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Ticket #2037: 2037.diff

File 2037.diff, 5.5 KB (added by pareshradadiya, 10 years ago)

Missing item added in contextual help of forum settings

  • src/includes/admin/settings.php

    15561556                'content' => '<p>' . __( 'In the Main Settings you have a number of options:', 'bbpress' ) . '</p>' .
    15571557                                         '<p>' .
    15581558                                                '<ul>' .
    1559                                                         '<li>' . __( 'You can choose to lock a post after a certain number of minutes. "Locking post editing" will prevent the author from editing some amount of time after saving a post.',              'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1560                                                         '<li>' . __( '"Throttle time" is the amount of time required between posts from a single author. The higher the throttle time, the longer a user will need to wait between posting to the forum.', 'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1561                                                         '<li>' . __( 'Favorites are a way for users to save and later return to topics they favor. This is enabled by default.',                                                                           'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1562                                                         '<li>' . __( 'Subscriptions allow users to subscribe for notifications to topics that interest them. This is enabled by default.',                                                                 'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1563                                                         '<li>' . __( 'Topic-Tags allow users to filter topics between forums. This is enabled by default.',                                                                                                'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1564                                                         '<li>' . __( '"Anonymous Posting" allows guest users who do not have accounts on your site to both create topics as well as replies.',                                                             'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1565                                                         '<li>' . __( 'The Fancy Editor brings the luxury of the Visual editor and HTML editor from the traditional WordPress dashboard into your theme.',                                                  'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    1566                                                         '<li>' . __( 'Auto-embed will embed the media content from a URL directly into the replies. For example: links to Flickr and YouTube.',                                                            'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1559                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Disallow editing after</strong> set to the time (in number of minutes) to limit post editing. Once the time limit has been reached the forum post no longer be available for editing to forum participants',              'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1560                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Throttle posting every</strong> is the amount of time required between posts from a single author. The higher the throttle time, the longer a user will need to wait between posting to the forum.', 'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1561                                    '<li>' . __( '<strong>Anonymous Posting</strong> allows guest users who do not have accounts on your site to both create topics as well as replies.',                                                             'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1562                                    '<li>' . __( '<strong>Auto role</strong> is the default role for bbPress forum members to be assigned, the roles are Keymaster, Moderator, Participant (Default), Spectator and Blocked. ',                                                                           'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1563                                    '<li>' . __( '<strong>Revisions</strong> enable wordpress revision for bbPress topics and replies. WordPress stores a new version of posts each time a draft is saved or a post is edited and republished.',                                                                           'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1564                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Favorites</strong> are a way for users to save and later return to topics they favor. This is enabled by default.',                                                                           'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1565                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Subscriptions</strong> allow users to subscribe for notifications to topics that interest them. This is enabled by default.',                                                                 'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1566                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Topic-Tags</strong> allow users to filter topics between forums. This is enabled by default.',                                                                                                'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1567                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Search</strong> enable forum wide search allowing users to search for forums, topics and replies within your forum.',                                                                                                'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1568                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Post Formatting</strong> brings the luxury of the Visual editor and HTML editor from the traditional WordPress dashboard into your theme.',                                                  'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1569                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Auto-embed links</strong> will embed the media content from a URL directly into the replies. For example: links to Flickr and YouTube.',                                                            'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
     1570                                                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Reply Threading</strong> allow your users to reply to specific replies, providing context to the discussion in a ‘threaded’ view. This will also remove topic pagination so the topic and all replies will only be a single page.',                                                            'bbpress' ) . '</li>' .
    15671571                                                '</ul>' .
    15681572                                        '</p>' .
    15691573                                        '<p>' . __( 'You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new settings to take effect.', 'bbpress' ) . '</p>'