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{29} Open Tickets I Have Patched (12 matches)

This report highlights any tickets which the current user has added patches on, Yet the ticket remains open.

By default, It shows for the current user, however, you may define it via the URL as such:

Colored rows are those where the ticket has been marked as needing a patch.

Ticket Milestone Type Summary Workflow Component Version Severity Priority Modified
#3411 Awaiting Review new enhancement Some reply context options are unavailable when topic is marked as spam needs-patch Component - Replies normal normal 01/03/2021
#3389 2.7 assigned defect (bug) First edit of a topic does not get added to revision history has-patch General - Content Creation 2.0 normal high 01/02/2021
#3353 Awaiting Review new defect (bug) Template notice not shown when a forum post is moderated has-patch API - Moderation 2.6.0 normal normal 01/03/2021
#3328 Under Consideration assigned defect (bug) BuddyPress activity update not working when editing topic or replies dev-feedback Extend - BuddyPress 2.6.0 normal normal 01/04/2021
#3300 2.7 assigned defect (bug) PHP 7.0 cross-version compatibility issue needs-patch General trunk normal normal 06/04/2020
#3234 2.7 new defect (bug) Conflict with All in One SEO’s Sitemap query has-patch Component - Forums 2.5.14 normal normal 01/03/2019
#2711 2.7 new enhancement Make bbPress Edit Profile Section more Responsive needs-patch General - UI/UX 2.5.4 normal normal 01/12/2017
#2519 2.7 new enhancement Add Replies & Topics Count To bbPress Core has-patch Component - Users normal normal 07/16/2015
#1989 2.8 new enhancement Only show a single revision message needs-patch Component - Any/All 2.1.2 normal normal 08/09/2013
#1925 2.7 new enhancement Optimize `_bbp_last_active_time` to use `post_modified` instead needs-patch General - Performance 2.1.2 normal normal 12/12/2013
#1816 Future Release (Legacy) new defect (bug) feed title starts with the author and so you can't sort by title in feed reader has-patch API - Feeds 1.1 normal normal 04/28/2012
#1705 Future Release (Legacy) new defect (bug) Path disclosure if display_errors is on in production needs-testing Tools - Warnings/Notices 1.1-alpha minor low 12/29/2011
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.