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{33} Commit Messages, Current Release (4788 matches)

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Changeset Author Message
[3564] johnjamesjacoby Tweaks to bbp-twentyten styling to accomodate form-forum.php.
[3565] johnjamesjacoby Update the BuddyPress group extension with working create/edit screens. @todo Saving. See #1669.
[3566] johnjamesjacoby Introduce shortcode, rewrite rule, template file, and theme-compatibility code for front-end Forum editing. See #1669.
[3567] johnjamesjacoby Add is_forum_edit() check to breadcrumb function to correctly load the ancestors. See #1669.
[3568] johnjamesjacoby Fix regression introduced in r3553 causing Home breadcrumb text to be the current title.
[3569] johnjamesjacoby Check query name in bbp_is_single_view(). See #1651, r3541. (2.1)
[3570] johnjamesjacoby Remove stray quote from login widget. See #1644, r3542. (2.1)
[3571] johnjamesjacoby Use get_post_class() to fix premature echo of forum/topic/reply post classes. See #1650, r3543. (2.1)
[3572] johnjamesjacoby Introduce functions for topic/reply per-page settings, to prevent divide by zero errors if setting is saved as '0' string. See r3540. (2.1)
[3573] johnjamesjacoby Code formatting improvements to bbp_toggle_reply_handler() and prevent possible debug notice on $failure. See r3544. (2.1)
[3574] johnjamesjacoby Code formatting improvements to bbp-topic-functions.php and prevent possible debug notices. See r3445. (2.1)
[3575] johnjamesjacoby Add functions and settings for BuddyPress group forums and Akismet extensions. Add checks to these settings to only show them when relevant. Do not load new Forums component if BuddyPress forums are already active. See #1669.
[3576] johnjamesjacoby Swap out @public's for @var's in bbpress.php. Props duck_.
[3577] johnjamesjacoby Missed a spot. Swap @public for @var. See r3576
[3578] johnjamesjacoby Use correct $user->ID variable and bbp_get_current_user_id() function in bbp_pre_get_posts().
[3579] johnjamesjacoby Always set defaults in bbp_theme_compat_reset_post().
[3580] johnjamesjacoby Prevent possible debug notice in bbp_get_breadcrumb()
[3581] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_check_for_moderation() to check moderation_keys and comment_max_links before publishing topics and replies. Also introduces function for getting the pending post status, and adds missing status vars to bbPress class. See #1672.
[3582] johnjamesjacoby Update description of $private_status_id var in bbPress class. See #1672, r3581.
[3583] johnjamesjacoby Contextual help fixes. Fixes #1657. Props duck_
[3584] johnjamesjacoby Check the post_content instead of post_title in forum & topic content form functions.
[3585] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_is_edit global posts_query var to indicate that bbPress editing is occurring.
[3586] johnjamesjacoby Settings, functions, CSS, and template-tags necessary to use wp_editor() function, introduced in WordPress 3.3. See #1673.
[3587] johnjamesjacoby Fix issue causing sub-forum lists not to appear. Fixes #1674.
[3588] johnjamesjacoby RTL CSS fixes. Props ramiy. Fixes #1654.
[3589] johnjamesjacoby Force comment_status to 'closed' for forums, topics, and replies. Fixes #1676.
[3590] johnjamesjacoby Update Green (minty) admin CSS color scheme for WordPress 3.3.
[3591] johnjamesjacoby Fix phpdoc indentation to bbp_get_time_since()
[3592] johnjamesjacoby Add id's to BuddyPress toolbar items for WordPress 3.3.
[3593] johnjamesjacoby Remove unused $bp global in bbp_filter_user_id()
[3594] johnjamesjacoby Define local variables in bbpress.php to prevent strict notices.
[3595] johnjamesjacoby Tweak Green admin color scheme. See [WP19198]
[3596] johnjamesjacoby Remove the PHP4 constructor helper in main bbPress class. (2.1)
[3597] johnjamesjacoby Only bail if forums are installed correctly.
[3598] johnjamesjacoby Use $plugin variable in bbp_is_activation()
[3599] johnjamesjacoby Fix debug notice in BuddyPress user ID filter when anonymous posting is enabled.
[3600] johnjamesjacoby Prevent guest users from editing topics and replies if anonymous posting is active. See #1678. (2.1)
[3601] johnjamesjacoby Revert part of r3600 and change logic. See #1678. (2.1)
[3602] johnjamesjacoby Prevent guest users from editing topics and replies if anonymous posting is active. See #1678. (2.0)
[3603] johnjamesjacoby Bump branch to 2.0.1. Update readme.txt and remove hard-coded version reference from bbp-extend-akismet.php.
[3604] johnjamesjacoby Tag bbPress 2.0.1
[3605] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_template_redirect() and use for checking various edit screens: * Introduce bbp_check_topic_edit() to check for topic edit * Introduce bbp_check_reply_edit() to check for reply edit * Introduce bbp_check_topic_tag_edit() to check for topic tag edit * Introduce bbp_check_user_edit() to check for user edit * Remove these checks from bbp_pre_get_posts() and only use it to setup query vars * See #1684 * For 2.0 branch
[3606] johnjamesjacoby Fix phpdoc @uses in bbp_check_user_edit(). See #1664. (2.0)
[3607] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_template_redirect() and use for checking various edit screens: * Introduce bbp_check_forum_edit() to check for forum edit * Introduce bbp_check_topic_edit() to check for topic edit * Introduce bbp_check_reply_edit() to check for reply edit * Introduce bbp_check_topic_tag_edit() to check for topic tag edit * Introduce bbp_check_user_edit() to check for user edit * Remove these checks from bbp_pre_get_posts() and only use it to setup query vars * Fixes #1684, r3605 * For 2.1 (plugin) branch
[3608] johnjamesjacoby Fix extra php closing bracket in content-single-user.php. Props ptahdunbar.
[3609] johnjamesjacoby Add class_exists check to BBP_Forums_Group_Extension to prevent errors if BuddyPress Groups component is deactivated.
[3610] johnjamesjacoby Add user_nicename to single_user template hierarchy.
[3611] johnjamesjacoby Add missing parenthesis in bbp_close_topic(). See #1689, props thebrent. (2.1)
[3612] johnjamesjacoby Add missing parenthesis in bbp_close_topic(). Fixes #1689, props thebrent. (2.0)
[3613] johnjamesjacoby Add topic-tag slug to array of available templates in both bbp_get_topic_tag_template() and bbp_get_topic_tag_edit_template(). Fixes #1685. Props ptahdunbar.
[3614] johnjamesjacoby Remove deprecated (and excessive) file-system checks for single-action templates from _edit_ theme-compat functions. These are pre 2.0 and future updates will not support them going forward.
[3615] johnjamesjacoby Revert cruft from bbp_get_forum_edit_template() from r3614.
[3616] johnjamesjacoby Correct core languages path in bbp-languages/index.php
[3617] johnjamesjacoby Add traditional WordPress 'plugin_locale' filter to load_textdoman() method. See #1647.
[3618] johnjamesjacoby Update language path comment in bbPress::load_textdomain(). See #1647.
[3619] johnjamesjacoby Add missing textdomain in topics widget. Fixes #1661. Props Mamaduka.
[3620] johnjamesjacoby Add another missing textdomain in topics widget. See #1661.
[3621] johnjamesjacoby Allow forum/topic/reply row classes to be filtered. Fixes #1664.
[3622] johnjamesjacoby Fix subforum ordering in bbp_forum_get_subforums(). Fixes #1671. Props ericlewis.
[3623] johnjamesjacoby First pass at v2 theme compatibility: * Remove references to current_theme_supports() * Introduce bbp_locate_template() to include theme compat path * Use bbp_locate_template() through-out project * See #1691
[3624] johnjamesjacoby Add topic sticky dropdown to wp-admin metabox. Fixes #1625. Props !GautamGupta.
[3625] johnjamesjacoby Tweak hidden topic and reply dashboard right-now links. Fixes #1670.
[3626] johnjamesjacoby Fix subfolder redirect issue on login/logout. Fixes #1645. Props !Mamaduka.
[3627] johnjamesjacoby Replace get_class() calls with is_a() where applicable.
[3628] johnjamesjacoby Use is_a() in bbp-twentyten/functions.php so class extension works correctly.
[3629] johnjamesjacoby Introduce bbp_get_query_template() function to handle the template assignment for the extra bbPress root level template files.
[3630] johnjamesjacoby Bail out of bbp_template_include_theme_compat() early if theme explicitly adds theme support for bbPress.
[3631] johnjamesjacoby Bail out of bbp_template_include_theme_supports() early if theme does not support bbPress.
[3632] johnjamesjacoby Introduce template tags for getting user topic, reply, and total post counts. See #1694.
[3633] johnjamesjacoby Introduce raw functions for getting user topic and reply post counts directly from the posts table. See #1694.
[3634] johnjamesjacoby Theme Compatibility Updates: * Tableless layout, fixes #1586, props mercime * Introduce content-single-reply and content-topic-tag-edit templates * Update shortcodes to use content templates * Update theme compatibility to include single reply shortcode * @todo CSS audit, RTL audit, shortcode audit
[3635] johnjamesjacoby CSS tweaks after moving to tableless layout.
[3636] johnjamesjacoby Add filters to default query loop arguments to allow them to be manipulated before being parsed.
[3637] johnjamesjacoby Use pre-query-filters in shortcodes, and fix topic-tag query. Fixes #1687, props ptahdunbar for original patch.
[3638] johnjamesjacoby Remove query restriction from content-single-topic.php.
[3639] johnjamesjacoby Delete '_bbp_last_active_time' key from postmeta when doing freshness recalculation. (2.1)
[3640] johnjamesjacoby Delete '_bbp_last_active_time' key from postmeta when doing freshness recalculation. Props lillelykke. (2.0 branch)
[3641] johnjamesjacoby Bump branch to 2.0.2.
[3642] johnjamesjacoby Tag 2.0.2
[3643] johnjamesjacoby Add topic-tag checks to bbp_body_class(). Fixes #1696. Props sorich87.
[3644] johnjamesjacoby Use is_main_query() in bbp_pre_get_posts() (for 2.1 which will be for WordPress 3.3 and higher)
[3645] johnjamesjacoby Remove suppress_filters check and update inline doc in bbp_pre_get_posts()
[3646] johnjamesjacoby 'suppress_filters' audit: * Revert part of r3645 * Rename bbp_pre_get_posts() to bbp_parse_query() and hook to 'parse_query' * Move forum post_type check out of bbp_pre_get_posts() and into bbp_pre_get_posts_exclude_forums() where it makes more sense * Update documentation for above changes * See #1698
[3647] johnjamesjacoby Add RTL styling to bbp-twentyten tableless layout. Fixes #1703.
[3648] johnjamesjacoby Fall back on user_login, and lastly "Anonymous" if no name is found anywhere. Fixes #1704.
[3649] johnjamesjacoby Slight performance improvements to author display_name. See #1704.
[3650] johnjamesjacoby Change the default class in bbp_list_forums() so it does not conflict with non-list forums.
[3651] johnjamesjacoby Audit the bbp-twentyten theme's actions, HTML, and CSS. See #1702.
[3652] johnjamesjacoby Hook topic and reply trash actions onto new wp_trash_post hook introduced in WordPress 3.3. Fix #1707.
[3653] johnjamesjacoby Move trash status background color to wrapper div.
[3654] johnjamesjacoby BuddyPress Group Forum Integration: * BuddyPress group/forum sync functions * Add forum/topic row actions * Group create/edit helper methods * Forum create/edit handlers * See #1669
[3655] johnjamesjacoby Tweak user profile header CSS to work better in IE and twentyeleven. Props mercime. Fixes #1713.
[3656] johnjamesjacoby Do not stomp the $redirect_to variable in bbp_redirect_to_field(). Props mesayre. Fixes #1709.
[3657] johnjamesjacoby Improve bbp_is_activation() and bbp_is_deactivation() to include bulk actions. Props duck_. Fixes #1660.
[3658] johnjamesjacoby Fix 'deactivate' copy-pasta from r3657. See #1660.
[3659] johnjamesjacoby Implement topic view feeds. Fixes #1716.
[3660] johnjamesjacoby Avoid possible inline variable assignment in topics_column_data() method.
[3661] johnjamesjacoby Add param phpdoc to bbp_get_topic_tag_description(). Props tmoorewp.
[3662] johnjamesjacoby Assorted forum template tag code improvements. * Pass $forum_id in filters where possible * Make sure echo functions pass all param's to return functions * Pretty code tweaks
[3663] johnjamesjacoby Assorted topic template tag code improvements. * Pass $topic_id in filters where possible * Make sure echo functions pass all param's to return functions * Pretty code tweaks
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