: reduce `meta_key` and `meta_value` length to `75`. This change lowers the maximum allowed string length from `191` (which was used based on what's in WordPress core.) After further review, `75` is a reasonable maximum to try for now, though it could likely be tuned further if needed. Trunk, for 2.6. Fixes #3145.
[6785] johnjamesjacoby Converter: remove `WP_SETUP_CONFIG` constant setting from converter process. This introduces a helper database class to avoid directly connecting to the external database. Instead, we'll attempt to control that connection, and provide feedback to the user in the event a connection cannot be made. The `WP_SETUP_CONFIG` was causing calls to the options API to fail, resulting in broken calculations and invalid offsets. This commit includes some general load order clean-up, which also fixes a regression causing fatal errors when attempting to upgrade converted user passwords from the old platform. It also fixes the condition where boundaries being converted would display beyond their maximums. Fixes #3191.
[7256] johnjamesjacoby Converter: remove `__destruct()` registration This change removes the need for `wpdb` extensions (like in the Converter) to register their own shutdown methods. This is necessary because the `__destruct()` method was removed in the parent `wpdb` class, so attempting to add it in the subclass will generate PHP errors. See #WP21402. Fixes #3508. Props GDragoN, dd32. In branches/2.6, for 2.6.10.
[7243] johnjamesjacoby Converter: remove `_bbp_class` key on successful authentication. This change cleans up the usermeta key that is used to determine if the relative user has a password from a converted platform that still needs to be rehashed. Cleaning this up fixes a bug that would cause recurrent conversions from some platforms. In branches/2.6, for 2.6.10. Props sirlouen. Fixes #3419.
[7244] johnjamesjacoby Converter: remove `_bbp_class` key on successful authentication. This change cleans up the usermeta key that is used to determine if the relative user has a password from a converted platform that still needs to be rehashed. Cleaning this up fixes a bug that would cause recurrent conversions from some platforms. In trunk, for 2.7.0. Props sirlouen. Fixes #3419.
[6820] johnjamesjacoby Converter: remove `safe_mode` check from `BBP_Converter::maybe_set_memory()`. This was deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 and removed in 5.4.0. Instead, this change employs the following: * Moves keys and values into a filterable array * Looks for disabled functions and avoids them * Adds error control operators as needed
[6671] johnjamesjacoby Converter: softer verbiage on the importer buttons. This changes "Stop" to "Pause" and "Continue" to "Resume". This more accurately represents the actions these buttons perform, while also inspiring a bit more confidence that the converter can be halted and resumed at anytime. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6809] johnjamesjacoby Converter: update phpBB importer to use `user_form_salt`. Props jrf. Fixes #3192.
[6665] johnjamesjacoby Converter: use `esc_like()` to avoid debug notice when cleaning users. This change runs the `_bbp_` `meta_key` prefix through `esc_like()`, ensuring that the subsequent `prepare()` call has a value passed into it. Trunk, for 2.6.
[4119] johnjamesjacoby Converters: * Classes are case sensitive when being loaded by the main converter. * Fixes #1886. * For 2.1 branch. * Props netweb.
[4101] johnjamesjacoby Converters: * Classes are case sensitive when being loaded by the main converter. * Fixes #1886. * Props netweb.
[4102] johnjamesjacoby Converters: * Revert whitespace changes in r4101. * See #1886. * Antiprops netweb.
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