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Changeset Author Message
[6723] johnjamesjacoby Engagements: abstract meta strategy into an overload'able class. This change introduces a class and wrapper function to allow the `meta` strategy of the new user engagements API to be hot-swapped. This might be helpful on large installations where a dedicated database table makes more sense, or for integrations where features like "Favorites" or "Subscriptions" might already be delegated to other third-party membership plugins. Now, the caller class can be filtered to one that includes custom methods. See #3068.
[6722] johnjamesjacoby Formatting: Use `mb_substr()` where appropriate. This change ensures that strings which are known to contain or allow for multibyte characters are allowed to do so (in excerpts and a few server globals.) Fixes #3170. Props it4life.
[6721] johnjamesjacoby Replies: Update tests for `test_bbp_get_reply_position()`. This change makes sure that updating a reply position to zero is still possible, also ensuring that tests continue to pass as expected.
[6720] johnjamesjacoby Topic Tags: Check for post ID when checking `assign_topic_tags`. This change adds a fallback value for the standard `assign_terms` capability check, and fixes a few test errors introduced in r6714.
[6719] johnjamesjacoby Common: remove redundant calls to `bbp_number_not_negative()`. This change decreases the filter priority of out-of-range prevention from `10` to `8`, and also adds filters to pre-formatted values in lieu of hard-coding this function into each individual count getter. This allows plugins to unplug this check more easily, and makes sure each value is only checked once for each call instead of occasionally twice in a row.
[6718] johnjamesjacoby Forums: make sure topic & reply counts are proper integers for `_n()` usage. This change fixes a bug where formatted strings would cause an incorrect singular and plural string assignment, in forums that had over 1k posts.
[6717] johnjamesjacoby Replies: performance optimization to `bbp_update_reply_position()`. This change uses `wpdb::update()` instead of `wp_update_post()` and juggles the `bbp_clean_post_cache()` filter, retaining object caches of related posts and queries, and also removes other unintended `edit_post` action interference. Fixes #3169.
[6716] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Remove duplicate `class` attribute on DB password field.
[6715] johnjamesjacoby Tools: Remove quotes from prepared query statements. Also use the same `esc_like()` result in 2 matched queries. Props jrf. Fixes #3168.
[6714] johnjamesjacoby Capabilities: first pass at single topic-tag cap mappings. This change adds IDs where appropriate, and introduces single term cap checks with intelligent comparisons that match the approach used by forums, topics, and replies. * Inactive users cannot assign, manage, edit, or delete * Moderators can assign, manage, edit, and delete * Participants can assign * Spectators & Blocked users still cannot manipulate topic tags in any way This prepares bbPress for third-party plugins to leverage topic-tags in ways it otherwise wasn't prepared to do. See #3167.
[6713] johnjamesjacoby Capabilities: prevent edits when past the edit-lock time. This change increases the priority of the `moderator` check, so that moderators are not subjected to edit-lock restrictions, and maps to `do_not_allow` for topic/reply authors who normally can edit but are now beyond the allotted time period. Fixes #3164. Props SergeyBiryukov.
[6712] johnjamesjacoby Fix documentation typos.
[6711] johnjamesjacoby Common: add some sanity checks to cache priming helpers. This change adds more checks to avoid caching post & post author data that may have been deleted since the IDs were last sourced from the database. We also remove a call to `get_post_field()` to reference the local object directly. This adds an `empty()` but removes a more complex function call when we already have the post in local scope anyways. Fixes #3166. Props thebrandonallen.
[6710] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: improve targeting of single forum/topic filters. This change simplifies the logic used when attaching-to and checking-for the current BuddyPress Group Forum & Topic pages, by conditionally filtering behind a singular `bp_is_group()` check. Fixes #3165. Props thebrandonallen.
[6709] johnjamesjacoby Admin: run `admin.css` through `grunt commit` routine. This adds a missing Webkit CSS shim for how the bbPress logo is vertically aligned in the new database upgrade notice.
[6708] johnjamesjacoby Users: use `bbp_set_user_role()` in `bbp_set_current_user_default_role()`. This change makes sure forum users only have 1 forum role, subsequently calling the `bbp_set_user_role` filter where expected. This will fix a rare situation where a weird role map could cause the default role to be re-added.
[6707] johnjamesjacoby Update docblock of `bbp_set_user_role()`.
[6706] johnjamesjacoby Replies: introduce `bbp_get_public_reply_statuses()` to speed-up reply queries. This change removes the `closed` post status from several reply-only queries, ensuring that query indexes are used effectively. It also brings parity to the Replies component that exists in both Forums & Topics.
[6705] johnjamesjacoby Admin: add an admin notice if database upgrade was skipped. This change adds a persistent admin notice (who doesn't love those?) in the event that the forums are part of a large WordPress installation that prevented the automatic database upgrade routine from running. Two links are provided: one to "Go Upgrade" and another to "Hide Forever". The first will take the user (with adequate capability) to the `Tools > Forums > Upgrade` screen; the second will delete the notice nag key from `wp_options`. This includes some admin area CSS tweaks, so the asset version gets a bump as well.
[6704] johnjamesjacoby Admin: allow feedback dismissal to be optional in `bbp_admin_tools_feedback()`.
[6703] johnjamesjacoby Admin: Remove duplicate dismiss button from `bbp_admin_tools_feedback()`.
[6702] johnjamesjacoby Fix weird indentation in `bbp_get_admin_repair_tool_run_url()`.
[6701] johnjamesjacoby Update docblock for `bbp_update_post_family_caches()`. See #3163.
[6700] johnjamesjacoby Common: also prime post author caches. This change introduces another performance tweak to `bbp_has_topics()`, `bbp_has_forums()`, `bbp_has_search()`, and `bbp_has_replies()`, by pre-cache'ing the post author objects for what is known to be their imminent usage in the current template loops. This change also renames the function & parameter introduced in r6698 to better fit existing naming conventions in WordPress. See #3163.
[6699] johnjamesjacoby Bump trunk to 2.6.0 RC 5.
[6698] johnjamesjacoby Common: prime last-active post caches. This change introduces a performance tweak to `bbp_has_topics()`, `bbp_has_forums()`, and `bbp_has_search()`, pre-cache'ing the last-active post objects for what is known to be their imminent usage in the current template loops. See #3163.
[6697] johnjamesjacoby Admin: prefer `implode()` over `join()`.
[6696] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Do not record edit activity if revisions are off. This change will prevent edits to topics & replies from creating new Activity Stream items, by obeying both the global setting and the post-type-supports properties of topics & replies. It also prevents activity stream items from being created when reply positions are recalculated on the fly.
[6695] johnjamesjacoby Options: break `Features` out from `Settings` section. This change makes it easier to discern which options are features, and which are settings for those features. Also updates the inline descriptions for several array items.
[6694] johnjamesjacoby Options: set default database version to `0`. This change avoids race conditions with the updater when no version exists in the database. This would cause the database version to not be bumped, resulting in rewrite rules being needlessly flushed on each visit to `wp-admin`. (Also tweak some nearby array values to make them easier to read.)
[6693] johnjamesjacoby Update `package-lock.json` with latest dependency order.
[6692] johnjamesjacoby Classes: add more author & moderator related CSS classes to helper functions. This change adds classes to forums, topics, and replies where the respective author is also a moderator of the nearest parent forum. See #459.
[6690] johnjamesjacoby Assets: Lint recent CSS & JS changes for password toggle. This change makes the build process work again. :)
[6689] johnjamesjacoby Read-me & Humans updates: * Add Sergey & Pippin * Add dates to changelog * Consolidate 2.0.0 betas into one release * Update plugin descriptions
[6688] johnjamesjacoby Bump readme.txt versions and changelog.
[6687] johnjamesjacoby Tag 2.5.14.
[6686] johnjamesjacoby Bump 2.5 branch to 2.5.14.
[6685] johnjamesjacoby Query: use `NOT IN` strategy in `bbp_get_all_child_ids()` This ensures that only specific post-statuses are explicitly excluded from "all child IDs" type queries, where previously post-statuses needed to be specifically defined. See #3128. Fixes #3140. 2.5 branch, for 2.5.14.
[6684] johnjamesjacoby General: more PHP7.1 array fixes. See #3031. 2.5 branch, for 2.5.14.
[6683] johnjamesjacoby Template: rework post class assignments. This change avoids multiple reassignments to the same `$classes` variable name, and instead tries to name variables logically and merge them together when necessary. The performance difference is nil, as 'array_merge()` will perform similarly to how each array was reshaped when new classes would be added, but the human difference is only positive, from having clearer and easier to understand logic.
[6682] johnjamesjacoby Template: adjust escaping of pagination count strings. This change fixes a regression (in trunk only) that caused the filtered results of pagination counts to always be late escaped, but the intention was really only to escape the output of `_n()` which does not have an escaped equivalent function in the Gettext API. I also tweaked the logic in `bbp_get_topic_pagination_count()` to not bail early. This brings it inline with `bbp_get_forum_pagination_count()` and allows the filter to run even when the text string is empty. Flexibility is the goal, so skipping the filter was also unintentional, and is now fixed. Fixes #3162.
[6681] johnjamesjacoby Converter: progress bars and percentages. This change incorporates 2 horizontal bars in the importer header area. One indicates how far the current step has progressed, and the other indicates total progress. Pretty sweet. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6680] johnjamesjacoby Pagination: abstract and normalize common functionality. This change introduces a few new helper functions, and audits the links generated where loops of forums, topics, and replies are made visible. It addresses a number of edge-cases in the pagination code, including: * `view=all` state not carrying over * Total-page boundary maybe using the wrong value to calculate the total number of available pages * Inconsistent output of values across post types and shortcodes * Inability to filter pagination arguments in certain use cases * Reduces code repetition and increases general happiness Trunk, for 2.6.
[6679] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Improve `clean` logic when checking for deleted activity. This change fixes a condition where meta-data is out-of-sync with posts or users, resulting in a false assignment of `true` when there actually is no data to delete, and no data has been deleted. Now when this happens, the converter will proceed as intended. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6678] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Update the options labels and descriptions. This change should bring increased clarity to what the converter options are for. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6677] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Add toggle to show/hide the database password contents. This change provides a relatively sane middle-ground for insecure content warnings in the converter, by providing a button to toggle the `password` field back and forth to a `text` field. Ideally, in the future, there will be a legitimate way to do this. Trunk, for 2.6. See #3153.
[6676] johnjamesjacoby Content: Use correct `tabindex` array key vs. `tab`. This change corrects a debug notice when the TinyMCE toolbar setting is toggled off. Trunk, for 2.6. See r6424. Props vinod-dalvi.
[6675] johnjamesjacoby Users: first pass at forum role selection on invite/add-new. This change adds the ability to set a specific forum role when adding a new user. If no valid role is found or saved, the default role will be used by default. There is likely more to do here, to ensure auto-role continues to work as intended as well. Trunk, for 2.6. See: #3157.
[6674] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: Prefer `bbp_redirect()` in `bbp_maybe_create_group_forum_root()` This change uses the new internal function as it's intended, and removes an additional `die;` usage. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6673] johnjamesjacoby Common: cast return value to `array` in `bbp_pre_get_posts_normalize_forum_visibility()`. Trunk, for 2.6. See #3031.
[6672] johnjamesjacoby Core: Add `source` parameter to API registrations. This change makes it easier to target bbPress-specific post types & statuses, and taxonomies. `source` may not be the final key, but thankfully all of these APIs accept additional keys, and if support is added to core eventually, we can easily migrate over to it without problems. Trunk, for 2.6. See:
[6671] johnjamesjacoby Converter: softer verbiage on the importer buttons. This changes "Stop" to "Pause" and "Continue" to "Resume". This more accurately represents the actions these buttons perform, while also inspiring a bit more confidence that the converter can be halted and resumed at anytime. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6670] johnjamesjacoby Converter: more OOP, specifically for the BBCode parser. This change introduces a `bbcode_parser_properties` array to the base converter, allowing custom BBCode parser properties to be passed into the parent method via the child, minimizing the amount of code in each individual forum converter. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6669] johnjamesjacoby Converter: use WordPress smiley URL & path in default `callback_html()` method. This change makes sure that smiley paths and URLs are correctly converted inside of post content areas. Previous to this, the default `smiley/img.gif` path would be used, resulting in broken smiley images, even after conversion. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6668] johnjamesjacoby Tools: include users with "unexpected" roles in `bbp_admin_repair_user_roles()` This change makes sure that if a user has an unexpectedly missing or predictably broken role entry, they are still mapped to the `$default_role` for the current site, and fixes a problem with the role repair tool where users with the most broken roles were still never actually repaired. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6667] johnjamesjacoby Roles: account for empty role in `bbp_set_current_user_default_role()` This change makes sure that if a user's role does not match any known role, they still receive the default role for the site. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6666] johnjamesjacoby Converter: reduce `meta_key` and `meta_value` length to `75`. This change lowers the maximum allowed string length from `191` (which was used based on what's in WordPress core.) After further review, `75` is a reasonable maximum to try for now, though it could likely be tuned further if needed. Trunk, for 2.6. Fixes #3145.
[6665] johnjamesjacoby Converter: use `esc_like()` to avoid debug notice when cleaning users. This change runs the `_bbp_` `meta_key` prefix through `esc_like()`, ensuring that the subsequent `prepare()` call has a value passed into it. Trunk, for 2.6.
[6664] johnjamesjacoby Tools: add optional `description` text to upgrade & repair tools. This change hopefully adds some real-world context to otherwise mysterious functionality, in an attempt to better explain why any specific routine should be run vs. any others. Trunk, for 2.6. See #3149.
[6663] johnjamesjacoby Converter: ensure UI state variables are correctly localized. This change combines the new UI state variables into an array, so they retain their type-casting through the localization API. It also inverts the logic in 1 comparison to make sure the correct user feedback is displayed in its intended location. Trunk, for 2.6. Props jrf. Fixes #3146.
[6662] johnjamesjacoby Converter: bind number-of-rows attribute to between 1 and 5000. This change adds validation to ensure no unexpected number of database rows are queried, and also back-ports sanitization to database connection values from trunk. 2.5 branch, for 2.5.14. Props jrf. Fixes #3148.
[6661] johnjamesjacoby Converter: bind number-of-rows attribute to between 1 and 5000. This change adds validation to ensure no unexpected number of database rows are queried. Trunk, for 2.6. Props jrf. See #3148.
[6660] johnjamesjacoby Widgets: add `isset()` checks to checkbox attributes. This change fixes debug notices when saving Topics & Replies widgets and `show_date` or `show_user` are not checked. Trunk, for 2.6. Props jrf. Fixes #3142.
[6659] johnjamesjacoby Widgets: add `isset()` checks to checkbox attributes. This change fixes debug notices when saving Topics & Replies widgets and `show_date` or `show_user` are not checked. 2.5 branch, for 2.5.14. Props jrf. See #3142.
[6648] johnjamesjacoby Fix undeclared array in forum template functions for PHP 7.1 compatibility. Props hellofromTonya. See #3031. (2.5 branch)
[6647] johnjamesjacoby Fix undeclared arrays for PHP 7.1 compatibility. Props hellofromTonya. See #3031. (2.5 branch)
[6645] johnjamesjacoby i18n: Improvements to `bbp_get_time_since()`. Use `_n_noop()` to register year/month/week/day/hour/minute/second strings in advance and `_n()` to actually translate them. Fixes #3139. Props SergeyBiryukov.
[6644] johnjamesjacoby Topics: Introduce `bbp_get_non_public_topic_statuses()` This new function returns the inverse post-statuses of `bbp_get_public_topic_statuses()` with a filter to help target them more specifically in places where it was not previously possible to do so. See #3128.
[6643] johnjamesjacoby Query: use `NOT IN` strategy in `bbp_get_all_child_ids()` This ensures that only specific post-statuses are explicitly excluded from "all child IDs" type queries, where previously post-statuses needed to be specifically defined. See #3128.
[6642] johnjamesjacoby Docs: update the description of `bbp_get_default_role()`. Fixes #3131.
[6641] johnjamesjacoby Scripts: Do not enqueue if not `is_bbpress()`. This reduces the number of external scripts that are enqueued on non-bbPress pages. Put another way, it makes sure that bbPress styles & scripts are only loaded on pages where bbPress content is known to exist. Fibes #3138. Props DJPaul.
[6640] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Make it all work again! * Send a response when a step is complete (to trigger the subsequent step) * Remove `min` class variable, and use `start` everywhere instead * Move giant step switch into a `steps` array instead (a lot more can be done here later) * Break apart a few private methods to make the call stack easier to follow * Store the `platform` for use in inherited objects later This commit makes the converter work again, tested against a few large database dumps from several platforms to confirm.
[6639] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Use `false` as the default value for some options. This ensures that `default_option_` values are still overloadable when converting.
[6638] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Introduce `update_query()` method, to help with updating the last query option. This abstracts the `update_option()` approach for future scrutiny.
[6636] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Update `bbp_converter_status()` to use current step. When actually converting data, this step is only bumped when moving between major events, not minors.
[6635] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Don't use `delete_option()` on converter options. Default option filters are breaking `update_option()` return values when options do not exist, so remove this optimization and save it for when a conversion is completed. This needs more looking into.
[6634] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Tweak description of `restart` setting to better hint at what it does.
[6633] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Use error control operator on `Internal_UpdateParamsForMissingEndTag()` Avoids polluting the php error logs if position is not byref.
[6632] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Clean user cache when converting a user's password field. This makes sure the user object is pristine on the subsequent request to it, fixing possible race conditions with authentication errors.
[6631] johnjamesjacoby Converter: Add missing `_bbp_converter_convert_users` option key. Prevents debug notices when also converting user accounts from other platforms.
[6630] johnjamesjacoby Search: move `bbp_allow_search()` checks into form template parts. This allows the inclusion of those forms without needing to wrap each inclusion statement in its own feature check, making search a more atomic and isolated feature within bbPress. It also should conclude the development of the user content search functionality. Because this involves some template-part changes to the "Default" template pack, users who have opted to override these parts in their own themes will not receive these updates (nor should they.) This is a known consequence of including template parts in themes, so while still not an ideal system, will not result in any breakage for existing sites.
[6629] johnjamesjacoby Search: Use correct `rs` request key. Fixes a debug notice when searching replies inside of topics.
[6628] johnjamesjacoby Separators: Normalize the `sep` arguments between functions. This change also switches `bbp_list_forums()` to `implode()` links rather than concatenate the same `$output` string with an increasing number of items. This has the positive side-effect of moving the forum separator (a comma by default) out of individual links. Props milindmore22. Fixes #2900.
[6627] johnjamesjacoby General: Make sure object `_get_` functions reach intended filters. This retains existing behavior of bailing early and returning `null` if there is a `post_type` mismatch. Other similar functions would pass the `null` value through to the filter. These may do that eventually, but let's get these filters working first. Fixes #3130.
[6623] johnjamesjacoby Users: First-pass search forms in profile content pages. This commit makes it possible to search user profiles for specific topics & replies (styling still needed.)
[6622] johnjamesjacoby Templates: Add form template parts for searching specifically for topics & replies. These have been in-use on for years, and will be useful in user-profiles soon. Also use `bbp_search_terms()` in `form-search.php` now that it's properly escaping output.
[6621] johnjamesjacoby Replies: Normalize `bbp_has_replies()` default search with `bbp_has_topics()`. This brings parity to how these two functions handle default search parameters.
[6620] johnjamesjacoby Search: Escape output of `bbp_search_terms()` and wire-up to `ts` and `rs`.
[6619] johnjamesjacoby Users: Use `bbp_parse_args()` in user content loops. This commit changes the function signatures of several wrappers for `bbp_has_` functions away from simply accepting a `$user_id` to accepting an array of arguments, in a fully backwards compatible way. It also updates the surrounding documentation to more accurately describe what is returned and why. This allows the arguments used within these functions to be explicitly filtered, passively or aggressively overridden, or bypassed entirely.
[6618] johnjamesjacoby Topics: prefer "started" over "created" for default theme verbiage.
[6616] johnjamesjacoby Subscriptions: Include `closed` status in subscription triggers. This change allows activity in closed topics to trigger subscription emails. It also fully implements `bbp_get_subscribers()` completing the deprecation of topic/forum specific handlers. Fixes #2729.
[6615] johnjamesjacoby Template Packs: In default theme, only enqueue `editor.js` when `in_bbpress()`. This results in 1 fewer external asset being enqueued on non-bbPress pages. Fixes #2930.
[6614] johnjamesjacoby Subscriptions: Use `bbp_remove_all_filters()` with restore option. This change uses the bbPress version of `remove_all_filters()` which allows those filters to be restored. We need to restore filters after emails are sent so that template titles & content render correctly within their respective templates. See #6613.
[6613] johnjamesjacoby Subscriptions: Strip & decode email titles. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #2865.
[6612] johnjamesjacoby Queries: Use new `object_type` over old `post_type`. When `bbp_get_user_object_ids()` was introduced, some helpers did not get updated to use the new argument key. This change fixes that, and fixes failing tests in the process. Note that these tests are testing new & unused helper functions for 2.6, so it's unlikely any noticable problems occurred from these being broken.
[6611] johnjamesjacoby Topics: Remove `bbp_get_user_closed_topic_count()`. This was introduced in the 2.6 cycle to circumvent a problem from using `count_user_posts()`. Now that we're doing a direct query again, this function is no longer used. See #6610.
[6609] johnjamesjacoby Counts: Remove `count_user_posts()` usages, and always return an `int`. User topic & reply counts haven't included `closed` status for topics, and these wrappers should include support for things like `view=all` later. Fixes #3124.
[6608] johnjamesjacoby Assets: Update admin CSS/JS to match lint rules, and update packages.
[6607] johnjamesjacoby Queries: `nopaging` audit. * In r6506 the `nopaging` query argument was added to various queries to avoid paginating results when it wasn't necessary. This resulted in a few queries (widgets mainly) not obeying their specific settings. * In #3123, other inconsistencies in our query arguments were uncovered, triggering the need to audit our query usages and equalize them once again. This change brings all queries back to par with one another, specifically in regards to `posts_per_page => -1` style queries, and queries where filters can be suppressed and meta/term caches should not be primed. It also groups together the `get_user_object_ids` functions. These are now unused in bbPress proper, though were previously useful before the engagements API was in place. These queries are considered too inefficient to rely upon in large-scale applications, but are included to provide filterable wrappers should someone need them, or should we need to bring them back later. Props thebrandonallen. Fixes #3123.
[6606] johnjamesjacoby Widgets: Remove `nopaging` keys from widget queries. This reverts part of r6506 that broke the `max_rows` setting of widgets. Props thebrandonallen. See #3123.
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