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{2} All Tickets, Workflow Oriented (495 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 495)

1 2 3 4 5

Needs Dev / Bug Wrangler Feedback (45 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#2814 Fix minor but common style issues inherited from themes Appearance - Theme Compatibility normal minor Future Release idea dev-feedback 01/24/2017
#3034 Every new topic/reply invalidates the get_sites() cache johnjamesjacoby API - Cache high normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/07/2017
#2931 Various conditional tags returning `true` when they should be `false` General - Performance normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/16/2017
#3105 Move titles out of display_forums() and into templates for easier styling mercime Extend - BuddyPress normal normal 2.7 enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2017
#2725 bbp_has_topics is broken on the tag page API - Widgets normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/08/2017
#2995 Consider reverting the quicktag link button to the original prompt instead of the modal with search API - Formatting low minor 2.7 idea dev-feedback 06/08/2017
#2993 Consider auto-creating a forum index page General - UI/UX lowest minor 2.7 idea dev-feedback 06/08/2017
#3118 Redirect or 404 General - UI/UX normal normal 2.7 idea dev-feedback 06/19/2017
#2731 refactor the menu_order tool ("Recalculate the position of each reply") Tools normal normal 2.7 enhancement dev-feedback 06/28/2017
#2210 Auto-set role on Multisite creates unusable links in toolbar and my-sites.php API - Roles/Capabilities normal normal 2.8 defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/11/2017
#3171 Save draft topics & replies General - Content Creation low normal 2.9 feature request dev-feedback 10/14/2017
#2797 Proper subscription notifictations (WP Cron and other enhancements) API - Subscriptions normal normal 2.7 enhancement dev-feedback 03/09/2018
#3116 Deleting a user does not delete the topics Component - Users normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/08/2018
#3144 User Import: Update existing users instead of inserting as new johnjamesjacoby API - Importers normal normal 2.8 enhancement dev-feedback 04/23/2018
#3048 Better detection for symlinks in bbp_enqueue_style() and bbp_enqueue_script() Appearance - Included Themes normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/16/2018
#3247 Improvement of bbp-topic-index shortcode API - Shortcodes low normal 2.8 enhancement dev-feedback 02/01/2019
#3203 Performance issues when deleting a topic johnjamesjacoby General - Performance normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/17/2019
#2970 Allow only topic authors and users who can moderate to add/remove tags from a topic Component - Topic Tags normal normal Under Consideration idea dev-feedback 11/09/2019
#2784 Phorum importer netweb API - Importers normal normal Under Consideration enhancement dev-feedback 11/09/2019
#2755 Banning johnjamesjacoby API - Moderation normal normal Under Consideration defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/09/2019
#3262 Invalidate user cookies when blocked role is applied johnjamesjacoby API - Roles/Capabilities high normal 2.7 enhancement dev-feedback 11/19/2019
#3224 No capability to edit own reply when loaded via AJAX johnjamesjacoby Component - Replies normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/19/2019
#3325 Add setting to notify moderators or keymasters about pending topics & replies johnjamesjacoby API - Moderation normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/14/2020
#3330 fix typos and docs standards in some files Tools - Code Improvements normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/01/2020
#3338 Wrong check for Buddypress notifications johnjamesjacoby Extend - BuddyPress low minor Under Consideration idea dev-feedback 03/16/2020
#3318 Add rel="nofollow ugc" to links in topics and replies API - Formatting high major enhancement dev-feedback 01/03/2021
#3328 BuddyPress activity update not working when editing topic or replies r-a-y Extend - BuddyPress normal normal Under Consideration defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/04/2021
#3399 BuddyPress: Toggling group forum creates a duplicate forum johnjamesjacoby* Extend - BuddyPress normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/03/2021
#3519 Send 'recheck_reason' parameter to Akismet during edits Extend - Akismet normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 02/01/2023
#3533 The top nav menu doesn't look good on mobile responsive. Site normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/16/2023
#3536 Pagination count text not displaying on mobile responsive devices. General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/03/2023
#3229 Email header improvements johnjamesjacoby API - Subscriptions high normal 2.7 enhancement dev-feedback 04/26/2023
#3352 Consider creating separate moderation settings API - Moderation normal normal Awaiting Review idea dev-feedback 06/04/2023
#3563 The coloumn design is not proper Site - low normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/20/2023
#2484 Marking participants as spam, marks whole Blogs as spam johnjamesjacoby API - Roles/Capabilities omg sweet tea critical 2.8 defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/17/2023
#3559 The inner page's smooth scroll is not working properly Site - normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/16/2024
#3513 BBpress Edit user profile page suggestions for "WCAG accessibility". General normal normal Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 02/21/2024
#3520 The link in the title should be removed. Tools - Code Improvements normal normal Awaiting Review idea close 04/08/2024
#3554 Search box input hides away behind the header and top nav menu in the mobile responsive. Site - normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/16/2024
#3608 Hidden forums search exclusion affects single group forum query for logged-out users johnjamesjacoby Component - Forums normal normal 2.6.12 defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/12/2024
#3612 Strange Testing Scenario with bbp_hide_forum Component - Forums normal normal Awaiting Review regression dev-feedback 11/03/2024
#3616 display_reply_index function used but not existing Appearance - Theme Compatibility normal normal Awaiting Review regression dev-feedback 11/10/2024
#3618 Better handling of Shortcodes Component - Forums low minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/12/2024
#3500 Top Header navigation menu content & site footer content sticky in mobile responsive devices Site - normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/21/2024
#3434 Akismet catches spam for moderator, but moderators are able to bypass spam Extend - Akismet low minor Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 11/21/2024

Needs Docs or Unit Tests (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#2693 Forum: Code tags strip leading/trailing blank lines Component - Forums normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/06/2014
#2891 Add unit tests for RSS feeds Tools - Unit Tests normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/17/2015
#2305 Automatic Feed Links netweb API - Feeds normal normal 2.7 enhancement needs-docs 01/10/2016
#2869 BuddyPress notification bug for hierarchy replies Extend - BuddyPress normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 05/31/2016
#3004 Participants can't view topics list when using bbp-single-forum shortcode of a Private Group Forum from a Private Group Extend - BuddyPress normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 03/03/2017
#2929 Redirect Original Topic URL to New URL when Topic Moved (Buddypress Group Forum) Extend - BuddyPress normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 03/03/2017
#3021 search : Error with pagination Component - Search normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 03/03/2017
#2533 Optimize Repair Tools SQL Queries netweb Tools normal normal 2.7 enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/07/2017
#3107 Parenthesis `(` / `)` in URLs causes unintended duplicate links johnjamesjacoby API - Formatting normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 05/22/2017
#2785 Improvements to threaded replies Component - Replies normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/18/2017
#2829 Empty "Topics started" and "Replies created" Component - Users normal normal 2.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/24/2018
#3125 `bbp_get_topic_id()` might incorrectly return a reply_id or forum_id johnjamesjacoby General normal normal 2.8 enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/23/2018
#3230 scheduled stickies appear immediately Component - Topics normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/20/2018
#3046 bbPress 2.5.12 is sending out emails to subscribed blocked users API - Subscriptions normal normal 2.7 enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/21/2020
#3478 Don't have a contribution guideline on github General high normal Awaiting Review feature request needs-docs 08/10/2022
#2191 BuddyPress Group Subforums created in bbPress are incomplete johnjamesjacoby Extend - BuddyPress high normal 2.7 enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/12/2024
#2357 Design Crashes! - Li button issue - Editor not filtering improper HTML usage. API - Formatting normal major Future Release idea needs-unit-tests 07/05/2024
#3110 Add missing filter documentation Tools - Code Improvements normal normal 2.7 task (blessed) needs-docs 11/10/2024

Needs Early Attention (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#1925 Optimize `_bbp_last_active_time` to use `post_modified` instead General - Performance normal normal 2.7 enhancement early 08/09/2016
#2944 Forum and topic `_bbp_count_*` meta keys are not deleted when trashing a forum johnjamesjacoby Component - Any/All high normal 2.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/13/2017
#3058 Consider bundling WP-CLI commands with bbPress proper espellcaste Tools high normal 2.7 enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/16/2023

Needs Patch (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#960 Users list improvements General - Administration high major Future Release (Legacy) enhancement 09/20/2011
#1193 Allow plugins to mess with $forum_options Back-end normal normal Future Release (Legacy) enhancement 09/20/2011
#1322 Post searches sometimes do not show results Back-end normal normal Future Release (Legacy) defect (bug) 09/20/2011
#1323 Topic counts are off when posts are spammed and deleted General - Administration normal normal Future Release (Legacy) defect (bug) 09/20/2011
#1483 User search has problems with no role on large usersets Component - Users normal normal Future Release (Legacy) defect (bug) 09/20/2011
#1215 Post count bug General - Administration low minor Future Release (Legacy) defect (bug) 09/20/2011
#1683 Dashboard "Right Now" counts don't correctly use plurals General - Administration normal normal Future Release (Legacy) defect (bug) 06/04/2012
#1928 nonrehashed user passwords netweb API - Importers high normal Future Release defect (bug) 08/20/2012
#1748 Forum-specific sidebar API - Widgets normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/25/2012
#1981 Update topic/replies count after subforums changed location Back-end normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 10/17/2012
#1987 Add date option for topics Component - Topics normal normal Future Release enhancement 12/09/2012
#2133 add pre tag buttom to fancy html editor of the reply and topic form General - Content Creation normal normal Future Release enhancement 12/27/2012
#1611 Allow customize translations of string Forums Locale - i18n/l10n normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 01/03/2013
#2249 TinyMCE RTL Support Locale - i18n/l10n normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 03/09/2013
#2264 Why closed topics are not displaying properly? Component - Topics normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 03/18/2013
#1979 integrate quickedit option Front-end normal normal Future Release enhancement 03/29/2013
#2266 Profile not displayed for users with period in name Component - Users normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 03/29/2013
#2333 Allow to filter the replies by topic in the back-end Back-end normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/22/2013
#2240 Add some classes ... Appearance - Theme Compatibility low normal Future Release enhancement 06/25/2013
#2245 Hide subforums on paged Component - Forums low normal Future Release enhancement 07/28/2013
#1439 Admin Bar Support General - Administration normal normal Future Release enhancement 08/29/2013
#2401 Add option to disable root forum archive page Component - Forums normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/02/2013
#2418 Error in bbp_get_user_subscribe_link function General normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 09/14/2013
#2184 Marking a topic or a reply private in the front-end Front-end normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/19/2013
#1888 Possible bbPress1 converter improvement API - Importers normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/21/2013
#2069 Anonymous users can always spectate API - Roles/Capabilities normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 11/07/2013
#2422 e107 v2.x Forum Import Template netweb API - Importers normal normal Future Release enhancement 11/15/2013
#2325 bbPress Permalink Bug with Multisite Sub Site network users API - Rewrite Rules normal normal Future Release enhancement 11/23/2013
#2244 In loop-single-reply.php to replace divs with ul and li Appearance - Theme Compatibility low minor Future Release task (blessed) 12/28/2013
#1907 Auto refreshing new replies Component - Replies normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 04/27/2014
#2564 Topic Tags beginning with % Component - Topic Tags low minor Future Release defect (bug) 05/17/2014
#2424 Redirect single replies to parent topic Component - Replies normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/17/2014
#2670 Reply to topics and replies in the backend Component - Replies normal normal Future Release enhancement 08/05/2014
#2663 Hidden forum posts not advertising their correct status General - Content Creation normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 09/08/2014
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