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Ticket #3428: 3428.03.patch

File 3428.03.patch, 16.3 KB (added by johnjamesjacoby, 3 years ago)
  • src/includes/common/functions.php

    304304 * Get the forum statistics
    305305 *
    306306 * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2769)
    307  * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6055) Introduced the `count_pending_topics` and
    308  *                               `count_pending_replies` arguments.
     307 * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6055)  Added:
     308 *                               `count_pending_topics`
     309 *                               `count_pending_replies`
     310 * @since 2.6.10 bbPress (r7235) Renamed:
     311 *                                `count_trashed_topics`  to `count_trash_topics`
     312 *                                `count_trashed_replies` to `count_trash_replies`
     313 *                                `count_spammed_topics`  to `count_spam_topics`
     314 *                                `count_spammed_replies` to `count_spam_replies`
     315 *                               Added:
     316 *                                `count_hidden_topics`
     317 *                                `count_hidden_replies`
    309318 *
    310319 * @param array $args Optional. The function supports these arguments (all
    311  *                     default to true):
    312  *  - count_users: Count users?
    313  *  - count_forums: Count forums?
    314  *  - count_topics: Count topics? If set to false, private, spammed and trashed
    315  *                   topics are also not counted.
    316  *  - count_pending_topics: Count pending topics? (only counted if the current
     320 *                    default to true):
     321 *
     322 *  - count_users:           Count users?
     323 *  - count_forums:          Count forums?
     324 *  - count_topics:          Count topics? If set to false, private, spam and
     325 *                           trash topics are also not counted.
     326 *  - count_pending_topics:  Count pending topics? (only counted if the current
    317327 *                           user has edit_others_topics cap)
    318  *  - count_private_topics: Count private topics? (only counted if the current
     328 *  - count_private_topics:  Count private topics? (only counted if the current
    319329 *                           user has read_private_topics cap)
    320  *  - count_spammed_topics: Count spammed topics? (only counted if the current
     330 *  - count_hidden_topics:   Count hidden topics? (only counted if the current
     331 *                           user has read_hidden_topics cap)
     332 *  - count_spam_topics:     Count spam topics? (only counted if the current
    321333 *                           user has edit_others_topics cap)
    322  *  - count_trashed_topics: Count trashed topics? (only counted if the current
     334 *  - count_trash_topics:    Count trash topics? (only counted if the current
    323335 *                           user has view_trash cap)
    324  *  - count_replies: Count replies? If set to false, private, spammed and
    325  *                   trashed replies are also not counted.
     336 *  - count_replies:         Count replies? If set to false, private, spam and
     337 *                           trash replies are also not counted.
    326338 *  - count_pending_replies: Count pending replies? (only counted if the current
    327339 *                           user has edit_others_replies cap)
    328340 *  - count_private_replies: Count private replies? (only counted if the current
    329341 *                           user has read_private_replies cap)
    330  *  - count_spammed_replies: Count spammed replies? (only counted if the current
     342 *  - count_hidden_replies:  Count hidden replies? (only counted if the current
     343 *                           user has read_hidden_replies cap)
     344 *  - count_spam_replies:    Count spam replies? (only counted if the current
    331345 *                           user has edit_others_replies cap)
    332  *  - count_trashed_replies: Count trashed replies? (only counted if the current
     346 *  - count_trash_replies:   Count trash replies? (only counted if the current
    333347 *                           user has view_trash cap)
    334  *  - count_tags: Count tags? If set to false, empty tags are also not counted
    335  *  - count_empty_tags: Count empty tags?
    336  * @return object Walked forum tree
     348 *  - count_tags:            Count tags? If set to false, empty tags are also
     349 *                           not counted
     350 *  - count_empty_tags:      Count empty tags?
     351 *
     352 * @return array Array of statistics
    337353 */
    338354function bbp_get_statistics( $args = array() ) {
    350366                'count_topics'          => true,
    351367                'count_pending_topics'  => true,
    352368                'count_private_topics'  => true,
    353                 'count_spammed_topics'  => true,
    354                 'count_trashed_topics'  => true,
     369                'count_spam_topics'     => true,
     370                'count_trash_topics'    => true,
     371                'count_hidden_topics'   => true,
    356373                // Replies
    357374                'count_replies'         => true,
    358375                'count_pending_replies' => true,
    359376                'count_private_replies' => true,
    360                 'count_spammed_replies' => true,
    361                 'count_trashed_replies' => true,
     377                'count_spam_replies'    => true,
     378                'count_trash_replies'   => true,
     379                'count_hidden_replies'  => true,
    363381                // Topic tags
    364382                'count_tags'            => true,
    372390        $topic_tag_count = $empty_topic_tag_count = 0;
    373391        $hidden_topic_title = $hidden_reply_title = '';
     393        // Post statuses
     394        $publish = bbp_get_public_status_id();
     395        $closed  = bbp_get_closed_status_id();
     396        $pending = bbp_get_pending_status_id();
     397        $private = bbp_get_private_status_id();
     398        $hidden  = bbp_get_hidden_status_id();
     399        $spam    = bbp_get_spam_status_id();
     400        $trash   = bbp_get_trash_status_id();
    375402        // Users
    376403        $user_count = ! empty( $r['count_users'] )
    377404                ? bbp_get_total_users()
    380407        // Forums
    381408        $forum_count = ! empty( $r['count_forums'] )
    382                 ? wp_count_posts( bbp_get_forum_post_type() )->publish
     409                ? wp_count_posts( bbp_get_forum_post_type() )->{$publish}
    383410                : 0;
    385         // Post statuses
    386         $pending = bbp_get_pending_status_id();
    387         $private = bbp_get_private_status_id();
    388         $spam    = bbp_get_spam_status_id();
    389         $trash   = bbp_get_trash_status_id();
    390         $closed  = bbp_get_closed_status_id();
     412        // Default capabilities
     413        $caps = array(
     414                'view_trash'           => false,
     415                'read_private_topics'  => false,
     416                'edit_others_topics'   => false,
     417                'read_private_replies' => false,
     418                'edit_others_replies'  => false,
     419                'edit_topic_tags'      => false
     420        );
     422        // Get capabilities
     423        foreach ( $caps as $key => $cap ) {
     424                $caps[ $key ] = current_user_can( $cap );
     425        }
    392427        // Topics
    393428        if ( ! empty( $r['count_topics'] ) ) {
     430                // Count all topics
    394431                $all_topics  = wp_count_posts( bbp_get_topic_post_type() );
    396433                // Published (publish + closed)
    397                 $topic_count = $all_topics->publish + $all_topics->{$closed};
     434                $topic_count = $all_topics->{$publish} + $all_topics->{$closed};
    399                 if ( current_user_can( 'read_private_topics' ) || current_user_can( 'edit_others_topics' ) || current_user_can( 'view_trash' ) ) {
     436                // Declare empty arrays
     437                $topics = $topic_titles = array_fill_keys( bbp_get_non_public_topic_statuses(), '' );
    401                         // Declare empty arrays
    402                         $topics = $topic_titles = array();
     439                // Pending
     440                if ( ! empty( $r['count_pending_topics'] ) && ! empty( $caps['edit_others_topics'] ) ) {
     441                        $topics[ $pending ]       = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_topics->{$pending} );
     442                        $topic_titles[ $pending ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Pending: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics[ $pending ] ) );
     443                }
    404                         // Pending
    405                         $topics['pending'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_pending_topics'] ) && current_user_can( 'edit_others_topics' ) )
    406                                 ? (int) $all_topics->{$pending}
    407                                 : 0;
     445                // Private
     446                if ( ! empty( $r['count_private_topics'] ) && ! empty( $caps['read_private_topics'] ) ) {
     447                        $topics[ $private ]       = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_topics->{$private} );
     448                        $topic_titles[ $private ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Private: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics[ $private ] ) );
     449                }
    409                         // Private
    410                         $topics['private'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_private_topics'] ) && current_user_can( 'read_private_topics' ) )
    411                                 ? (int) $all_topics->{$private}
    412                                 : 0;
     451                // Hidden
     452                if ( ! empty( $r['count_hidden_topics'] ) && ! empty( $caps['read_hidden_topics'] ) ) {
     453                        $topics[ $hidden ]       = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_topics->{$hidden} );
     454                        $topic_titles[ $hidden ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Hidden: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics[ $hidden ] ) );
     455                }
    414                         // Spam
    415                         $topics['spammed'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_spammed_topics'] ) && current_user_can( 'edit_others_topics'  ) )
    416                                 ? (int) $all_topics->{$spam}
    417                                 : 0;
     457                // Spam
     458                if ( ! empty( $r['count_spam_topics'] ) && ! empty( $caps['edit_others_topics'] ) ) {
     459                        $topics[ $spam ]       = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_topics->{$spam} );
     460                        $topic_titles[ $spam ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Spammed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics[ $spam ] ) );
     461                }
    419                         // Trash
    420                         $topics['trashed'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_trashed_topics'] ) && current_user_can( 'view_trash' ) )
    421                                 ? (int) $all_topics->{$trash}
    422                                 : 0;
     463                // Trash
     464                if ( ! empty( $r['count_trash_topics'] ) && ! empty( $caps['view_trash'] ) ) {
     465                        $topics[ $trash ]       = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_topics->{$trash} );
     466                        $topic_titles[ $trash ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Trashed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics[ $trash ] ) );
     467                }
    424                         // Total hidden (pending + private + spam + trash)
    425                         $topic_count_hidden = $topics['pending'] + $topics['private'] + $topics['spammed'] + $topics['trashed'];
     469                // Total hidden (pending, private, hidden, spam, trash)
     470                $topic_count_hidden = array_sum( array_filter( $topics ) );
    427                         // Generate the hidden topic count's title attribute
    428                         $topic_titles[] = ! empty( $topics['pending'] )
    429                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Pending: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics['pending'] ) )
    430                                 : '';
    432                         $topic_titles[] = ! empty( $topics['private'] )
    433                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Private: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics['private'] ) )
    434                                 : '';
    436                         $topic_titles[] = ! empty( $topics['spammed'] )
    437                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Spammed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics['spammed'] ) )
    438                                 : '';
    440                         $topic_titles[] = ! empty( $topics['trashed'] )
    441                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Trashed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $topics['trashed'] ) )
    442                                 : '';
    444                         // Compile the hidden topic title
    445                         $hidden_topic_title = implode( ' | ', array_filter( $topic_titles ) );
    446                 }
     472                // Compile the hidden topic title
     473                $hidden_topic_title = implode( ' | ', array_filter( $topic_titles ) );
    447474        }
    449476        // Replies
    450477        if ( ! empty( $r['count_replies'] ) ) {
     479                // Count all replies
    452480                $all_replies = wp_count_posts( bbp_get_reply_post_type() );
    454482                // Published
    455                 $reply_count = $all_replies->publish;
     483                $reply_count = $all_replies->{$publish};
    457                 if ( current_user_can( 'read_private_replies' ) || current_user_can( 'edit_others_replies' ) || current_user_can( 'view_trash' ) ) {
     485                // Declare empty arrays
     486                $topics = $topic_titles = array_fill_keys( bbp_get_non_public_reply_statuses(), '' );
    459                         // Declare empty arrays
    460                         $replies = $reply_titles = array();
     488                // Pending
     489                if ( ! empty( $r['count_pending_replies'] ) && ! empty( $caps['edit_others_replies'] ) ) {
     490                        $replies[ $pending ]      = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_replies->{$pending} );
     491                        $reply_titles[ $pending ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Pending: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies[ $pending ] ) );
     492                }
    462                         // Pending
    463                         $replies['pending'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_pending_replies'] ) && current_user_can( 'edit_others_replies' ) )
    464                                 ? (int) $all_replies->{$pending}
    465                                 : 0;
     494                // Private
     495                if ( ! empty( $r['count_private_replies'] ) && ! empty( $caps['read_private_replies'] ) ) {
     496                        $replies[ $private ]      = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_replies->{$private} );
     497                        $reply_titles[ $private ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Private: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies[ $private ] ) );
     498                }
    467                         // Private
    468                         $replies['private'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_private_replies'] ) && current_user_can( 'read_private_replies' ) )
    469                                 ? (int) $all_replies->{$private}
    470                                 : 0;
     500                // Hidden
     501                if ( ! empty( $r['count_hidden_replies'] ) && ! empty( $caps['read_hidden_replies'] ) ) {
     502                        $replies[ $hidden ]      = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_replies->{$hidden} );
     503                        $reply_titles[ $hidden ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Hidden: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies[ $hidden ] ) );
     504                }
    472                         // Spam
    473                         $replies['spammed'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_spammed_replies'] ) && current_user_can( 'edit_others_replies'  ) )
    474                                 ? (int) $all_replies->{$spam}
    475                                 : 0;
     506                // Spam
     507                if ( ! empty( $r['count_spam_replies'] ) && ! empty( $caps['edit_others_replies'] ) ) {
     508                        $replies[ $spam ]      = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_replies->{$spam} );
     509                        $reply_titles[ $spam ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Spammed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies[ $spam ] ) );
     510                }
    477                         // Trash
    478                         $replies['trashed'] = ( ! empty( $r['count_trashed_replies'] ) && current_user_can( 'view_trash' ) )
    479                                 ? (int) $all_replies->{$trash}
    480                                 : 0;
     512                // Trash
     513                if ( ! empty( $r['count_trash_replies'] ) && ! empty( $caps['view_trash'] ) ) {
     514                        $replies[ $trash ]      = bbp_number_not_negative( $all_replies->{$trash} );
     515                        $reply_titles[ $trash ] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Trashed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies[ $trash ] ) );
     516                }
    482                         // Total hidden (pending + private + spam + trash)
    483                         $reply_count_hidden = $replies['pending'] + $replies['private'] + $replies['spammed'] + $replies['trashed'];
     518                // Total hidden (pending, private, hidden, spam, trash)
     519                $reply_count_hidden = array_sum( $replies );
    485                         // Generate the hidden topic count's title attribute
    486                         $reply_titles[] = ! empty( $replies['pending'] )
    487                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Pending: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies['pending'] ) )
    488                                 : '';
    489                         $reply_titles[] = ! empty( $replies['private'] )
    490                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Private: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies['private'] ) )
    491                                 : '';
    493                         $reply_titles[] = ! empty( $replies['spammed'] )
    494                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Spammed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies['spammed'] ) )
    495                                 : '';
    497                         $reply_titles[] = ! empty( $replies['trashed'] )
    498                                 ? sprintf( esc_html__( 'Trashed: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_number_format_i18n( $replies['trashed'] ) )
    499                                 : '';
    501                         // Compile the hidden replies title
    502                         $hidden_reply_title = implode( ' | ', array_filter( $reply_titles ) );
    503                 }
     521                // Compile the hidden replies title
     522                $hidden_reply_title = implode( ' | ', $reply_titles );
    504523        }
    506525        // Topic Tags
    507526        if ( ! empty( $r['count_tags'] ) && bbp_allow_topic_tags() ) {
     528                // Get the topic-tag taxonomy ID
     529                $tt_id = bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id();
    509531                // Get the count
    510                 $topic_tag_count = wp_count_terms( bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), array( 'hide_empty' => true ) );
     532                $topic_tag_count = wp_count_terms( $tt_id, array( 'hide_empty' => true ) );
    512534                // Empty tags
    513                 if ( ! empty( $r['count_empty_tags'] ) && current_user_can( 'edit_topic_tags' ) ) {
    514                         $empty_topic_tag_count = wp_count_terms( bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id() ) - $topic_tag_count;
     535                if ( ! empty( $r['count_empty_tags'] ) && ! empty( 'edit_topic_tags' ) ) {
     536                        $empty_topic_tag_count = wp_count_terms( $tt_id ) - $topic_tag_count;
    515537                }
    516538        }
    518540        // Tally the tallies
    519         $counts = array_filter( array_map( 'absint', compact(
     541        $counts = array_map( 'absint', compact(
    520542                'user_count',
    521543                'forum_count',
    522544                'topic_count',
    525547                'reply_count_hidden',
    526548                'topic_tag_count',
    527549                'empty_topic_tag_count'
    528         ) ) );
     550        ) );
    530552        // Define return value
    531553        $statistics = array();
    533         // Loop through and store the integer and i18n formatted counts.
     555        // Loop through and store the integer and i18n formatted counts
    534556        foreach ( $counts as $key => $count ) {
    535                 $statistics[ $key ]         = bbp_number_format_i18n( $count );
    536                 $statistics[ "{$key}_int" ] = $count;
     557                $not_negative               = bbp_number_not_negative( $count );
     558                $statistics[ $key ]         = bbp_number_format_i18n( $not_negative );
     559                $statistics[ "{$key}_int" ] = $not_negative;
    537560        }
    539         // Add the hidden (topic/reply) count title attribute strings because we
    540         // don't need to run the math functions on these (see above)
     562        // Add the hidden (topic/reply) count title attribute strings
    541563        $statistics['hidden_topic_title'] = $hidden_topic_title;
    542564        $statistics['hidden_reply_title'] = $hidden_reply_title;
  • src/templates/default/bbpress/content-statistics.php

    1313// Get the statistics
    1414$stats = bbp_get_statistics(); ?>
    16 <dl role="main">
     16<dl role="main" class="bbp-stats">
    1818        <?php do_action( 'bbp_before_statistics' ); ?>