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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Results (1501 - 1600 of 4824)

Changeset Author Message
[5200] johnjamesjacoby Bump bbpress.pot.
[5199] johnjamesjacoby Bump to 2.5.
[5198] johnjamesjacoby Add netweb to contributors.
[5197] johnjamesjacoby Update readme.txt.
[5196] johnjamesjacoby Upgrade netweb in humans.txt.
[5195] johnjamesjacoby Remove `topic.min.js` from default theme compat.
[5194] johnjamesjacoby Don't use `esc_html_e()` on Importer page, as it includes a `<strong>` tag that's worth keeping around.
[5192] johnjamesjacoby Add nonces to BuddyPress notifications and improve single notification output.
[5190] johnjamesjacoby Bump version to 2.5-beta.
[5189] johnjamesjacoby Check the `$author_id` before passing it into `bbp_is_user_keymaster()` in blacklist and moderation functions. Prevents accidental role escalation if `$author_id` is empty. See #2393.
[5188] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_user_can_view_forum()` check the `$user_id` before passing it into `bbp_is_user_keymaster()`. Prevents accidental role escalation if `$user_id` is empty. See #2393.
[5187] johnjamesjacoby Use correct array variable name in `bbp_get_current_anonymous_user_data()`. Fixes #2476. Props netweb.
[5186] johnjamesjacoby Check the `$located` variable to avoid trying to enqueue a style or script that was not found.
[5185] johnjamesjacoby Use correct anonymous post data array indexes in `akismet.php`. See #2476.
[5184] johnjamesjacoby Update bbpress.pot.
[5183] johnjamesjacoby Update default theme compatibility `bbpress-functions.php` to use new `bbp_enqueue_style()` and `bbp_enqueue_script()` functions. Enhances style and script loading behavior to be compatible with bbPress's template stack. Fixes #2478.
[5182] johnjamesjacoby Fix @since.
[5181] johnjamesjacoby Introduce functions to enqueue scripts and styles according to the template stack. See #2478.
[5179] johnjamesjacoby Bump priority from 1 to 2, to give some wiggle room for third party developers. See #2291.
[5178] johnjamesjacoby Move filter adding higher up in `filters.php.` See #2291.
[5177] johnjamesjacoby When creating new replies, do not force them to have a title. This is new as of WordPress 3.7, to be more accommodating to post formats that don't cater to titles very well (image/status/video/etc...) Until now, replies to topics have always shared the topic title (and incremental slugs) in common with each other. With this change, replies will now mostly be identified via their post ID. This helps with search results, and avoids some reply-slug confusion as to why they need to have titles or slugs at all. Props alex-ye for the clever solution. Fixes #2291.
[5175] johnjamesjacoby Mass hysteria. See #1889.
[5174] johnjamesjacoby If not deleting users, delete the imported user meta-data instead. See #1889. Props netweb.
[5173] johnjamesjacoby When resetting the forums back to pre-import status, allow admins to delete imported users. This handles the clean up of a potentially botched import, while also helping revert a site back to a pre-bbPress configuration. Fixes #1889. Props netweb.
[5172] johnjamesjacoby Remove theme-compat `head_scripts` and move JS into separate files for each condition. Fixes #2454.
[5171] johnjamesjacoby Go back to direct DB queries when changing forum visibilities. Fixes issues with visibility not saving correctly, at least for now. Fixes #2408, hat-tip netweb.
[5169] johnjamesjacoby Enable pingbacks for forum CPT when creating in wp-admin. See #2297.
[5168] johnjamesjacoby Enable pingbacks for CPT's when creating in wp-admin. Fixes #2297.
[5167] johnjamesjacoby Clean up `bbp_get_user_blog_role()` to avoid creating an unused variable.
[5166] johnjamesjacoby RTLove. Props netweb, alex-ye. Fixes #2385.
[5165] johnjamesjacoby Revert part of r5164 that moved the `$r` array within a `bbp_is_forum_category()` check in `bbp_get_forum_subscription_link()`, as it caused debug notices from `$r` not being defined. See #2475.
[5164] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_get_forum_subscription_link()` do not return a link if viewing a forum category. This is a temporary stop-gap until forums can be subscribed to in a hierarchical manner. Fixes #2475, hat-tip netweb.
[5163] johnjamesjacoby Introduce `current_view_id` to bbPress class variables. Used when calling a topic view shortcode via `bbp-single-view` so subsequent calls to `bbp_view_query` are able to retrieve the `$view_id` via `bbp_get_view_id()` the same way `bbp_get_topic_id()` works. Fixes #2457.
[5162] johnjamesjacoby Allow 'bbp_has_search_results' filter to still run even if no search terms were passed. This brings it inline with other component queries. Fixes #2356.
[5161] johnjamesjacoby When viewing a single BuddyPress group forum topic, filter the title and add the topic title to it. Fixes #2435.
[5158] johnjamesjacoby Add extra conditions to `bbp_current_user_can_access_create_topic_form()`. This addresses `You cannot create new topics` issues eluded to in the forums, of certain users being unable to create new topics even when their capabilities allow.
[5157] johnjamesjacoby Forum Subscriptions: * Update `@since` and `@deprecated` to r5156. * Introduce tool for removing trashed and deleted forums from user subscriptions. * See #2299. Props netweb.
[5156] johnjamesjacoby Forum Subscriptions - Allow users to subscribe to new topics in specific forums. * Code largely lifted from existing Topics Subscriptions, and is based largely on `forum-subscriptions.2.diff` from mordauk, with edits for code consistency across bbPress components. * Refactor existing ambiguous function names into base functions for both forum and topic subscriptions. * Include new functions for getting and outputting subscriptions. * Modify `user-subscriptions.php` to show subscribed forums. This includes a modification to `content-single-forum.php` to include the "Unsubscribe" link if looking at a user profile page. * Modify `templates/default/bbpress-functions.php` to enqueue new JS file to handle forum subscription ajax. * Rename HTML element classes from `bbp-topic-action` to `bbp-row-actions` to better accommodate forum subscriptions (and any future actions.) * BuddyPress tested, JJJ approved. * See #2299. Props mordauk, netweb for the considerable effort. * More to do here, largely from `forum-subscriptions.3.diff`
[5155] johnjamesjacoby Add support for new BuddyPress notifications component, alerting members when their topics have been replied to. Requires BuddyPress 1.9.
[5135] johnjamesjacoby Remove extraneous closing tag in custom walker start_el() method. Props netweb. Fixes #2455.
[5134] johnjamesjacoby Use rewrite ID helper functions instead of hardcoded strings.
[5133] johnjamesjacoby About Page: * On activation, check that current user can access About page before redirecting to it. * Once activated, only add About & Settings links if current user can access those pages. * Before making the current user a Keymaster, make sure they do not have a previous forum role, preventing role escalation if the current user was previously demoted. * Fixes #2443.
[5132] johnjamesjacoby Only filter the `bbpress` textdomain with the `bbpress_locale` filter. Clean up surrounding phpdoc.
[5131] johnjamesjacoby Use wrapper functions introduced in r5130 for custom post-types and taxonomy.
[5130] johnjamesjacoby Introduce wrapper functions for custom post-type and taxonomy labels, rewrite settings, and supports options.
[5129] johnjamesjacoby Update readme.txt and version revision in trunk.
[5128] johnjamesjacoby Tag 2.4.1.
[5127] johnjamesjacoby Bump 2.4 branch version to 2.4.1. Also add 2.4.1 section to readme.txt.
[5126] johnjamesjacoby Remove hardcoded references to 'topics' and 'replies' in user profile URL's; use archive slug functions instead. Props imath. Fixes #2448. (2.5)
[5125] johnjamesjacoby Remove hardcoded references to 'topics' and 'replies' in user profile URL's; use archive slug functions instead. Props imath. Fixes #2448. (2.4.1)
[5124] johnjamesjacoby Revert part of r5060. Fixes issues with setting forum statuses. Props netweb. (2.4.1)
[5123] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_request_feed_trap(), check that post type being requested is a bbPress post type before proceeding. Improves compatibility with other custom feed handlers. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2308. (2.4.1)
[5122] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_request_feed_trap(), check that post type being requested is a bbPress post type before proceeding. Improves compatibility with other custom feed handlers. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2308. (2.5)
[5121] johnjamesjacoby Improve function locations introduced in r5120. Ensures template and helper functions are in template.php. See #2426.
[5120] johnjamesjacoby Fix bug where nested ternary comparisons in `form-anonymous.php` were causing duplicated, sometimes conflicting, output. Introduce convenience template functions for better handling and output of anonymous user form field data. Wrap complex `form-anonymous.php` template-part access logic in a helper function (similar to other template parts.) Deprecate ambiguous `bbp_topic/reply_author()` functions, in favor of `author_display_name()` equivalents. Fixes #2426.
[5119] johnjamesjacoby Replace user_trailingslashit() with trailingslashit() in bbp_get_search_results_url(). Fixes issues with search results pages missing a slash when the permalink structure does not include a trailing slash by default. Fixes #2441. (2.5)
[5118] johnjamesjacoby Replace user_trailingslashit() with trailingslashit() in bbp_get_search_results_url(). Fixes issues with search results pages missing a slash when the permalink structure does not include a trailing slash by default. Fixes #2441. (2.4.1)
[5117] johnjamesjacoby Update bbp_get_dropdown() so it always returns a form field (select tag) for more predictable usage. Fixes #2445.
[5116] johnjamesjacoby Remove 'none_found' from metaboxes. Will be deprecating as part of #2445.
[5115] johnjamesjacoby Remove 'none_found' strings from forms. Will be deprecating as part of #2445.
[5114] johnjamesjacoby Fix theme-side forum editing debug notices. See #2408. (2.5)
[5113] johnjamesjacoby Fix theme-side forum editing debug notices. See #2408. (2.4.1)
[5112] johnjamesjacoby Use empty() instead of strict 'on' comparison in topics widget. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2319. (2.4.1)
[5111] johnjamesjacoby Use empty() instead of strict 'on' comparison in topics widget. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2319. (2.5)
[5110] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_template_include_theme_compat(), bail out early when a root template has already been previously located. Fixes issues with recursive calls to the 'the_content' filter. Fixes #2429. (2.5)
[5109] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_template_include_theme_compat(), bail out early when a root template has already been previously located. Fixes issues with recursive calls to the 'the_content' filter. Fixes #2429. (2.4.1)
[5108] johnjamesjacoby Use correct '_bbp_post_id' meta_key in converter callback_reply_to. Fixes incorrect mapping of converted hierarchical replies. Props netweb. Fixes #2439. (2.4.1)
[5107] johnjamesjacoby Use correct '_bbp_post_id' meta_key in converter callback_reply_to. Fixes incorrect mapping of converted hierarchical replies. Props netweb. Fixes #2439. (2.5)
[5106] johnjamesjacoby Fix speeling error in settings.php. Props netweb. Fixes #2438.
[5105] johnjamesjacoby Improvements to bbp_title() to include user topics/replies/favorites/subscriptions. Fixes #2340.
[5104] johnjamesjacoby s/conerts/converts. Props netweb. Fixes #2406. (trunk)
[5103] johnjamesjacoby s/conerts/converts. Props netweb. Fixes #2406. (2.4 branch)
[5102] johnjamesjacoby Tweak bbp_title() to better integrate with other plugins that filter 'wp_title'. Fixes #2405. (2.4 branch)
[5101] johnjamesjacoby Tweak bbp_title() to better integrate with other plugins that filter 'wp_title'. Fixes #2405. (trunk)
[5100] johnjamesjacoby Bump trunk to 2.5-alpha.
[5099] johnjamesjacoby Tag 2.4.
[5098] johnjamesjacoby Create 2.4 branch from trunk.
[5097] johnjamesjacoby Bump readme.txt stable tag and version.
[5096] johnjamesjacoby Bump trunk to 2.4.
[5095] johnjamesjacoby Bump bbpress.pot.
[5094] johnjamesjacoby Update badge image gradients.
[5093] johnjamesjacoby Add reply_to capability to main converter class. Props netweb. Fixes #2400.
[5092] johnjamesjacoby Update contributors and props list for 2.4 release.
[5091] johnjamesjacoby More updated "About" text for 2.4.
[5090] johnjamesjacoby Updated "About" text for 2.4.
[5089] johnjamesjacoby PHP 5.4+ E_STRICT improvement to BuddyPress Groups display_forums() method. See #BP5108.
[5088] johnjamesjacoby Remove incorrect @uses bbp_is_user_keymaster() phpdoc reference.
[5087] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_user_can_view_forum(), pass the $user_id into bbp_is_user_keymaster(). Fixes issue where bbp_user_can_view_forum() may return incorrect results for users with the Keymaster role. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2393.
[5086] johnjamesjacoby When converting backticks to pre and code blocks, wrap pre's in new lines. Fixes inconsistent output between: the original posted content, formatted output, and editing content. See #2091.
[5085] johnjamesjacoby Update CSS for code and pre tags to reduce scrollbars. See #2091.
[5084] johnjamesjacoby Add 'show_none' to forum ID dropdown in form-topic.php template part. Fixes UX problem where a new-topic page would automatically select the first option in the list for topics to go in. Also escape output of 'show_none' in bbp_get_dropdown(). Fixes #2390.
[5083] johnjamesjacoby Clean up admin settings fields attribute order: name, ID, type, value, others... See #2388.
[5082] johnjamesjacoby Remove duplicate id attributes from some admin settings fields. Props alex-ye. Fixes #2388.
[5081] johnjamesjacoby Only allow topics to have an archive when the forums archive is showing forums (not topics). Fixes SEO concern where it was possible to have duplicate forum-archives at two different URL's.
[5080] johnjamesjacoby Separate content replacement from title replacement in forum and topic archives, allowing pages with matching slugs but empty post_content to replace the_content as expected. Fixes situation where a user creates a "Forums" page and leaves the content empty, expecting bbPress to replace it. Also use the $page->ID to help "Edit" links to point to the correct post ID.
[5079] johnjamesjacoby Do not allow forum/topic/reply author to edit their own replies via wp-admin. Fixes #2389.
[5078] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_get_topic_types() rather than compare to hardcoded array. Also switch from isset() to !empty() checks, and add an empty() check for 'sub_action' when toggling a topic.
[5077] johnjamesjacoby Check that 'bbp_topic_status' is set before comparing to available topic statuses. Also, use bbp_get_topic_statuses() instead of hardcoded array.
[5076] johnjamesjacoby Add is_admin() and $pagenow checks to bbp_is_deactivation() and bbp_is_activation(). Hat tip alex-ye. Fixes #2386.
[5075] johnjamesjacoby Use bbp_forum_content() instead of bbp_the_content() in loop-search-forum.php. Fixes missing forum description in search results. Props netweb. Fixes #2387.
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