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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4820 matches)

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Results (2001 - 2100 of 4820)

Changeset Author Message
[4464] johnjamesjacoby Users: * Fix misspelling and update doc in user-topics-created.php. * Props netweb. * Fixes #2048 (2.2 branch)
[4465] johnjamesjacoby Users: * Fix misspelling and update doc in user-topics-created.php. * Props netweb. * Fixes #2048 (trunk)
[4466] johnjamesjacoby Users: * Reference correct template part in single-user-edit.php. * Fixes #2045 (trunk)
[4467] johnjamesjacoby Users: * Reference correct template part in single-user-edit.php. * Fixes #2045 (2.2 branch)
[4468] bumpbot Compress scripts/styles: 2.3-bleeding-4468.
[4469] johnjamesjacoby About: * RTL styling for bbp-badge. * Fixes #2049 (2.2 branch)
[4470] johnjamesjacoby About: * RTL styling for bbp-badge. * Fixes #2049 (trunk)
[4471] johnjamesjacoby Bump 2.2 branch to 2.2.2.
[4472] johnjamesjacoby Tag 2.2.2.
[4473] johnjamesjacoby Update readme.txt with 2.2.2 changelog and bump stable tag. (trunk)
[4474] johnjamesjacoby Bump.
[4475] johnjamesjacoby Revert clear removal on topic and reply lists. Force none in profiles. Fixes #1964 (trunk)
[4476] johnjamesjacoby Revert clear removal on topic and reply lists. Force none in profiles. Fixes #1964 (2.2 branch)
[4477] johnjamesjacoby Users: * Remove old twentyten filter name in user-details.php. (trunk)
[4478] johnjamesjacoby Users: * Remove old twentyten filter name in user-details.php. (2.2 branch)
[4479] bumpbot Compress scripts/styles: 2.3-bleeding-4479.
[4480] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() calls from some statistics functions. * See #2056.
[4481] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data(). * See #2056.
[4482] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_wp_login_action(). * See #2056.
[4483] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_get_breadcrumb(). * Other general code cleanup. * See #2056.
[4484] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_get_the_content(). * Other general code cleanup. * See #2056.
[4485] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_get_dropdown(). * Other general code cleanup. * See #2056.
[4486] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_update_reply_revision_log(). * Other general code cleanup. * See #2056.
[4487] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_create_initial_content(). * See #2056.
[4488] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_update_forum(). * See #2056.
[4489] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Brackets in bbp_update_forum_reply_count().
[4490] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_update_topic_revision_log(). * See #2056.
[4491] johnjamesjacoby Widgets: * Add 'widget_title' filter to widget output.
[4492] johnjamesjacoby Revert back to compact() in statistics.
[4493] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from widgets. * See #2056.
[4494] johnjamesjacoby Remove accidental variable variable in widget output.
[4495] johnjamesjacoby Fix $args collision in topic views widget.
[4496] johnjamesjacoby Clean-up bbp_get_dropdown() so unsetting variables for get_posts() usage is not necessary.
[4497] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from extra statistics page template. * See #2056.
[4498] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() usages from /users/template-tag.php. * See #2056.
[4499] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_check_for_duplicate(). * Improve code in bbp_check_for_duplicate() to support this. * See #2056.
[4500] johnjamesjacoby Rearrange $wpdb global usage in bbp_check_for_duplicate().
[4501] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove unused BBP_Forum_Walker class, and bbp_walk_forum function, that use extract(). * See #2056.
[4502] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_get_single_forum_description(). * See #2056.
[4503] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() from bbp_list_forums(). * See #2056.
[4504] johnjamesjacoby Clean up bbp_has_forums() and remove 1-time-use variable.
[4505] johnjamesjacoby Code Improvement: * Add brackets to /forums/template-tags.php. * Remove duplicate variable assignments.
[4506] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() usages from /topics/template-tags.php. * See #2056.
[4507] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Remove extract() usages from /replies/template-tags.php. * See #2056.
[4508] johnjamesjacoby Extract: * Clean up bbp_parse_args() usages and inline documents. * Fixes #2056.
[4509] johnjamesjacoby Posting: * Fix bug causing forum/topic/reply content not to be retained when an error occurs. * Fixes #2057.
[4510] johnjamesjacoby Statistics: * Add widget and shortcode for forum statistics. * Props MZAWeb. * Fixes #2052.
[4511] johnjamesjacoby Ajax: * Remove call to wpList.process(). * Fixes duplicate ajax requests on topic subscriptions and favorites. * Props MZAWeb. * Fixes #1905 for !WordPress 3.4.
[4512] johnjamesjacoby TinyMCE: * Revert textarea output variable, changed during excerpt() sweep.
[4513] johnjamesjacoby TinyMCE: * Fix tabbing from topic title. * Hat-tip MZAWeb. * Fixes #1917.
[4514] bumpbot Compress scripts/styles: 2.3-bleeding-4514.
[4515] johnjamesjacoby Pass more variables into freshness link filters. Props jbobich. Fixes #1983.
[4516] johnjamesjacoby Use bloginfo_rss() instead of get_option().
[4517] johnjamesjacoby Set defaults to suppress debug notices in bbp_get_forum_freshness_link(). Props jmdodd. Fixes #2058.
[4518] johnjamesjacoby Dropdown: * Use 'post_parent' instead of 'child_of' in bbp_get_dropdown(). * Add 'exclude' to array of default arguments. * Fixes bug with not excluding post ID's, and not using the correct post parent ID. * Props jmdodd. * Fixes #2061.
[4519] johnjamesjacoby Use 'post_parent' instead of 'child_of' in bbp_get_dropdown() usages. See #2061.
[4520] johnjamesjacoby Create 1.2 branch: * Uses correct BackPress/pomo externals * See #1857.
[4521] johnjamesjacoby Tag bbPress 1.2. * Fixes #1857.
[4522] johnjamesjacoby Replies: * Add ability to move a reply into a new topic, or into an existing topic. * Includes new template part, new extra page template, and functions for handling the data move and template output. * Props jmdodd. * Fixes #1900.
[4523] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress: * Add reply move support for BuddyPress group forums. * See #1900, fixes #2064.
[4524] johnjamesjacoby Deleting: * When deleting a forum or topic, make sure all child content is deleted also. * Also add some inline doc, and unset query variables, and clean up messy inline comparisons. * Props MZAWeb. * Fixes #2059.
[4525] johnjamesjacoby Supplemental update to bbp_trash_forum_topics(). See #2059.
[4526] johnjamesjacoby Updater: * Move bbPress 1.x role removal out of updater and into BuddyPress's repair tool.
[4527] johnjamesjacoby Roles: * When updating bbPress and normalizing user roles, remove the old moderator and participant roles from the database. * Props jmdodd. * Fixes #2065.
[4528] johnjamesjacoby Roles: * When updating bbPress and normalizing user roles, remove the old moderator and participant roles from the database. * Move !BuddyPress role removal into groups repair tool. * See #2065 (2.2 branch)
[4529] johnjamesjacoby Replies: * When editing a reply, do not append "Reply To:" * Hat-tip netweb. * Fixes #2066 (trunk)
[4530] johnjamesjacoby Replies: * When editing a reply, do not append "Reply To:" * Hat-tip netweb. * Fixes #2066 (2.2 branch)
[4531] johnjamesjacoby Topics: * Use correct filter in bbp_current_user_can_publish_topics(). * Props netweb. * Fixes #2072 (2.2 branch)
[4532] johnjamesjacoby Topics: * Use correct filter in bbp_current_user_can_publish_topics(). * Props netweb. * Fixes #2072 (trunk)
[4533] johnjamesjacoby Redirect: * Rethink the way bbp_redirect_to_field() works. * Removes apache specific global checks. * Fixes incorrect usage of wp_get_referer(). * Props MZAWeb. * fixes #1835.
[4534] johnjamesjacoby Theme Compat: * Remove is_main_query() usage in bbp_replace_the_content(). * Fixes some themes misbehaving with theme-compat, causing it not to work as intended. * /me shakes fist at query_posts().
[4535] johnjamesjacoby Theme Compat: * Remove is_main_query() usage in bbp_replace_the_content(). * Fixes some themes misbehaving with theme-compat, causing it not to work as intended. * For 2.2 branch.
[4536] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * Fix issue causing paginated group forum requests to incorrectly fail. * Hat-tip boonebgorges. * Fixes #2080 (2.2 branch)
[4537] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * Fix issue causing paginated group forum requests to incorrectly fail. * Hat-tip boonebgorges. * Fixes #2080 (trunk)
[4538] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Activity: * When creating activity stream items, utilize 'hide_sitewide' instead of not recording any activity at all. * Hat-tip boonebgorges. * Fixes #2081 (trunk)
[4539] johnjamesjacoby Invert the public forum check (see #2081)
[4540] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Activity: * When creating activity stream items, utilize 'hide_sitewide' instead of not recording any activity at all. * Hat-tip boonebgorges. * Fixes #2081 (2.2 branch)
[4541] johnjamesjacoby Capabilities: * Verbiage change for forums role selector. * Fixes #2079 (2.2 branch)
[4542] johnjamesjacoby Capabilities: * Verbiage change for forums role selector. * Fixes #2079 (trunk)
[4543] johnjamesjacoby Subscriptions/Favorites: * Improvements to AJAX handling. * Introduces bbp_ajax_response() function in common/functions.php, to handle JSON output. * Adds AJAX failure responses. * Props MZAWeb. * Fixes #1905.
[4544] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * Add moderator and admin checks to map_topic_meta_caps() * Props lakrisgubben. * Fixes #2084 (trunk)
[4545] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * Add moderator and admin checks to map_topic_meta_caps() * Props lakrisgubben. * Fixes #2084 (2.2 branch)
[4546] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Activity: * When adding activity stream items, use raw values and trust !BuddyPress to properly texturize output. * Fixes #2082 (2.2 branch)
[4547] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Activity: * When adding activity stream items, use raw values and trust !BuddyPress to properly texturize output. * Fixes #2082 (trunk)
[4548] johnjamesjacoby AJAX: * Introduce common/ajax.php, along with new AJAX handlers and helpers. * Move bbp_ajax_response() into it. * Include new file in bbpress.php.
[4549] johnjamesjacoby AJAX: * Add 'bbp_do_ajax' action to 'bbp_template_redirect' action. * Update AJAX in theme compat to use new AJAX handler hooks.
[4550] johnjamesjacoby Update minified topic.js. See r4549.
[4551] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_post_request() and bbp_get_request() sub-actions: * Update actions and sub-actions to use these new handlers. * Update new/edit forum/topic/reply handlers to use these. * Update phpdoc as needed. * Remove duplicate 'bp_actions' request hooks from BuddyPress group forums. * Does not include admin-side requests.
[4552] johnjamesjacoby In bbp_verify_nonce_request(), parse home_url() to remove any strange characters or query-strings that plugins might append to it. Fixes #2070.
[4553] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * If group does not have forums active, do not show forum tab. * See #2083 (trunk)
[4554] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * If group does not have forums active, do not show forum tab. * See #2083 (2.2 branch)
[4555] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * When enabling a group forum in an existing group, audit group forums, remove any strays, and maybe create a new forum if needed. * Also fixes bugs in removing a value from group/forum ID arrays. * Fixes #2083 (2.2 branch)
[4556] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Groups: * When enabling a group forum in an existing group, audit group forums, remove any strays, and maybe create a new forum if needed. * Also fixes bugs in removing a value from group/forum ID arrays. * Fixes #2083 (trunk)
[4557] johnjamesjacoby Breadcrumbs: * Use is_singular() in bbp_get_breadcrumb(). * Fixes issue where single reply trail would be incorrect. * Fixes #2086 (trunk)
[4558] johnjamesjacoby Breadcrumbs: * Use is_singular() in bbp_get_breadcrumb(). * Fixes issue where single reply trail would be incorrect. * Fixes #2086 (2.2 branch)
[4559] johnjamesjacoby Load the textdomain before bbp_register. Fixes #2073.
[4560] johnjamesjacoby Make sure topic/reply titles are always set in statistics shortcode and dashboard metabox. Fixes #2087.
[4561] johnjamesjacoby Remove inline doc references to extract().
[4562] johnjamesjacoby Topic/Reply admin links: * Add filters to links arrays. * Props mordauk. * Fixes #2090.
[4563] johnjamesjacoby Code Improvement: * Add some brackets to improve readability.
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