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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4820 matches)

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Results (2801 - 2900 of 4820)

Changeset Author Message
[5264] johnjamesjacoby Fix `@since` PHPDoc for Drupal7 converter. Props netweb. Fixes #2521. (trunk)
[5265] netweb Remove deprecated screen_icon() calls. Props netweb. Fixes #2538
[5266] johnjamesjacoby First pass at unit test suite. Props netweb. See #2542.
[5267] johnjamesjacoby Fix relative path to unit test bootstrap. See #2542.
[5268] johnjamesjacoby Deprecate dashboard metabox, and append forum statistics to existing "At a Glance" metabox instead. Fixes #2544.
[5269] johnjamesjacoby Improve naming of new "At a Glance" metabox filter, and lower priority to increase odds of hugging more closely to WordPress core items. See #2544.
[5270] johnjamesjacoby Gruntify bbPress trunk: * Move bbPress core files into `/src` * Move tests into `/tests/phpunit/` * Move `phpunit.xml` into trunk root * Introduce Grunt and Travis configuration files * Introduce stub `bbpress.php` to help activate bbPress for existing trunk checkouts * See #2542.
[5271] johnjamesjacoby Gruntify bbPress trunk (part 2): * Move bbPress core files into `/src` * Move tests into `/tests/phpunit/` * Move `phpunit.xml` into trunk root * Introduce Grunt and Travis configuration files * Introduce stub `bbpress.php` to help activate bbPress for existing trunk checkouts * See #2542.
[5272] johnjamesjacoby Don't ignore Travis or JSHint configuration files, and add them to root. See #2542.
[5273] johnjamesjacoby Revert r5270, r5271. Let's try to get our history back. Antiprops johnjamesjacoby.
[5274] johnjamesjacoby Move `includes` and `templates` back into `/src` directory. See #2452.
[5275] johnjamesjacoby Put back root files from previous reorg revert. See #2542.
[5276] johnjamesjacoby Remove duplicate testcases directory from previous merge. See #2542.
[5277] netweb Remove existing minified CSS, Grunt build process now takes care of this. See #2542.
[5278] netweb Include .gitignore file for Git based repo. See #2542
[5279] johnjamesjacoby Update bootstrap path in `bootstrap.php` for phpunit testing. See #2542.
[5280] johnjamesjacoby Update phpunit testcases directory path in `phpunit.xml`. See #2542.
[5281] johnjamesjacoby Update inline doc in `.gitignore`. See #2542.
[5282] johnjamesjacoby Add `build` directory to `svn:ignore`. Props netweb. See #2542.
[5283] johnjamesjacoby In `bbp_locate_template()` check for `WP_USE_THEMES` before calling `load_template()` to avoid warnings when running phpunit tests. See #2542.
[5284] netweb Remove `tests/phpunit/data/.trac-ticket-cache*` from .gitignore (only required in WP develop repo). See #2542
[5285] johnjamesjacoby More Grunt improvements: * Fixes CSS & JS admin folder path for `BBP_RTL_CSS`, `BBP_LTR_CSS` & `BBP_JS` in Gruntfile.js * Removes Mint & Evergreen CSS (including RTL) to use Mint & Evergreen SCSS * Adds `_admin.scss`, `_mixins.scss`, `_variables.scss` via ([ /trunk/src/wp-admin/css/colors]) to build our Mint & Evergreen admin themes * Adds `/includes/admin/styles/evergreen/colors.scss` & `/includes/admin/styles/mint/colors.scss` via [ 2288dcd5b5 MP6 GitHub Repo Changset] * Adds support in Gruntfile.js to build minified and RTL Mint & Evergreen CSS * Adds `grunt-sass` `~0.10.0` to `package.json` to build Mint & Evergreen CSS from SCSS source * Reinstates minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for minified Mint & Evergreen CSS * Adds minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for admin javascript & frontend javascript Props netweb. See #2542.
[5286] johnjamesjacoby Smarter build/src toggling for the stub plugin. See #2542.
[5287] johnjamesjacoby Fixes PHPUnit Multisite tests and sets up grunt build-realease to run all PHPUnit tests when building release package (Single & Multisite.) Props netweb. See #2542.
[5288] johnjamesjacoby Add XML output logging for PHPUnit tests. Props netweb. See #2542.
[5289] johnjamesjacoby More grunt updates: * Add RTL, minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for bbPress admin CSS. * Add RTL, minified and `SCRIPT_DEBUG` support for bbPress default theme-compat CSS. * RTL bbPress CSS is now compiled with cssjanus. (`bbpress-rtl.css` file removed) * Props netweb. See #2542.
[5290] johnjamesjacoby Experiment with `grunt-pot`: * Add `grunt-pot` to `package.json` * Adds grunt task `pot` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` * Creates `bbpress.pot` in `/build` & removes `bbpress.pot` from `/src` * Checks for the following keywords: `__`, `_e`, `_x`, `_n`, `_ex`, `_nx`, `esc_attr__`, `esc_attr_e`, `esc_attr_x`, `esc_html__`, `esc_html_e`, `esc_html_x`, `_nx_noop` * Props netweb. See #2542.
[5291] netweb Fix incorrect `bbbpress` text domain used `bbp_get_topic_pagination_count`. Props netweb. Fixes #2549.
[5292] johnjamesjacoby Remove `colors-fresh` dependency for admin color schemes. !WordPress 3.9's CSS cleanup initiatives have rendered this code unnecessary. Hat tip helen.
[5293] johnjamesjacoby More Grunt updates: * Add `_n_noop` to `grunt-pot` keyword check * Remove grunt task `test` as PHPUnit tests are covered by grunt task `phpunit` * Add grunt task `jstest` to run javascript tasks * Add `grunt-checktextdomain` to `package.json` to check for missing or incorrect text-domain in gettext functions. See * Adds grunt task `checktextdomain` to `grunt build-release` * Checks for the following keywords: `__:1,2d`, `_e:1,2d`, `_x:1,2c,3d`, `_n:1,2,4d`, `_ex:1,2c,3d`, `_nx:1,2,4c,5d`, `esc_attr__:1,2d`, `esc_attr_e:1,2d`, `esc_attr_x:1,2c,3d`, `esc_html__:1,2d`, `esc_html_e:1,2d`, `esc_html_x:1,2c,3d`, `_n_noop:1,2,3d`, `_nx_noop:1,2,3c,4d` * Props netweb. See #2542.
[5294] netweb More Grunt updates, fixes `grunt watch` task not RTL'ing or minifying CSS files. * Use explicit CSS file names, avoids ambiguous LTR CSS (avoids LTR = `*.css` including `bbpress-rtl.css`) * Remove `cssmin:colors` and include Mint and Evergreen CSS minification in `cssmin:core` * Remove `cssjanus:colors` and include Mint and Evergreen RTL CSS in `cssjanus:core` * Use `BUILD_DIR` (not `SOURCE_DIR`) to compile RTL CSS `cssjanus` * Use `BUILD_DIR` (not `SOURCE_DIR`) to compile and LTR & RTL minified CSS with `cssmin` * Add Grunt tasks `cssjanus:core`, `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` to `grunt watch` -> `watch:colors` task * Add Grunt tasks `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` to `grunt watch` -> `watch:rtl` task * Reorders `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` tasks to firstly copy `bbpress.css`, and `admin.css`, then create Mint and Evergreen CSS using `colors` , then RTL all the CSS with `cssjanus:core`, then minify all the CSS with `cssmin:ltr` and `cssmin:rtl` * Props netweb. See #2542
[5295] netweb More Grunt: Switch from `grunt-pot` to `grunt-wp-i18n` * Remove `grunt-pot` from `package.json` * Add `grunt-wp-i18n` to `package.json` * Adds grunt task `grunt makebot` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` * Creates `bbpress.pot` in `/build` * Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5296] netweb Bump NPM package versions in `package.json` * `grunt-contrib-cssmin` to v0.8.0 * `grunt-sass` to v~0.11.0 * `grunt-phpunit` to v0.3.3 * `grunt-exec` to v0.4.5 * Requires `npm install` to update packages and dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5297] johnjamesjacoby Add `meta_type` hinting to widget queries. See #2554.
[5298] johnjamesjacoby Add `meta_type` hinting to topics queries. See #2554.
[5299] johnjamesjacoby Add `meta_type` hinting to `bbp_update_forum_last_topic_id()`. See #2554.
[5300] johnjamesjacoby Add `meta_type` hinting to admin queries. See #2554.
[5301] johnjamesjacoby Add `meta_type` hinting to `bbp_move_reply_handler()`. See #2554.
[5302] johnjamesjacoby Add `meta_type` to extra page template: `page-topics-no-replies.php`. See #2554.
[5303] johnjamesjacoby Add actions before & after register template part fieldset fields. Fixes #2534.
[5304] johnjamesjacoby Use correct filter name in `bbp_get_forum_slug()`. Props netweb. Fixes #2525.
[5305] nacin bbPress 1.x: Allow log-in attempt even if we think the user is already logged in. If your session cookie's internal expiration time has passed, we give you a grace period of one hour for POST and XHR requests. If within that hour you're trying to log in again, the grace period goes into effect for the POST. Then bb-login.php kicks you out because it thinks you're already logged in, instead of setting a new cookie for you. So long, heisenbug.
[5306] netweb Use `height: auto;` alongside `max-width: 100%;` in `bbpress.css` to maintain image aspect ratio. Props robin-w. Fixes #2553
[5307] johnjamesjacoby Remove the now-empty `includes/admin/images` directory. Props netweb. See #2542.
[5308] johnjamesjacoby Don't copy Sass files (or any other excluded files) into `/build` directory. Props netweb. See #2542.
[5309] johnjamesjacoby Introduce topic & reply counts for users: * New functions for updating user options. * New action hooks for bumping existing counts on CRUD actions. * Uses existing `_raw` functions when no counts are previously found to incrementally update missing meta values. * Tool for updating topic & reply counts already exists. * Props netweb, MZAWeb, anointed. * Fixes #1694.
[5310] johnjamesjacoby Allow topic-tag descriptions to be edited theme-side. Props netweb. Fixes #1613.
[5311] johnjamesjacoby Use correct uppercase type hinting for forum meta queries.
[5312] johnjamesjacoby Use 'array_diff()` rather than `array_intersect()` in `bbp_pre_get_posts_normalize_forum_visibility()` to allow custom `post_type` queries (that still include forums/topics/replies) to pass through without hidden/private forum `meta_data` assistance. Fixes #2471.
[5313] johnjamesjacoby Allow closed topics to be split and merged into. Props netweb. Fixes #1714.
[5314] johnjamesjacoby Add contextual help for admin Tools. Props netweb. Fixes #1920.
[5315] johnjamesjacoby Set `is_tax` to true when calling `bbp_theme_compaty_reset_post()` when viewing/editing a topic-tag. Fixes #2444.
[5316] johnjamesjacoby Fix basename filter in `bbPress:setup_globals()`. Props DJPaul.
[5317] johnjamesjacoby Don't allow `build` or `src` in `basename` in `bbPress:setup_globals()`. Fixes problems with activation hooks. Fixes #2559. Props DJPaul.
[5318] johnjamesjacoby Add screenshots to `readme.txt`. Props netweb. See #2555.
[5319] netweb Fix duplicate action name in form-forum.php. Props netweb. Fixes #2560
[5320] johnjamesjacoby Remove `akismet_test_mode()` usage as it's been removed from Akismet's development branch.
[5321] johnjamesjacoby Remove `akismet_microtime()` usage as it's been removed from Akismet's development branch.
[5322] johnjamesjacoby Add `NUMERIC` type hinting to view queries. Props netweb. Fixes #2554.
[5323] netweb Rename PHPUnit config file from phpunit.xml to phpunit.xml.dist * PHPUnit supports config files with both these names, but will use phpunit.xml over the .dist version. * Renaming our file lets users add/edit their own phpunit.xml without editing a bbPress core file. * Hattip djpaul via [BuddyPress:r8098] * Props netweb. See #2542
[5324] johnjamesjacoby Add missing `forum.js`. Props SGr33n. Fixes #2568.
[5325] johnjamesjacoby Use `basename` instead of `file` in plugin action links. Props DJPaul. Fixes #2567.
[5326] netweb More grunt updates: * Add `grunt-patch-wordpress` to `package.json` * Adds grunt task `grunt patch` to `grunt build` and `grunt build-release` * Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies * Full instructions * Props jorbin. See #2542
[5327] netweb Bump NPM package versions in `package.json` * `grunt-wp-i18n` to v0.4.3 * Fixes numerous PHP error notices * Add's support for custom headers in bbpress.pot * ['report-msgid-bugs-to'] = '';; * ['last-translator'] = 'JOHN JAMES JACOBY <>'; * ['language-team'] = 'ENGLISH <>'; * Requires `npm install` to update packages and dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5328] netweb Bump NPM package versions in `package.json` "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.7.0" -> "~0.9.0" "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.3.0" -> "~0.4.0" "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3" -> "~0.6.1" "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.8.0" -> "~0.9.2" "grunt-sass": "~0.10.0" -> "~0.12.0" * Requires `npm install` to update packages and dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5329] johnjamesjacoby Add `separate_items_with_commas` string in `bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_labels()`.
[5330] johnjamesjacoby Remove stray semi-colon.
[5331] johnjamesjacoby Fix incorrect phpdoc in users functions.
[5332] netweb SMF Importer BBCode regex expressions * Fix copy pasta `<br>`/`<tt>` regex * Add non-break space `&nbsp;` to space ` ` rexex Props mspecht. Fixes @2558
[5333] netweb More grunt updates: * Include bbPress version via `package.json` in the 'banner' of minified CSS & JS files * Include current date and time (UTC) in the 'banner' of minified CSS & JS files * Props netweb. See #2542
[5334] johnjamesjacoby Improve output of `grunt jshint` task. See #2578.
[5335] johnjamesjacoby More specific CSS selector on closed topics to only target lists of topics, not single topic views. See r2962.
[5336] netweb In `.jshintrc` ignore undefined variables so `grunt jshint` task completes without error. (reference variables created by WordPress dependencies or API's) * Props netweb. Fixes #2578
[5337] johnjamesjacoby Add `overflow-x: auto` styling to `code` and `pre` tags, to allow very long single lines of code to wrap without breaking outside of the bounding box.
[5338] johnjamesjacoby When calculating a new reply position, ensure we are using raw, unformatted integers. Fixes bug where formatted numeric strings (I.E. with commas; eg: 1,532) were being passed to the `menu_order` property, causing broken pagination on topics with over 1k replies. Fixes #2556.
[5339] netweb Bump NPM package versions in `package.json` "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.9.2 -> "~0.10.0" "grunt-sass": "~0.12.0" -> "~0.12.1" * Requires `npm install` to update packages and dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5340] johnjamesjacoby Bump tested-up-to version to 3.9. (trunk)
[5341] johnjamesjacoby Bump tested-up-to version to 3.9. (2.5 branch)
[5342] netweb Use correct PHPUnit configuration file `phpunit.xml.dist` for Grunt task `grunt phpunit` * Props netweb. See #2542
[5343] netweb Updated base admin styles SCSS * Color scheme support for widget choosers via WP:changeset:28122 * 'About Page' updated styles via WP:changeset:28127 Fixes #2583
[5344] netweb More Grunt updates * Adds `uglify:dynamic` to `grunt uglify` so that `grunt watch` -> `watch:js` tasks can dynamicly minify Javascript files with the `grunt watch` task. * Improved inline documentation for grunt jshint task. * Props netweb. See #2542
[5345] johnjamesjacoby Add license definition to plugin headers.
[5346] netweb Grunt is deprecating the Grunt.Util.* api, adding `grunt-legacy-util` will allow us to continue using `grunt.util.spawn` to spawn the multiple `phpunit` Grunt tasks. * Adds `grunt-legacy-util` to `package.json` * Requires fresh `npm install` to update dependencies * Props netweb. Fixes #2576
[5347] netweb Update `grunt` to `0.4.5` now that depreciated Grunt.util.* API is addressed via 2576 * Upstream changelog * Requires `npm install` to update packages and dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5348] netweb Update `grunt-wp-i18n` to `0.4.4` Changelog via * Added the potComments option to change the copyright message. * bbPress: Not implementing this at this stage as the current copyright header text is sufficient * Added the updateTimestamp option to prevent the POT-Creation-Header from being updated if there aren't any other changes in the POT file. * bbPress: Not implementing this at this stage as the default is `true` and that is fine * Requires `npm install` to update packages and dependencies * Props netweb. See #2542
[5349] netweb Replies now use the reply ID for the the post name/slug via r5117. bbPress' importers should also reflect that change with the removal of 'Reply Title' (post_title), 'Reply Slug' (post_name) and `callback_reply_title` from all importers. Props netweb. Fixes #2585
[5350] netweb Add support to vBulletin importer for 'YouTube Share' BBCode Props netweb. Fixes #2601
[5351] johnjamesjacoby Use correct `word-wrap` CSS property in `templates/default/bbpress.css`. Fixes problem with long author-names not wrapping correctly.
[5352] netweb Introduce e107 v1.x importer Props netweb. Fixes #2421
[5353] netweb Fix @since PHPDoc for `toggle_forum` and `toggle_forum_notice` in /includes/admin/forums.php
[5354] netweb Improved topic merge verbiage in `form-topic-merge.php` template. Props gautamgupta. Fixes #2539
[5355] johnjamesjacoby In template stack functions, wrap `function_exists()` checks with `is_array()` check. Allows class methods to be used as template stack locations. See:
[5356] johnjamesjacoby Replace `function_exists()` checks with `is_callable()` in template stack functions. Props boonebgorges. See:
[5357] johnjamesjacoby Indent with tabs in `package.json`
[5358] johnjamesjacoby Alphabetize grunt packages and update keywords in `package.json`.
[5359] johnjamesjacoby Re-alphabetize grunt packages and update keywords in `package.json`.
[5360] johnjamesjacoby Revert indentation change in r5357. Props netweb. See:
[5361] johnjamesjacoby Missed a spot.
[5362] netweb Add .editorconfig file, see "EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs." Props netweb. Fixes #2598
[5363] johnjamesjacoby Whitespace cleanup to `Gruntfile.js`.
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