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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4824 matches)

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Changeset Author Message
[6336] johnjamesjacoby Use `bbp_rel_nofollow()` in `bbp_make_mentions_clickable_callback()`. See #3067.
[6335] johnjamesjacoby Add missing `sep` argument to `bbp_get_author_link()` function, to match topic & reply equivalents.
[6334] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: Integrate the `user_query` into favorites, subscriptions, and engagements. * Add to admin metabox avatar loops * Fix a few bugs in `BBP_User_Query`, and include a custom constructor to set the loop counter See #3068.
[6332] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: First pass at a `user_query`, which will be used for looping through users. * Introduces `BBP_User_Query` which extends `WP_User_Query` * Includes functions for use within template parts See #3068.
[6331] johnjamesjacoby Bootstrap: Split `setup_globals()` up into 2 methods: * `setup_environment()` to handle directories, paths, urls, etc... * `setup_variables()` to handle queries, rewrite rules, bbPress specific "globals", etc... This will allow us to use included functions as default variables later.
[6330] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: Updates existing functions & unit tests: * Correct tests so that `post_author` of 0 does not get included in the overall count * Add user IDs to all topics & replies where voice counts are being tested * Update voice-count update function to use the new user-relationships API * Clean-up topic merge code to more efficiently migrate favorites, subscriptions, and engagements See #3068.
[6329] johnjamesjacoby Core: Allow custom post authors for initial content (forum/topic/reply).
[6328] johnjamesjacoby Common: Remove `nofollow` from tests. See #3067.
[6327] johnjamesjacoby Engagements/BuddyPress: Add `@since` for changes in 2.6.0, and a bit more clean-up. See #3068.
[6326] johnjamesjacoby Engagements/BuddyPress: Finish integration, and clean-up favorites & subscriptions support. See #3068.
[6325] johnjamesjacoby Upgrade: Update PHPDoc of `bbp_setup_updater()`, to reference correct `@uses`.
[6324] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: Prefer `bbp_admin_upgrade_user_engagements()` over the old repair tool. See #3068.
[6323] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: Fix copy/paste error in r6322. See #3068.
[6322] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: Add `bbp_is_engagements_active` to default options array. See #3068.
[6321] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: Allow engagements to be toggled on/off, for forums that have not run the upgrade routine yet. Also missed a spot in the BuddyPress integration. See #3068.
[6320] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: First pass at: * User profile section * Template parts changes * Rewrite rules support * Repair & upgrade tools * BuddyPress support * `engagement` slug setting See #3068.
[6319] johnjamesjacoby Correct typos in User Template phpdoc blocks.
[6318] johnjamesjacoby Feeds: Run for it, Marty! Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3066.
[6317] johnjamesjacoby Replies: Ensure hierarchical replies are correctly wrapped & concatenated into their output buffers in the correct order. This updates the walker class to not immediately echo it's contents, and wraps it in an `ul` element. Fixes #2757. See #2830.
[6316] johnjamesjacoby Replies: Check for reply hierarchy before assuming topic-title in reply-to. Fixes a bug causing malformed output when creating a reply via `wp-admin`. Props tharsheblows . Fixes #2617. See #2844.
[6315] johnjamesjacoby Forums: Introduce `bbp_list_forums_subforum_classes` filter, to allow filtering of sub-forum links. Props gordielachance. Fixes #2760.
[6314] johnjamesjacoby Theme Compat: Revert part of r5470, causing user profiles to output comment sections. Fixes #3050. See #2545.
[6313] johnjamesjacoby Common: Update `bbp_rel_nofollow_callback()` to match latest approach in WordPress. bbPress continues to have its own version to support this on output vs. pre-save. Fixes #3067.
[6312] johnjamesjacoby Moderation: Maybe add `view=all` query-arguments to view links in row actions. Fixes #2938.
[6311] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: First pass at engagement user functions. Also update favorite/subscription documentation where inaccurate. See #3068.
[6310] johnjamesjacoby Voices: Only update voice counts when saving or deleting. Prevents overzealous recalculations of voice counts when it's not necessary or applicable. Props thebrandonallen. See #1799.
[6309] johnjamesjacoby Favorites/Subscriptions: Pagination & `redirect_to` clean-up. * PHPDoc & inline doc * Prefer `urlencode()` over `esc_url()` for `redirect_to` query argument * Corrections to forum & topic subscription loop logic, since they're both listed on the same page See #3065.
[6308] johnjamesjacoby Favorites/Subscriptions: Add paged data to permalinks when in the loop. Also add`redirect_to` parameters to links if passed in. Fixes #3065.
[6307] johnjamesjacoby Favorites/Subscriptions: Add `redirect_to` parameters to links if viewing relevant user profile pages. See #3065.
[6306] johnjamesjacoby Feeds: Call `get_wp_title_rss()` in replies feeds. See #3064. Missed in r6304.
[6305] johnjamesjacoby Favorites/Subscriptions: Look for a `redirect_to` destination in handlers. See #3065.
[6304] johnjamesjacoby Feeds: Allow feed titles to be filtered (using the WordPress filter name.) Also removes redundant conditional in replies feed. Props SergeyBiryukov. Fixes #3064.
[6303] johnjamesjacoby Hidden: Remove "+ " string portion from output from hidden content. This is a carry-over from bbPress 0.x, is superfluous in the given context, and previously could have presented misleading results if a negative value was presented. Fixes #3059.
[6302] johnjamesjacoby Common: Introduce `bbp_number_not_negative()` and use it in the following ways: * Register the relevant meta-data keys for posts & users, so updated values can never be invalid * Filter return values for existing database values that might be invalid on existing installs * Use in place of `intval()` or `(int)` casts where negative values should not exist This has the added benefit of introducing the `bbp_register_meta` hook, for future meta-data registrations (of which bbPress has much of.) We'll concentrate on counts for 2.6, and integrate IDs and timestamps in future releases. See #3059.
[6301] johnjamesjacoby Common: Switch from `absint()` to `intval()` to avoid integer inaccuracies. See #3059.
[6300] johnjamesjacoby Pagination: prefer `intval()` for numeric values, and always format numbers used for display.
[6299] johnjamesjacoby Common: prefer `intval()` over `absint()` for reply IDs in form fields.
[6298] johnjamesjacoby Common: Move formatting functions into `formatting.php`.
[6297] johnjamesjacoby Meta: Missed `bbp_get_user_topic_count_int` in r6296. Props @thebrandonallen. See #3059.
[6296] johnjamesjacoby Meta: Filter `_count_int` and enforce integer values. Also use convenience functions for forum post counts, to ensure proper filters are ran against all meta values. See #3059.
[6290] johnjamesjacoby Topic: update phpdoc for `bbp_get_topic_last_reply_id()` and `bbp_get_topic_last_active_time()`. Props SergeyBiryukov. Fixes #3060.
[6289] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Return empty array if no parent ID or no post-type are passed. See #3059.
[6288] johnjamesjacoby Theme Compat: Add `is_` parameters to various query-reset procedures. This ensures the state of the `wp_query` global is what someone can safely expect for it to be. It also is used through-out WordPress as a way to auto-assign body classes and various other environmental tweaks. Fixes #3055. Props sergeybiryukov.
[6287] johnjamesjacoby Topics: Fix list-table arguments. * `singular/plural` are not labels * Set `ajax` to `false` since this does not use ajax Props mordauk.
[6286] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Update file paths for tools unit tests. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3056.
[6285] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Use correct hook type for `bp_modify_page_title` filter. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3057.
[6284] johnjamesjacoby General: Remove `()` around `require` construct calls, and breathing room around some `!` usages.
[6283] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Move tools tab functions into `tools.php`.
[6282] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Break `tools.php` up into separate files. See #3052.
[6281] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Separate `wp_usermeta` clean-up from database upgrade routines. Clean-up should be run after upgrades, not during. This way all results can be verified by the admin. See #3052.
[6280] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Map `bbp_tools_upgrade_page` capability to minimum admin capability. See #3052.
[6279] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Introduce new "Upgrade Forums" tools section. * Uses some awesome trickery to reuse as much of the "Repair Forums" API as possible * Introduces a few new functions to handle the output of the new screen * Removes hard-coded referencs to `bbp-repair` page, to allow usage on any relevant page (including new `bbp-upgrade`) * Makes components & overhead lists smarter, and only includes items relevant to the current view Fixes #3052.
[6278] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Update some reset text in `bbp_admin_reset_page()`.
[6277] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Rename page functions with `_page()` suffix. Previous function names were more ambiguous than intended, and because these functions are only called internally, there is no harm in renaming them.
[6276] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Use new `bbp_get_tools_admin_pages()` function when removing mock admin-pages. Fixes bug where third-party tools pages would not get removed.
[6275] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Add phpdoc for `bbp_get_admin_repair_tool_registered_components()`.
[6274] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Unify the tab/link experience: * Introduce function to get tools pages * Trust capability checks in core WordPress functions, and remove our own bespoke pre-checks * Add tool-box to `wp-admin/tools.php` linking to tools the user has access to This change promotes exposure to bbPress's tools pages, and makes adding third-party tools pages easier. See: #2959.
[6273] johnjamesjacoby Forums: Add `howto` text to `bbp_moderator_assignment_metabox()`. See #459.
[6272] johnjamesjacoby General: hyphenate "meta-box" in documentation to sooth spell-checkers.
[6271] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Rename list-table file for future autoloading of classes.
[6270] johnjamesjacoby Fix typos in core options documentation.
[6269] johnjamesjacoby Topics: get a fresh value for `redirect_to` when trashing/untrashing/deleting. Fixes a bug where trashing a topic theme-side would redirect to the prefetched topic URL and 404. (In the case of trashed topics, since WordPress 4.7, the slug receives a `__trashed` suffix, changing the topic link.) Fixes #3051.
[6264] johnjamesjacoby Subscriptions: Do not send emails when `$user_ids` is empty. Also reorder some logic to optimize the users loop. Fixes #2863. Props thebrandonallen.
[6263] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Fix restoring/trashing topics & replies. Fixes #2734. Props tharsheblows, thebrandonallen, netweb.
[6262] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Update `bbp_format_buddypress_notifications()` with new parameters. * Prefer `$component_action_name` over less reliable `$content` * Parameters match BuddyPress 2.6.0 and higher signature * Mild function clean-up Fixes #3036.
[6261] johnjamesjacoby Assets: Remove `screen` restriction on default template pack styling. Improves styling when printing and third-party plugins (like Autoptimize.) Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3012.
[6258] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Add `ABSPATH` checks to default template parts. This helps avoid leaking error messages on certain server configurations, and ensures that if these individual PHP files are somehow accessed directly (without first loading WordPress) nothing unexpected will happen. See r5465.
[6257] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Correct revision for topic-tag recount tool. See #3043.
[6256] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Add tool to recount topics in each topic-tag. * Add callback function for the recount itself * Add translation for component list * Update a few tool titles to better represent what they do * Update tool-orders to fit new tool in the middle See #3043.
[6255] johnjamesjacoby StyleLint: Prefer shorthand CSS Colors.
[6254] johnjamesjacoby Topic Tags: Introduce `bbp_update_topic_tag_count()` and include public/closed statuses in counts. Fixes #3043.
[6253] johnjamesjacoby Theme Compat: Improved Twenty Seventeen support: * Add supplemental `bbpress-wrapper` class to `#bbpress-forums` div elements * Remove box-shadow styling form bbPress's `entry-content` section links * Provides middle-of-the-road targeting of bbPress template content, for complex styling relationships where ID's may be too powerful and classes may not have existed previously
[6252] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Alternate row styling for list tables. * Remove `admin_head` methods in forums/topics/replies classes * Move styling into `admin.css` * Bump asset version
[6251] johnjamesjacoby Tag 2.6-beta-2.
[6250] johnjamesjacoby Breathing room for `!class_exists()` checks, and bump to 2.6-beta-2.
[6249] johnjamesjacoby Fix typos in more documentation.
[6248] johnjamesjacoby Forms: Audit & normalize form-field sanitization. * Make sure they all work the same * Use filters in `core/filters.php` where appropriate * Add `absint` filters for numeric values * Add filters for per-forum moderator text field * Remove any accidental duplicate escaping
[6247] johnjamesjacoby Fix pagination typo.
[6246] johnjamesjacoby Replies: Update `bbp_thread_replies()` to skip user profile pages. * Move from core/options to replies/functions, since this isn't directly an option * Add `! bbp_is_single_user_replies()` check to force `false` if so * Update threaded replies pagination to re-include verbiage. Fixes #3002.
[6245] johnjamesjacoby Replies: Add `@since` and link to ticket from r6244. See #3039.
[6243] johnjamesjacoby Upgrade: Introduce `bbp_is_large_install()` to abstract `wp_is_large_network()` which is a multisite-only function. See #2959.
[6242] johnjamesjacoby Upgrade: Do not automatically run the upgrade routine on large installations with many users. This is basically a no-brainer, and exactly what we've gone through across all of the network already. See #2959.
[6241] johnjamesjacoby Users: more `bbp_get_current_user_id()` usages, and docs to explain why it's not used in some places.
[6240] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: In `functions.php`, prefer `bp_loggedin_user_id()` over `get_current_user_id()`. This allows BuddyPress filters & functionality to drive the decision making process (rather than WordPress proper) to improve integration with third-party BuddyPress plugins & themes that may rely on BuddyPress in these instances.
[6230] johnjamesjacoby Tag bbPress 2.6-beta-1.
[6229] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Prevent reading/publishing if group member is banned. Fixes #2905. Props thebrandonallen, r-a-y.
[6228] johnjamesjacoby Pagination: Use `preg_replace` to find & remove `page=1` query arguments. Fixes #2702. Props thebrandonallen, tharsheblows.
[6227] johnjamesjacoby Akismet: Improve pluralization of statistics strings. Fixes #2960. Props thebrandonallen, netweb.
[6226] johnjamesjacoby Akismet: Improve translatability of "(+ %d hidden)" strings. Fixes #3009. Props SergeyBiryukov.
[6225] johnjamesjacoby Akismet: Improve translatability of update-history strings. Fixes #3011. Props SergeyBiryukov.
[6224] johnjamesjacoby Feeds: Avoid duplicate site name in replies feed title. Fixes #2998. Props SergeyBiryukov.
[6223] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Allow moderators to see topic/reply author IP addresses. Fixes #2975.
[6221] johnjamesjacoby Moderators: Update `bbp_get_moderator_forum_ids()` to use same approach as favs/subs. See #459, #2959, #2972.
[6220] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Additional conditionals for group forum topic checks. Fixes #2974. Props r-a-y.
[6219] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Use `no_found_rows` where relevant. This prevents `SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS` usages in places where it is not used. Fixes #2972.
[6218] johnjamesjacoby Users: Remove `post__in` queries from favs/subs template loops. This is only recently possible thanks to `postmeta` storage, and should result in a not-insignificant performance boost for those user profile pages. See #2959.
[6216] johnjamesjacoby Users: Add `nopaging` to `WP_Query` usages. Fixes bug with favs/subs being limited to 10 results by default. See #2959.
[6215] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Order fav/sub upgrade by `user_id`. This makes it easier to `LIMIT` later if you need to manually chunk this. See #2959.
[6213] johnjamesjacoby Bump trunk to 2.6 Beta 1.
[6212] johnjamesjacoby Parser: PHP 7.1 compatibility fixes to `parser.php` Props xknown. Fixes #2973. See #2987.
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