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Ticket #2587: 2587.diff

File 2587.diff, 842 bytes (added by netweb, 11 years ago)
  • src/includes/admin/topics.php

    329329                        }
    330330                }
     332                /** Move Topic ********************************************************/
     334                // If the new forum id is not equal to the old forum id, run the
     335                // bbp_move_topic action and pass the topic's forum id as the
     336                // first arg and topic id as the second to update counts.
     337                if ( $forum_id !== $topic->post_parent ) {
     338                        bbp_move_topic_handler( $topic_id, $topic->post_parent, $forum_id );
     339                }
    332341                // Allow other fun things to happen
    333342                do_action( 'bbp_topic_attributes_metabox_save', $topic_id, $forum_id       );
    334343                do_action( 'bbp_author_metabox_save',           $topic_id, $anonymous_data );